In which Ji Hye's luck hasn't run out after all


Ji Hye’s not late, but she’s about to be. At the moment, she’s too tired to care. It’s not like Sehun won’t be late anyway.

She exits her lecture at a leisurely pace, hiding a yawn behind her hand as she mumbles a goodbye to Hongbin. She’s tired after a late shift at The Pizzeria, followed by two lectures (one starting at the extremely ungodly hour of seven in the morning) and now she has to take a bus to a Subway in a nice part of town that isn’t too far from where she currently lives.

She hates Sehun for picking horrible times. She swears he has the worst timing in the history of timings. Ever.

She wonders why she’s friends with him. Often. Maybe it’s not too late to dissolve their friendship…?

It’s been relatively cold recently – why did autumn decide to come early? – and Ji Hye huddles into her coat as she waits for her bus. The bus stop is relatively empty, most people at the university either having plans that don’t involve a bus or own cars. She grumbles under her breath, lamenting the loss of a nap before she finally cracks down on the essay she has to finish by Thursday – four days away. It’d better be worth the trip.

She’s scrolling through her iPod and is just about to plug in her earphones when she hears a shout of “Hey, you with the blue beanie!”

Ji Hye blinks, briefly flicking her eyes around the bus stop for anyone else wearing a beanie of a similar colour to hers before turning around slowly, mind flying fast to wonder who she’s managed to piss off unknowingly; it wouldn’t be the first time though. The face isn’t as unfamiliar as she expected and she has a flashback of pain exploding in her abdomen and a worried expression.

“Hey, you’re the Bicycle Dude,” Ji Hye blurts out, her brain to mouth filter malfunctioning like Chanyeol's face at the shock. She knew he looked familiar when he ran her over.

Bicycle Dude lets out a laugh, hand rising to rub the back of his head. “Actually, my name is Niel,” he says, smiling sheepishly. “I think we’ve had the same advance lit class for the past semester?”

The name rings a bell; she thinks that Hongbin might have mentioned it once or twice, mostly while she’s still half-asleep. “Oh, yeah,” she replies, sending him a small smile. “Right. I’m Ji Hye.”

“Are you okay?” Niel asks suddenly. “I mean, after I knocked you over and stuff.”

Ji Hye laughs lightly, waving a hand dismissively. “I’m fine,” she assures him. “I usually get knocked over a lot.”

“How about I make it up to you?” he suggests and Ji Hye has a feeling his random approach isn’t just to apologise and check on her wellbeing.

“Yeah?” she says, the smile on her lips turning the slightest bit flirtatious as she tilts her head in curiosity. “How are you going to do that?”

His grin widens and his eyes glint. “Well, I was thinking I could take you out for coffee, maybe even dinner…?”

She really wants to take him up on his offer, but then her phone buzzes and she’s reminded that she already has plans for the rest of the evening. “I can’t,” she replies regretfully and she can see Niel deflate. “I kind of already have plans.”

“Oh.” There’s so much disappointment in his words that echoes in Ji Hye’s head because she’s just as disappointed too. “Boyfriend?”

Ji Hye thinks that maybe she’s been working too much and spending unhealthy amounts of time goofing off with Chanyeol when an unattractive peal of laughter escapes . It’s just that boyfriend and Sehun should never be put in the same sentence ever. It sounds ridiculous no matter how it’s worded.

“Sorry,” she snorts out. “No. No boyfriend. I have a thing with a friend and it can’t be helped.” Her phone buzzes again with what she doesn’t doubt is an angry text from Sehun because, would you look at that? She’s late. “Um, rain check?”

She really hopes he says yes. Niel is very attractive and sweet, if worrying about her wellbeing is any indication. She also hasn’t gone on a date in forever – not since she dated Daehyun in her last year of high school, really – and it feels nice to know it’s not impossible to get dates.

His grin doesn’t look so dull anymore. In fact, it’s very cute and Ji Hye feels a blush rising in her cheeks. She’s glad she can blame it on the cool autumn air. “Call,” he agrees before holding out his hand. “Phone.”

“Why?” Ji Hye asks, raising an eyebrow.

“You kind of need my number so we can reschedule.”

She hands over her phone without protest and he dials in his number, calling his own cell. Their fingers brush as he passes her phone back and Ji Hye almost giggles. It’s been a while since she’s done this and it makes her feel sort of fluttery. It’s almost like being in high school all over again.

“I’ll be waiting for your call then,” Ji Hye says, smiling up at him again. Another text lights up the screen of her phone and she sees a lot of angry emoticons from Sehun. Oh well. She chooses to ignore it, but Oh Sehun is an impatient piece of and actually calls.

Has she ever mentioned Sehun has a bad sense of timing?

“Goddammit, Sehun,” she mutters under her breath as Katy Perry belts out I Kissed A Girl, Sehun’s personal ringtone.

Niel chuckles, amusement written across his face. “I think that’s your cue to leave.”

“Um, see you around,” Ji Hye replies lamely, mentally smacking herself in the face. Hello, they share the same class. Of course she’s going to see him again.

