

I ran through the snow, desperately searching for her. As I ran, I willed myself to morph to my other state. I slowly hunched over, my arms and legs becoming the four legs of the creature I was turning into. My hair grew longer and surrounded my whole body and my face became long and angular. I felt weak and strong at the same time. My love for her was keeping my soul alive, but would my physical state hold out? A I ran, I spotted her on the ground. My senses grew sharp and I ran towards her as fast as I could. As I skidded to a halt, I morphed back to my human state, as Kai, as Jongin the senior. My human state was too weak, however, because as soon as the words "Eunkyung!" came out of my mouth, I collapsed, becoming completely oblivious to everything, slowly falling into a black hole.


"You got the supplies right?" she said. 

"Yeah, and I got your lunch too." I replied. With a grateful half-smile, she began explaining the plans for the project. But I wasn't paying attention to anything she was saying.

She's really pretty. I thought as I inspected the way her hair fell over her eyes, and how she kept having to flip it over her ear. I smiled. Cute.

"Excuse me?" Eunkyung said, looking up at me with a surprised expression. Had I said that out loud? Dang my stupid brain!

"Uhh nothing. I just thought that the way you drew the plans was really pretty." I said, trying to act cool. She shrugged and went back to her explanation. Whew!! I thought. 

"You got all that Jongin?" she asked later as I packed up everything into my bag. I wasn't sure about anything, but all I knew was that we were getting an F on this project if I kept this going on every work session. Instead, I said I understood everything and that we shoudl work every day like this. Eunkyung gave me a strange look and shrugged, saying it wasn't a bad idea. Then she left without another word.


"Oooh! Kai's got a crush!!" said Kyungsoo, my roommate. "What does she look like? Is she pretty? Are you going t-" 

"Ya!" I yelled. "I never said I liked her, I only said that she was pretty!" Kyungsoo gave me a is there a difference? look and shrugged.

Later in the practice rooms, I had my favorite tune when I suddenly felt very faint. Strange,I thought that I was completely adapted to earth...I paused the music and sat down on the bench, leaning my head on the wall behind it. Then, I closed my eyes and brought up the image of Eunkyung; she was so beautiful. Only if I was who she knew me as, an average senior that is failing his last semester in high school and any person that you could meet in Seoul, only that wasn't the case becuase I knew that no matter how much she could like me back, I could never be able to reach her becuase of the differences between us; I'm a wolf and she's just a girl.

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Nice story & i'm looking forward from you! Keep up - Yuki