Journal entries

Tutor time

I slumped back into my chair and tried to cover my face as our teacher came back with our tests and he quickly looked at me with a displeased look. Be put the tests down on the podium that he used and shot me another look.

“So I have all of your guys tests and im going to start from the bottom of the scores and work my way up” the teacher stated, “Yah yah, Baek MinHwa could you not do better than this” My teacher called me out. The whole class laughed.

“That's zero Min” all my classmates laughed, “Zero strikes one more time”, “once useless always useless” they joked and laughed. I knew they didn't mean anything by it so I just let it go but it was still annoying to hear them say this. I slowly got up from my seat and made my way to the podium and got my test. I grabbed it but my teacher wouldn't let go. He gave me a fake smile, “all students who don't get higher than a C on this test will retake it!” He explained.

I swollowed and looked at my score, it read 60%. I went wide eyed and slumped my way back to my seat and my teacher gave the students back their tests. Once everyone got their tests class was dismissed and one of the students yelled, “Who got lower than a C”, no one raised their hands. “So I guess you're alone Zero Min” Young Jae laughed.

I frowned, “I guess so” I said.

“Cheer up, at least you got close this time” Jongup tried to cheer me up.

“I'll just always be Zero Min Hwa” I growned and I put my head down on my desk.

“Zero Zero Zero” Himchan called, “You're pretty and a good athlete but, you're not very smart or at least not book smart” He stated.

“Yeah yeah I get it Himchan!” I sighed.

“I'll tutor you later Min Hwa-ah don't be sad” Yongguk came over. Bang Yongguk, my best friend, childhood friend, my savor and not but not least, my first love. He never knew because he was as dense as they come so he never knew that I liked him which I'm pretty thankful for because he's been there for me since I was super little so the thought of our friendship breaking because of the fact I liked him made my heart sink more than if he just rejected me.

“ahh thanks Yongguk” I smiled sweetly.

“But seriously this test...”Yongguk said picking it up and looking at my score.

“Hey” I grabbed it and put it in my bag. “I thought you were on my side” I puffed up my cheeks.

“I am” He smiled, “but even I have to pick on you a little bit, Min-ah” He laughed. The rest of the boys laughed.

“I hate you guys” I joked.

“Sure you do” Himchan ruffled my hair and I smacked his hand away.

“Whatever” I laughed. We went through the whole day of school and then finally it was over! The place that was like another version of hell to me was over. We all walked home since we lived really close to each other.

“We'll be over in a few hours Min-ah” Young Jae called, “We need to finish our homework before we come hang out with you”.

“Got to get our work done before hanging out with ZERO” Himchan emphazied the “zero”.

“aish” I was about to hit him but Yongguk grabbed my hand.

“Come on” He said.

I lowed my fist and walked over to my house with Yongguk walking behind me, “Where do you think you're going?” I asked, “You're next door” I stated.

“I said I was going to tutor you” Yongguk smiled.

“alright alright come in. My brother will probably be excited to see you anyways” I said, “Not like he doesn't talk about you all the time” I said under my breath.

“What'd you say” Yongguk smiled.

“Nothing” I said sweetly. We walked inside and the second we came in my little brother, Zelo, came rushing to the door and smiled at Yongguk.

“Hyung!” Zelo screamed, “I never see you!” He said. The way I picture Zelo and Yongguk's relationship is a good loyal dog sitting at the door wagging it's tail waiting for it's owner to return and the owner is more than happy to give the dog attention and affection because he loves the dog just as much.

“Yah Zelo-ah, how are you? How's school? Have you been dancing a lot?” Yongguk ruffled Zelo's hair and smiled at him standing right in front of him. Zelo and Yongguk started to talk up a storm and it came to the point where I had no idea what they were saying and just tuned them out. I went to my room and started to do my homework, eventually Yongguk came up to my room, pulled a chair over and sat next to me. “You did that wrong” he pointed out, “and this” He then grabbed my homework, “And this and this you even pay attention in class” He asked surprised.

“Sorry I'm stupid” I pouted and threw down my pencil.