It’s at that moment that her bus makes an appearance (which is possibly its fifth appearance in the time she’s been attempting to flirt with Bicycle Dude, Niel) and she lets out an inaudible sigh. She grins at him one last time, actually waving like some giggly preteen as she boards the bus. Miraculously, he doesn’t think she’s a weirdo and waves back, grinning so cutely that Ji Hye thinks she might have gone to heaven for a brief moment. So maybe she’s a little enamoured.

She daydreams about Niel (wait, she doesn’t have his last name) for a minute before she almost bangs her face into a pole when the bus jolts. At that same moment, her phone warbles out I Kissed A Girl and even before she picks up the phone, she knows he’s angry.

She contemplates not answering, but that would just make a fit erupt later and Ji Hye would rather like her ear drums intact when she meets with Sehun’s friend (whose name she doesn’t know and she should probably fix her habit of not getting names). Regretfully, she slides the green button to the left, watching as Sehun’s contact photo enlarges and there’s an explosion of sound. She’s glad she hadn’t put her phone to her ear because she’s pretty sure she would have gone deaf.

Song Ji Hye,” she hears Sehun screech even from the very safe distance. “Where the are you? You’re late!!!

Ji Hye winces, a mother next to her sending her a glare as she plants her hands over her child’s ears. Thank you, Sehun, for making her a pariah. It’s not like she’s the one swearing (yet).

“Calm your , Sehunnie,” she grumbles, taking great delight in the way he sputters in indignation at the nickname he never approved of her using. “I’m in the bus, so I’ll be there in fifteen minutes. Don’t be so uptight about punctuality all the time. Jesus.” Cue glare from the mother next to her. Ji Hye belatedly notices the cross hanging from her neck and realises she just pissed off a devout Christian. Or Catholic. Something like that.

You’re supposed to be here,” Sehun whines. “We’re even fifteen minutes late.

“When have I ever been fifteen minutes late?” Ji Hye shoots back. It’s true; she’s either five minutes early or half an hour late. There is simply no in between. Frankly, she rather likes swinging between the two extremes.

Just get your here before I chew it off.


Ji Hye doesn’t think she’s ever heard such an exasperated groan before as she hears Sehun attempt to hang up angrily (and failing miserably when he misses the button twelve times).


It’s not that difficult to find Sehun, seeing as Sehun’s pink hair stands out like a beacon. She’s glad his friend went for the more subdued auburn, which isn’t an eyesore. Maybe she won’t mind rooming with him.

“You’re late,” Sehun accuses with arms crossed and glare heavy on his face when she drops into the seat next to him.

Ji Hye wrinkles her nose and pokes at the frown marring his forehead. “Don’t frown,” she chides. “You’ll get wrinkles and you’ll be uglier than you already are.”

“I like her,” Sehun’s friend pipes up as Sehun scowls and knocks the side of her head.

“I don’t think we’ve been introduced,” Ji Hye says, turning to Sehun’s friend and smiling as she holds out her hand. “Song Ji Hye.”

“Kim Jongin,” Sehun’s friend answers, an easy grin on his face. Ji Hye mentally takes a step back because wow. Jongin is a fine specimen of the male species – tanned skin, toned arms and an exceedingly handsome face – and it’s a shame he bats for the other team. That being said, Ji Hye highly doubts she would have a chance if he was straight because her thought processes around cute, available guys grind to a stop and she’s about as smart as Jongup is around Chris Brown.

She reclaims her hand after a firm shake to smack it into Sehun’s chest. “You’re a horrible friend,” she declares. “You don’t even do the introductions properly.”

Sehun retaliates by kicking her ankle. Hard. “You’re abusive.”

“Takes one to know one.”

Sehun huffs, looking every bit the brat he is. “Jongin, Ji Hye. Ji Hye, Jongin. See? I’m a wonderful friend.”

“No, you’re not,” Ji Hye and Jongin reply in unison. Ji Hye grins at him, liking him more already. “I like you,” she announces.

“Glad to see the both of you are getting along so well at my expense,” Sehun says flatly, dragging Ji Hye out of her seat. “Come on, if you’re going to move in, you should at least see the place you’re going to live in.”

Ji Hye doesn’t appreciate being manhandled, but Sehun is right. Although she greatly doubts Jongin would live in a place as bad as hers.

“I haven’t had lunch,” she protests, eyeing the wrappers on the table with a pout. Her stomach rumbles in protest and she’s not ashamed to take advantage of Sehun’s bountiful allowance. She’s a poor college student who sick of eating instant ramyun and cup noodles. It’s not like buying her one meal (or even ten) would cause a big hole in Sehun’s very, very deep pockets anyway.

Sehun smacks the back of her head. “I bet you’re only friends with me for my money,” he sniffs. Ji Hye greatly hopes Sehun doesn’t really think that because she doesn’t know how to dissuade him otherwise. She doesn’t just like him for his money; sometimes he’s good for things like making Ji Hye feel smarter just by being in the room.

“Of course not,” she disagrees. However, there’s the slightest twist of sarcasm as she adds, “It’s your sparkling personality that motivates me to continue our friendship.”

