1st Cup

The Café Girl

* bell rings *


"The essay is due next Wednesday. Have a nice weekend everyone!" said Mr. Shin.

Everyone cheered and thanked the teacher for not giving them such a load of work over the weekend. All the girls checked their phones as they left the classroom, and the boys practically ran out of the building. It seems like everyone has busy plans for the weekend.

You were too busy working through the draft of your essay when the bell rang, so you weren't ready to leave like everyone else who had their desks already cleared. At least I don't have that much writing to do this weekend, you thought. You were last to leave, so you slung your bag over your shoulder and hurried out of the room, trying not to be late for work.

You jumped back in surprise when a tall figure blocked the doorway.

"Last to leave again? How is this world ever going to function if all the great hardworking little people are always late?" chuckled the boy leaning against the doorway.

"Shut up, Kris. Just because you're tall doesn't mean everyone who's shorter than you is a midget. And if I do end up being late to work, it's only because a giant troll was blocking my way." You tried to push past him, but he was determined to not let you pass.

"What are you mad at me for? I didn't do anything wrong!"

"You were the reason I was late yesterday! I don't want to be late again today!"

"Oh, that's all?" Kris chuckled, "Well then, I'll give you a lift." He gave you his cool-guy smirk.

"You better not make me late again! Let's go." He let you pass and you started off at a quick pace, not waiting for him to catch up.

"Yah! Somi-ah! I told you we're driving there, so slow down!" He jogged a bit to catch up with you, but it didn't take much effort for him since he has long legs. He put both hands in his pockets and continued walking next to you.

Normally, you would've earned stares (and probably some glares) right now, but since most of the school was already gone, you had nothing to worry about. Kris and his friends were the most popular and handsomest guys at school, and all the girls love them. Except for you. You did love them, but only as best friends. Thanks to lazy 7th grader Kris, and that huge science fair project, you and his friends have been hanging out ever since. Even though Kris refuses to admit it, you're smarter than him. Now that you both are upperclassmen in high school, he's catching up to you in the rankings a bit.

"So, what do you want to do this weekend?" Kris asked in a tone where you couldn't tell if he was curious or bored out his mind.

"No one's around, so you don't have to act oh-so-cool for your fanclub!" you laughed as you saw the seriousness ease off his face. For some reason, you found his "charisma" hilarious. "And I'm working this weekend. Why don't you just hang out with the guys?"

Kris sighed, "Because we haven't hung out in ages! And the guys miss you too! That job of yours has taken up a whole lot of your time recently. Why do you even need to work?"

Kris was right, you didn't need to work. Your parents make enough money and you had everything you needed, but working makes you feel more valuable and proud when you get your earnings every couple of weeks. You shrugged, "It's just fun working there."

Thankfully the parking lot wasn't so busy, so you got to avoid his fangirls. There was a couple of envelopes on his windshield though. You grabbed them and examined all the hearts and wondered if there were even more inside of them.

"Awww! These are so cute!"

Kris snatched the envelopes from you, "Yeah some of them are, but they can get a really creepy." He went inside his car and threw the envelopes to the back seat with his backpack. Pffft. He sure does enjoy the attention. You got in the car too, and gasped at the clock when he the engine.

"What?" he asked alerted.

"I'm going to be late! I only have ten minutes! Hurry!"

"Just ask your boss if you could start a bit later. It is just a school day afterall." he said as he pulled out of the campus.

"Maybe another day..." You sighed. Fridays were always the busiest.

"It's just a coffee shop! How busy could it be?"

"Very busy, especially since the weather is getting colder. Do you wanna stop by for a while and see?"

"No thanks. You know I don't like small crowded places."

"It isn't that small... How about you come by later? There's hardly anyone when we close, and we can hang out afterwards and grab a bite to eat."

"Really?" Kris smiled, "Sure! I'll come by at 6:30pm then." You smiled too. It was nice knowing that you were going to hang out with your best friend again.

You arrived at work with 2 minutes to spare. It wasn't too far from the school, and you couldn’t be happier that you didn’t catch the usual traffic.

"We're here! See? I told you that you're not gonna be late! See you in a bit, Somi-ah."

You wasted no time and grabbed your backpack as you jumped out of his car. "Thanks, Kris! I'll see ya later!" You waved behind you as you ran towards the back entrance of the café. Kris watched you leave and pulled back onto the road looking for a place near by to eat with you later.




Hi everyone and anyone! ^^ This is offically the first chapter of my first story~ Woohoo~! 

I'm sorry for you all who were expecting Luhan in this first chapter, but don't worry he's coming~ ;)

And sorry if this chapter seems a bit short... this was just a short intro to two of your leads~

I'd love to hear from you, so please leave a comment! ^^

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Chapter 1: So far so good! Keep up the good work bring LuLu soon!