Because It's You

Because It's You


Gif not mine. Credits to owner.

"Aren't you cold?"

She rubbed her hands together, blowing hot air into them. It was the first snow of the year, yet she wasn't happy about it at all. It was cold and she was not a fan of the cold weather.

"No. Are you cold?" He asked.

"Yeah, it's freezing." She muttered, blowing on her hands continously.

Kyungsoo glanced at her for a while until he grabbed her right hand forefully and interwined it with his. He shoved their hands into his black coat and cleared his throat, "Happy?"

She gave him a smile, "Much."

Kyungsoo let out a small smile and continued to look up at the sky when she tried to catch the snowflakes on her left hand.

"Want to go inside, now?" Kyungsoo asked when she shook her head.

"I want to stay out here. The snow is so pretty." 

Kyungsoo chuckled, "One second you're complaining about the cold and now you're fascinated by the snowflakes."

"Because I'm warm now." She responded, giving him a nudge.

He cleared his throat, fanning his red self, "I'm going to go inside."

"And leave me out here alone? Isn't that dangerous for a girl? What if I get kidnapped?" She asked, crossing her arms. A pinch was felt on her cheek.

"You won't get kidnapped, I'll be right here. Besides, you know how customers get when it turns 11. They get crazy for their drinks." Kyungsoo pointed out.

"That's true." She whispered, "Okay, I'll be there in a few minutes then, let me just look at the snow. Can you save a seat and order a drink for me, please?"

Kyungsoo headed towards the door, "Hot chocolate with extra marshmallows?" 

"You know me too well." She said as she saw him disappear inside.

Sighing deeply, she looks at her right hand and a blush creeps on her cheeks. It's been the first time Kyungsoo initiated holding hands.

Kyungsoo was the type of person that seemed very blank and straightforward on the outisde when in the inside, he was very sweet and child-like.

She wondered how she even fell for Kyungsoo's charms, yet she didn't want to question it. Besides, he was hers now anyways. 

"I'm going to pick up this call real quick."

Her thoughts were interrupted when a couple walked out of the coffee shop. The girl pushed her way towards the corner of the building having a phone in her hands while the boy stood in front of the door next to her.

His back was facing towards her and he scratched the back of his head.

The back of him was very familiar.

As he sighed, he turned around. His eyes faced her and she took a step back.

His eyes were very familiar.


"Baekhyun." She said, feeling his names slur out of .

He walked over, laughing, "Fancy meeting you here. Who would've thought we would meet at a place like this?"

She nodded, "Yeah, who would've thought."

She looked down at her shoes, fiddling with her fingers. She didn't know what to say.

"How have you been doing?" Her head rose when she heard him speak, "Are you doing well?"

"Yeah, I've been quite busy." She chuckled, "My body has been busy as I go here and there for my work. What about you?"

"Same here, it's as if there are no breaks in jobs." Baekhyun laughed. He looked up at the sky and back at her, "Have you met someone new?"

She glanced at him. His smile turned into a frown and his arms were crossed waiting for her to answer.

"Yeah, I found someone."

A sigh of relief came out of his mouth, "That's great. I'm glad you met someone new."

"And you?"

Baekhyun glanced over at the girl by the corner of the building, "Yeah, I've met someone new as well."

The girl had straight brown hair a little over her shoulders. Her bangs covered her forehead and she was smaller and much more petite than she was..

"She's cute." 

"Very." Baekhyun smiled, fiddling with his fingers. 

Baekhyun looked up at the sky and he breathed hard. The hot air was coming out of his mouth.

"The first snow of the year. Let me guess, were you complaining that it was cold again?"

She let out a small chuckle, "Yeah, like I always do."

Baekhyun put a hand in his pocket, scraping the floor with his feet, "I can tell. You always complain about the cold, yet you love the snow so much. You never change." 

She her lips, feeling a little uncomfortable about his words, "How about you? You still holding onto that hot pack inside your pocket? Acting like it's not cold when you're doing it in secret?" 

Baekhyun let out a sly smile, putting his index finger towards his lips, "Sh, she doesn't know yet." He took out the hotpack from his pockets.

Her smile slowly faded to see the dark red hotpack he was holding onto. It wasn't the light blue hotpack she had gotten him before.