Sehun actually smiles – a thin-lipped smile that promises torture. Ji Hye panics for the split second she has before Sehun pinches her nose hard, shaking her head as she struggles for air.

“Your sarcasm makes me question why I’m still friends with you,” he coos back, squeezing her nose hard before releasing her. “Brat.”

“That’s rich coming from you,” she replies, rubbing her nose.

“I will pinch you again in your very sensitive sides.”

“Oh look, we’re here!” Jongin interrupts, stepping between them before Ji Hye can hit Sehun. He looks between the two friends with a concerned frown on his lips. “Is this going to be a regular thing with you two?”

They share a look. “Without a doubt,” Ji Hye confirms, reaching around Jongin to tweak Sehun’s ear. She grins when he lets out a girlish shriek.

Jongin's smile might be a little strained, but it’s definitely a lot amused. “Sounds like fun.”

Sehun’s phone rings and he frowns. It’s not a ringtone that Ji Hye recognises, so it must be from a person she doesn’t know. She eyes him curiously as he steps away from them, far enough away that they can’t hear his murmured replies.

“Huh,” Jongin breathes. “He’s been doing that a lot recently.”

“Has he?” Ji Hye inquires, ears pricking. “That’s… interesting. Do you know who it is?”

Jongin shrugs. “No clue. It’s curious, though.”

Ji Hye can’t disagree. She hopes it isn’t anything serious. As much as she might contemplate dissolving her friendship with Sehun, he’s still her friend and she cares.

Sehun ends the call and any speculation about Sehun’s mystery caller is put on hold. He’s still frowning, although he doesn’t look as upset anymore. More… confused. Ji Hye’s not unused to seeing the expression on his face, but she’s unused to not being the one to put it there. It actually takes quite a lot to confuse Sehun (something Ji Hye is proud she excels at) and it has to be something huge.

“Something came up, so I have to go,” Sehun says. His voice sounds a little weird, like he’s not quite there with them. “You two can handle stuff on your own, right?”

“Um.” Ji Hye would say yes – she really does quite like Jongin already – but Ji Hye is known to be horribly awkward around strangers sometimes and she had been counting on Sehun being the bratty buffer that he always serves as.

“Yeah, sure,” Jongin replies, waving him away before Ji Hye can add anything else. “Go do your thing.”

Sehun eyes them sceptically for a moment before he’s glancing down at his phone again. “Yeah, okay,” he mumbles, slipping his phone into his pocket. “Play nice.” He aims a pointed glance at Ji Hye and she’s mildly offended.

Then he’s gone and that’s when the awkwardness settles in. The air kind of turns stale and Ji Hye sarcastically congratulates herself on her ability to turn something completely neutral incredibly awkward simply by breathing.

“So,” Ji Hye coughs. “Apartment. We were going to see your apartment.”

Jongin scratches the side of his head. “Right. Um, it’s on the fourth floor. The elevator’s not really working now, so…”

Ji Hye smiles. Thank god there weren’t more stairs. “I’m not complaining.”


The apartment is really nice, if a little bit… well, empty. There are pictures, but Ji Hye has the distinct feeling that certain things have been removed. She’d almost say all character has been wiped from the apartment, but she’ll still see bits of Jongin here and there; a biology textbook lying on the couch, a couple pictures from high school hanging on the walls.

Jongin takes a quick sweep of the room, turning in a circle as he surveys it. “It’s not much,” he says, rubbing the back of his neck, “but it’s a roof over my head and it’s got hot water.”

Ji Hye snorts. “Is everyone going to make a crack about my apartment lacking hot water?” she grumbles, although the quirk of her lips shows she isn’t really annoyed.

“Probably.” She looks away from a picture of Jongin in bright yellow graduation robes to see him grinning at her. She feels some of the awkwardness dissipates and grins back.

“I like your place,” Ji Hye admits. Sure, it might feel like something’s missing, but maybe she can do something about that emptiness. It’s certainly a much better place than her current lodging and hot water. She’s had enough of showering in icy water in the middle of winter. “So, what would you ask for?”

When he names his price, Ji Hye’s eyebrows rise. It’s a lot cheaper than she expected and she wonders if he’s going easy on her.

“Something wrong?” Jongin inquires when he notices the look on her face.

“No, it’s just – you’re asking for a third of the price my landlord is asking.”

Jongin frowns. “You’re kidding. I’m asking for half the rent I’m paying now. Your landlord is ridiculous.”

“I know,” Ji Hye sighs. She surveys the apartment once more and smiles. She has a good feeling about this place. She turns to Jongin, tilting her head in curiosity. “So, I like you enough to not mind living with you. What do you say? Roommates?”

She holds out a hand. He looks at it. This is his last chance to back out. She won’t hold it against him if he decides he doesn’t want her as a roommate. You know, maybe.

His warm hand grips hers and his eyes meet hers as he smiles. “Roommates,” he repeats. “Deal.”


I fell like this chapter is fluffy without actually being fluffy. Idk anymore man.

It's two in the morning and I have to wake up in four hours. I really don't know.

But hey, Jongin! As in, Ji Hye meets Jongin. Yup. Progress.

Bet you didn't see Niel coming lol.

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