Photographed Love

Photographed Love - Hoya

The bright light of the morning bled through your blinds as it made lines of light against your comforter on your bed. The blaring of your alarm woke you up from your sleep as you rolled over and your hand slapped the clock turning off the alarm as you fell right back to sleep. A few minutes later, your cell phone rang as you rolled over, grabbing the phone you pulled it into your bed as you answered it.

"Jagiya, wake up." Hoya sang across the phone as you moaned and rolled over.

"I don’t want to get out of bed." You mumbled against the phone as you heard your front door open.

"Come on, we get to be together all day today." Hoya said as he entered your place and slipped off his shoes.

"I just want to sleep." You closed your eyes and nuzzled back into your warm covers as Hoya walked down the hall and opened your door.

"It’s Valentine’s Day, yeobo." Hoya smiled he saw you still in your bed.

"I know." You mumbled as you began to breathe heavily again and fall back asleep. Hoya smirked as he bit his lip and walked over to the side of your bed. Pulling the phone from your ear, you turned over as Hoya watched his beautiful girlfriend as you laid there fast asleep. His hand gently pushed your hair behind your ear as he leaned over and kissed your cheek.

"Wake up, I have to tell you something." He whispered as you sighed and opened your eyes as they met with his close chocolate eyes looking at yours.

"W-What do you have to tell me?" Hoya backed away as you rubbed your eyes.

"We have a photo shoot today." Hoya beamed as the devilishly good smile appeared on his face.

"Don’t you mean that you have one and you just want me to be there?" You asked with a smile as Hoya shook his head biting his pink lip.

"Couples Magazine wants you and me to do a special photo shoot for Valentine’s day. They want to put us in as the Cutest Couple." Hoya couldn’t stop smiling as you sat up and looked at him with wide eyes.

"I-I can’t. I’m not pretty enough." You said as Hoya just smirked and fiddled with his fingers as he shook his head before he looked back at you with a smoldering look in his eyes.

"You are so beautiful to me." He said with his whole heart as he leaned closed to you and kissed your forehead. Your cheeks felt hot as blush settled in and he patted your leg before getting up and going to your closet to pick out a purple t shirt and your jeans.

"Go shower, I will be in the living room." He smirked at you as you watched him leave and throw the clothes he chose for you on the bed as you went to go shower.

With your hair wet and the clothes that he picked out was on you, you walked out as he turned his head and looked at you as he melted on the inside. Standing up, he handed you his coat as he slipped on his shoes and both of you were headed off to the photo shoot.

Hoya lead you down the hall as the doors looked back at you and haunted you as you got closer to them. Sliding your hand through Hoya’s he turned and looked at you as your eyes were red.

"Is everything ok, baby?" He asked as he held you hand tightly as his other hand rubbed your cheek softly.

"I’m scared, I don’t know how to act and I can’t do this I am really nervous and I will probably mess up and you won’t like me any-" His body pressed against yours as his arms were tightly around you.

"I love you for you. I think you are beautiful no matter what you wear. You will be a natural and I will be right with you, ok?" He said as you nodded against his shoulder. Pulling away he pressed his lips on yours as his lips moved slowly against yours as he then pulled away. With a smile now mounted on your face, he wrapped his arm around your waist as both of you walked towards the door.

People bustled around as the set was being perfected and the lighting and cameras were being set up.

"Remember to be yourself." Hoya whispered in your ear as you nodded, the head of the magazine came over.

"Glad to see you both here, I’m Mr. Sung, the head of the magazine. Now we just want to capture you two in some outfits and things, so please work with our staff and if we get everything done." Mr. Sung said as you nodded with Hoya. His arm fell from your waist as a coodi noona came over and took you to get your wardrobe changed.

Slipping into a red satin sweetheart neck lined dress, they moved you to do your hair as they pulled it to one side as a waterfall braid was put in your hair, red sparkles were accented in your hair as you slipped on some red stilettos. Once you were finished you were lead to the set as Hoya stood there in awe in his black long sleeved shirt and his black leather pants. He smiled as he held his hand out for you. Trotting up to his side, you heard the camera’s flash as you looked right at them with your big eyes.

