I think I ...

I think I ...


In this very busy world, I unknowingly found myself caught up in this very vague scenario.

As I stand in a corner of a bus stop I take the time to feel the soft breeze gently brushing through my cheeks, as if it understands how I feel and it's trying to make me feel better.

It caresses my long soft brown hair. Blowing it through my back together with my tear.

I was alone on that isolated station, waiting. Maybe, for a bus to pick me up. When it's clear that no one will ever come.

"Hide ye not in a teapot
For you may be poured with water, boiling hot"

I recall the last line from the recent book I've read. It is somehow true.

For my entire life, hiding and not being given with much attention by the people around me, was never a burden to me. 

Them not noticing me had never bothered me.

Being on my own solitary world was a bliss.

Contentment was there.

Not until. I glance and met his stare.

He broke it. My cage. 

Everyday goes on with me twitching my head a hundred and eighty degrees.

Now, I get it. I'm burned. 

He poured over some hot water.

That melted the hell out of me.

I was so carried away by that thing called emotion. 

I've swim farther out of merriment.

Not knowing I'd end up seeing myself drowning.

On that trick of the light, called love.

That four-letter word is shining so bright in front of me.

It blazed my eyes making me go blind.

Then, I've gone clueless.

Everything was so dark.

Because of my blinded vision.

Darkened more by that shadow that was casted on me from the light whom I've adored.


"I think I like you."

Five words sounds so fascinating.

However. Those first two words.

Could bring you down to the deepest pits of hell.

"My head keeps turning
And my heart feels burning."

It says it all.

I turn my head around. 

Away from the precious sight of you.

Owing to the fact that you've never been mine.

Because it will only burn that organ inside my body that's deligently pumping blood to keep me alive.

Then leave a scar.

A scar of the painful thought. 

I think I... like you.





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