“We'll just start from the basics” Yongguk sighed. He turned me to look at him and I looked at him surprised. “Okay lets start” He said. He started to explain everything to me and I just soaked up all the information.

One week. Two weeks. Three weeks went by around that time I took the test retake and passed. I was so excited but Yongguk was starting to get really distant from me and I started to feel like I did something wrong when I was studying with him. One day I went over to his house and found him sitting on his porch and looking at the city lights. I jumped out and tried to scare him but he didn't seem that surprised or that amused. He just gave me an awkward smile and turned back to look at the city lights.

“Did I do something wrong” I asked standing behind him.

“No” Yongguk said blandly.

“Then why don't you talk to me anymore” I asked upset, “you've been avoiding me and not talking to me lately and it really hurts” I stated.

“Sorry I didn't mean to...I just” He said, “I just need some space” He stated.

“Did I really not do anything wrong” I asked again.

Yongguk let out a sigh, “look you didn't do anything wrong okay” He said, “I was the one that did something wrong” He said quietly.

“What could you have done wrong” I asked I put my hand on his shoulder, “Whatever happened, you know i'd forgive you if you actually did something wrong. We've known each other since we were 5. You should know me by now” I stated.

“Would you forgive me even if I said I read your journal while you weren't in your room” He asked.

My eyes widened and I tried to stay calm, “oh, is that why you're being so distant from me” I asked. He must've read that I liked him and he's probably figuring out how to reject me in the nicest way he can possibly think. “And” I said trying to fight back the tears.

“Well I just felt so stupid. I've been leading you on for so long without realizing your feeling and I've been so blind to them, and I'm just afraid that I might've done something to hurt you in the past or something” Yongguk started, “and ever since I read what your journal said, I've been trying to think about what to say to you” He said. “I'm not even sure how to put it” Yongguk let out a little laugh.

Tears were b in my eyes, “Why don't you just say it then” I said bitterly.

“Are you angry now” Yongguk turned around in his seat and looked at me surprised to see I was crying, “You're crying” He said shocked.

“I know I'm crying. I'm not that stupid” I stated, “So why don't you just say it? Say that you want to reject me and that you're sorry that you can't feel the same, that we're just...” I was cut off when Yongguk quickly got up pulled me into his arms and kissed me. My eyes went wide and tears flowed out. I was so confused. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the kiss. Yongguk pulled away.

“Don't say that we're “just friends” okay?” Yongguk said trying to smile, “you mean more to me than just a friend” He said. “Min Hwa I care about you more than you know. The reason why I wanted to tutor you was because we don't talk that much anymore and I wanted to spend time with you”. “We're not just friends, I really like you” He said. “You should be able to tell when I like someone, like you said we've known each other since we were 5. I thought you'd be able to tell that I really liked you. A lot” Yongguk stated.

“Obviously not” I laughed, “I guess we were both dense to each others feelings” I stated.

“Yeah which by the way I'm getting you back for that comment that I'm “as dense as they come. As dense as a brick wall” comment in your journal” He said.

“It's true! You would've have figured out that I liked you if you didn't read my journal” I said.

“Thats true, but I wouldn't have figured out that you've had wet dreams about me too” He whispered in my ear.

“YAH! How much did you read” I blushed and pushed myself away from Yongguk.

“Far enough. We should try to see if any of those dreams will come true. All 10 of them” He whispered in my ear and he lightly bit it. I quickly pushed myself away from him and I was blushing like crazy.

“You're still my tutor and a student shouldn't have such a relationship with her teacher” I tried to make an excuse to get myself out of the embarrassment as I walked inside his house.

“Time to get my teacher on” Yongguk said as he smirked and he walked into his house too.  


One shot complete!! I hope you all liked it. It's been awhile since I've written anything, sorry if it's super bad >.<. anyways comment, suscribe. I would love to hear from all my readers :). 

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Chapter 1: Poor her, Youngjae is so mean! Himchan also is mean~! But chukkae for both of you~ \(^0^)/
Chapter 2: I love this story!!!Can't wait for the story version!!=)
Chapter 1: Woah! I like!!
caroline_jansen #4
Chapter 1: Uwahhh.... I think this is good story
I hope author nim can make the sequel.
Thank you