Hoya’s hand gently brought your eyes back to his as his eyes conversed with yours silently. Looking down softly, you wrapped your arms around his neck as he held you close. Your foot gently lifted as the camera’s shot more pictures.

"Dance with her." Mr. Sung called out as Hoya did just that, making you smile and laugh he spun you around as it looked like a fairy tale, bringing you into a dip he looked at you as the camera’s flashed. Then he pressed his lips on yours as you smiled into his kiss. Mr. Sung clapped happily as Hoya brought you back upright.

"Change!" He called as Hoya and you went your own ways to dress again. This time they changed you into a cute red t shirt and some tight fitting white shorts and some red converse as they put your hair up into a ponytail wrapped around with a red and white bandana.

Getting to the scene first you played with a red rose that they gave you as you looked around as they snapped some beautiful pictures of you. Hoya, dressed in a short sleeved white button up with light blue jeans,  smiled as he wrapped his arms around your waist and the camera’s went crazy, you giggled in his arms as he made you act like yourself and it showed. He spun you around as you lifted your feet as both of you laughed. Setting you back down, you handed the flower to him as he smiled and began dancing, you laughed honestly and danced with him too as he pulled you in for a hug, you kissed his cheek as he smiled and held you tightly.

"Change!" Mr. Sung called as you went back and chose your next outfit, one with some slitted jeans and a black tank top and an edgy white hat. With your white high tops you let your hair fall as Hoya came out with a black tank top almost matching yours.

With more and more pictures taken, some hugging, some kissing, some laughing and playing around. Everything was perfect, all of your nervousness melted away and you were just yourself, you saw Hoya be himself and that made you fall for him more.

Still in your outfit, Hoya knelt down and presented you with a box, opening it up, he looked down at the ring that was inside.

"I know I haven’t gotten you a couple ring, but I would like you present you with one now." He lifted your hand as he gently slid the ring on your finger, as you took his and slid it on his. The camera’s flashed out of control as they captured the moment.

Once all of the camera’s were full with pictures, the crew clapped and wished you both luck as Hoya held you hand and bowed thanking the crew for all of their hard work. Both of you split and changed back into your normal attire.

You walked aimlessly around the set as you just smiled at the perfect day. Hoya wrapped his arms around you as he kissed your cheek.

"Hey beautiful." He smirked in your ear as you laughed. "You did great today, see nothing to be afraid of." You turned around in his arms as you played with his loose shirt.

"Not when you are by my side." You smiled at him and hugged him tightly as he pet your hair. Mr. Sung came over and Hoya let go of you as you turned and looked at the man in the suit.

"Good photo shoot today. I wanted to thank you both in some way and it being Valentine’s Day, I couldn’t help but think of anything better of giving you both all the pictures that we took today and for you two to have the rest of the day off together." Mr. Sung said as he handed you both a flash drive and Hoya a dozen of red roses.

"Can I be your Valentine?" Hoya asked as he held the flowers against his chest as you giggled and smiled, nodding your head, you swung your hands between the two of you as he kissed your cheek as he waved to everyone as both of you left hand in hand.

The click of the door closing behind you sounded perfect as you rested your head on his shoulder. Walking through the darkened hallway, he moved his thumb on the back of your hand as you smiled. Being happy about everything that happened today, you could only wish that the next photo shoot that you would be featured in would be your wedding with Hoya. A girl can dream can’t she?

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Chapter 1: I love u authornim..please update about hoya everyday..huhu
Chapter 1: Hoya so sweet~
awww sweet
Chapter 1: Hoya you're so sweet~
Chapter 1: That was so sweet~ <3
Chapter 1: Hoya feelsss. This was adorable! :) I feel all warm and fluffy, even though it's all the cold ever here. Brrrr. I can't wait for your other stories. <3