"I always carry around a hotpack, you should know." He winked.

She let out a small laugh, "I guess you never changed, either."

He looked down, "Yeah." His voice trailed off as he walked closer to her. He gently brushed away the snow on her shoulder and looked at her, "You look better."

She looked up at him and gave him an assuring smile, "You too."

He took a step back glancing back at the girl, "Remember the time when we were getting drinks here and we literally stayed outside and watched the snow for two hours?"

"It was because there were no seats after 11." She pointed out.

He laughed, "Yeah, and you always got that hot chocolate with extra marshmallows and got a stomach ache few hours later."

"And you got the green tea latte and found out you were lactose intolerant, yet you always get them and join the bathroom with me." 

He laughed, "You still remember that?"

Her eyes softened, "Do you still get the green tea latte?"

"No, of course not!" He said as he sulked a little, "There's no reason to get it anymore."

She bit her lips wanting time to stop. It was as if the memories she had were slowly appearing yet, it wasn't enough for her to fully remember their happy times.

"How is your new guy?"

She shook her head, "What?"

"Your new guy? What kind of guy is he?"

She shrugged, "He's great. He seems a little hard to approach at first, but once you get to know him, he's very sweet and childish." She glanced up, "I feel like you would like him."

Baekhyun smiled, "He sounds like a great man for you. I'm glad you're happy with him. Maybe one day you can introduce me to your boyfriend." 

She nodded, "And maybe when you have the time, you can introduce me to your girlfriend."

Baekhyun scratched the back of his head, "My wife."

Her eyes widened for a second then softened, "Ah, you're married?"

"Yeah, we have two kids back home. Two daughters. 3 and 2, they're very lovely." 

She looked across the street avoiding his eyes, "I'm glad. You have a lovely family already."

"Are you thinking about marriage?" Baekhyun questioned.


"I'm not sure, it's not the right time yet." She said, "I mean, Kyungsoo and I have been dating for only a year now."

"Yeah, you need to see if he's really the one for you." Baekhyun smiled, "But by the personality of it, I'm sure he is."


Her phone began to vibrate in her hands revealing a text message from Kyungsoo.

"Listen, I need to go." She replied, looking up from her phone.

"Oh yeah, go ahead, your boyfriend might be waiting for you. I have to hurry home anyways for the kids."

She nodded, "It was nice to see you again, Baekhyun."

"You too." He looked at her gently, "Listen." He pulled out his wallet and grabbed a paper from it. Handing it gently to her, he looked at her, "Why don't you call me sometime? It'll be nice to catch up once in a while."

She nodded, taking the card from his hands, "Thanks, I'll call you sometime."

He gave her a small smile, "It was nice seeing you again, ~~~~~. I'm glad you're doing better." 

She smiled, holding the door open for her to go in, "You too. You look great and I'm glad you're a great father and a husband."

Baekhyun looked down, giving her a sad smile, "Yeah, thank you."

As Baekhyun turned around, he walked towards the girl and she hung up her phone. Kissing her gently on the lips, he put his arms around her and walks towards the street.

Sighing, she looks at the name card Baekhyun had given her when she rips it in half.

Throwing it in the trash can next to her, she gave his back a small smile.

"That is what I'm used to, Baekhyun, your back." She whispered, looking at them disappear.

"Our memories will not fade, it will be deep inside my heart and in the back of my head always." She continued, "But memories are just for memories, nothing else."

As she stepped inside the cafe and saw Kyungsoo waving towards her with a huge grin on his face, a smile played on her lips.

"Because of you I learned to love, but now it's time to let go." 

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Chapter 1: It's stories like this I have a love-hate relationship with. It's sad, which I dislike but meaningful which I seek for. Love doesn't always mean it'll end in a happily ever after but cherishing while it lasted is compulsory.

I didn't read the prequel to this, but I can see that this story is strong enough to stand alone. c:
Teenfinite896 #2
Chapter 1: author nim, THANK YOU for this oneshot!!!! <3<3<3 :D
Chapter 1: "But memories are just for memories, nothing else." Yep its true! There's no reason to create something new based on the memories. Its sad but I love this story~ good job!
SharonLau #4
Chapter 1: WHUTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT????//////SO SAD!!!!!
Lotuspassion #6
Update soon please