〈 plotlines。〉

〈 valentine's love: love's miracle。〉— apply open again!
valentine's love
- plotlines -

"I want to devote this day entirely to you."

valentine's day '14 is the third anniversary of this couple. the magic of valentine's day has brought the two of them closer - if that's even possible. but will the after effect tear them apart?

-they've been dating for three years
-they are childhood friends

status- taken

"i miss you, please come back."

the two of them recently broke up. why? because he fell for another woman. after praying and praying for hours and hours, her wish is granted. the day of valentine's day he returns to her, sorry and hopeful. but will things last?

-they've dated for only four months before breaking up

status- available
 he's back

"it's been too long, why did you leave?"

after starting their relationship, he suddenly left to go to America for studies. they've kept the long distance relationship, but things started to get hard. suddenly, the morning of February 14, he appears in front of her again.

-they crushed on each other since elementary school before he finally asked her out

status- available

"yah, pabo, i already know your feelings."

he's liked her since god knows when. she's liked him, too. neither of them ever admitted their feelings to each other. but this one special day, they finally let out the truth. but question is, will this couple work out their differences?

-he's a nerd and she's popular
-she just broke up with her ex the day before 

status- available

"he's stupid. i hate him. he's pretty hot."

this love-hate relationship they share. she hates. but she loves him. he hates her. he loves her. on this one day, they decide to agree on one day of purely loving each other. will they go back to hate?

-he's a senior and she's a sophomore
-he's a bad boy type of guy and she's the strong headed, sarcastic girl

status- available
 your own love story

"i love you."

want to make up your own love story? then this is the plotline for you!


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ilabya3 #1
Chapter 12: GET WELL SOON OMG take care!!!!!!!
Chapter 12: hope you feel better and recover quickly!
n _ n we'll wait patiently for your recovery!
Chapter 12: I hope you feel better soon! Do remind your mother and visit the doctor regularly as well!
And I have a suggestion. White's day is a month after valentine's day, you could combine two festivals in one ^^
Like, valentine's day could be their confessing day and white's day would be their monthly anniversary
Chapter 12: Aww ;n; I hope you feel better soon!!!
Don't over exert yourself or anything!!
Just focus on getting better as your health should be your main priority, always
We will all wait patiently for you to return ^_^
Chapter 12: hope you'll feel better soon!!
and don't worry about the story
i'll still be here when you come back :)
hey! i've edited a little of hanyoung's friends occupation and their relationship, i hope it's okay with you :)
asdfghjkl can't wait for the story! :3 good luck author-nim~
wuhu good luck w the story!!! can't wait to see it start ∩__∩
Chapter 11: omg omg omg ;n; cloooooosed!
can't wait to see the revealed charas >.<
i wish luck to everyone ^_^
and good luck with the story, author-nim!
even if i'm not chosen, i wish you all the luck with this awesome fic ;u;
happy valentine's day to youuuu tooooooo~~~~~~~ ;3 <3 <3 <3