Chapter 1

The Savior


 “Long ago, our people used to live on a beautiful planet called Earth. Earth was full of mysterious treasures; the precious gems and jewels found beneath the ground covered in rock, forests of trees and shrubs that covered the landmasses in emerald green, aquamarine skies with fluffy, white cotton clouds, deep oceans the color of royal navy, deserts of frozen pale white crystals and golden beads of sand, and a variety of divergent species that flocked every corner of the planet.

 Earth remained the same for thousands of years, pristine clean and always thriving. That is. . .  until mankind set their feet upon it. At first, the countries were all at peace. No conflicts, no fights, no disputes. People tried to resolve to fighting to the last resort. Different civilizations sprang across the planet, ones who preferred different styles of living and different methods of society decided to part ways.

There were four different civilizations. We’re not sure what the civilizations referred to them as but we call them the Immundus, the Lux, the Caligo and the Patet. People of the Lux were people of the light. They were the fairly good people of the world, using their powers for admirable uses. Knowing the perfect balance of right and good; the Lux people were adored. The Caligo were people of the dark. They weren’t necessarily evil, it was just that they depended more on the moon than the sun. Like the people of the Lux, they were also admired. Unlike the first two civilizations, the Immundus and Patet had no power. They were like us, no special connection to the moon or sun that gave these two peoples any power. The Patet were the good, normal humans. They didn’t mind the fact, that they had no power. They had no thought of it. But. . . the Immundus. . . they were greedy people. Mad at the sun and moon for not giving them any special powers. Years passed by and the Immundus’ hate on the sun, moon, the Lux, and the Caligo only grew. The weaker hearted people of the Patet betrayed their own kind and sided with the Immundus. Soon war had broke out.

Puffs of deathly smoke desecrated the air leaving the beautiful sapphire skies, murky dark gray. No longer was there any harmony between the four kingdoms. Earth’s jewels slowly started to fade and die away. 150 years later, the war was still on. The old Earth was long gone, now there laid a barren wasteland full of trash. The air was no longer pristine clean, it was grimy and pungent. No one could tell which side was losing. Numerous casualties occurred on both sides, the Immundus against everyone else. Thriving populations that once lived freely in peace were now struggling to survive.

Mother Earth had seen enough. She arose 12 guardians to rid of the filth that polluted Her before she would die from desecration. Natural disasters of all kinds swept across the lands. Using their powers, the 12 guardians unleashed hurricanes, tornados, sand storms, snow storms, earthquakes, thunder storms tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions. Civilians ran for their lives, boarding all their hovercrafts and spaceships; anything that would get them off earth and moved to a new planet.

Earth was destroyed and gone. Once it was free of filth, Mother Earth had vanished along with the 12 guardians.

As for the four kingdoms, they became refugees, wondering in space for a planet to call home. Furious for their current state, the Lux, Caligo, and Patet blamed the Immundus. The three kingdoms abandoned the people of the Immundus on a barren planet and continued their search for their new home.

The three kingdoms supposedly found a new home, it wasn’t pretty like earth but it would do for now. There weren’t any lively colors that painted the planet. But it was now their new home…

The people became One and started a new civilization, we called ourselves the Venian; People of Venia.

Barren grasslands soon became full of cities and cities soon became full of factories and mines. The dark gray clouds are now even darker from being covered in soot. The air is a bit musky and stains. But this is our new home. The sad news is that our new home is dying again as well.”



“it seems like they still haven’t learned from their mistake. . .”




Just as the sun was setting across the horizon, two silhouettes could be seen dashing against the shaded walls of factories; a boy and girl running towards the desolated part of the city. Within a few minutes the pair reached their destination, the space craft hangar. Stealthily, the two climbed over the wire fence and landed quietly on the dead grass. The pair quickly ran to the nearest building and leaned their bodies onto the wall, stabilizing their breath. “We’re almost there, Dayoung-ah,” he panted. Dayoung nodded her head as a curt reply, still too out of breath to reply back with words. Once they were finished resting the sun had finally set and the pair was hidden in the shadows of the tall, gray buildings. Dayoung turned her head out towards the sky; even with the moon glaring brightly in the night, the sky was still dark as ever. Then it hit her, fear and anxiety started to travel inside Dayoung. What would happen if they were caught? Bitter thoughts of the prison cell filled her head, images of scientists in white lab coats persuading poor civilians into giving up their lives for money. Would they be taken to the Institute? The girl shook her head, *No, they won’t do that to us. They’re too afraid.* The boy grasped Dayoung’s hand to get her attention back and the girl’s cheek started to get warm from the close contact they shared. “Let’s move,” he whispered.

Glimpses of the hangar could be seen and excitement replaced all of Dayoung’s worries. Soon she would be able to see the hovercrafts and spaceships. Unintentionally, Dayoung let go of the boy’s hand and ran faster. The dead grass was replaced with gravel as she came closer to the hangar. She was so close; in mere seconds she could actually see the instruments! Too excited with thoughts of the shuttles; Dayoung failed to notice the security cameras. Just as she was about to step out of the shadows the boy grabbed onto her and pulled her back in, roughly sliding against the small rocks. She could feel his breath on her neck as he heavily panted for air “Dayoung, are you crazy? You almost got caught!” Embarrassed for her childish behavior, Dayoung lowered her head in shame. “Sorry Daehyun, I was just too. . too excited, I guess.” Dayoung said sheepishly. “Just what am I going to do with you, Dayoung?” Daehyun chuchkled, slowly grasping her hand once more, Daehyun looked into her eyes. “Just don’t go ahead of me, alright?” Dayoung’s cheeks were heavily painted with red as he made eye contact with her, too shy to answer him direct she turned her head and nodded. Daehyun chuckled while ruffling her hair “Cute,” he grinned. “Now let’s go, Short legs!” Before Dayoung had a chance to whine at his peevish nickname for her, Daehyun ran deeper into the shadows, moving quietly with Dayoung to the back of the hangar.

Reaching the inner hangar guard fence, Daehyun and Dayoung carefully climbed over it. The pair, made their way to the fire escape and climbed towards the lowest window.“Dayoung do you have a hair pin?” Dayoung slipped her hand into her hair and pulled her bobby pin out and released her bangs onto her face and gave Daehyun the hair pin. "Thanks, I'll buy you a pretty one tomorrow," he said as he curled a piece of her hair behind her ear. At his words Dayoung's heart started to beat a bit faster, and her cheeks warmed once again at his actions. Dexterously, he manipulated the hair pin into a key and opened up the small window and grinned at Dayoung. “Ladies’ first,” Daehyun scooted over and allowed Dayoung to enter the window, and shortly after Daehyun came in after her.

“Come on Dayoung! Hurry up!” Despite the fact, Dayoung had entered the hangar first; Daehyun was once again in front of her. Struggling to catch her breath, Dayoung tried to keep up with her friend, but being in the dark and having short legs was not a good combination to catch up with Daehyun. As her friend came to a stop, Dayoung caught up with him shortly in a few moments. Placing her hand on the wall for supported she panted heavily and she heaved for air. “I can’t believe our school’s number one athlete has this bad of a stamina,” Daehyun chortled. Obviously displeased with his comment, Dayoung nudged Daehyun in the ribs and walked off, “I’m just kidding! I thought you loved me Dayoung.” he grunted in displeasure and pretended to faint. Dayoung looked back at Daehyun and snorted at him before continuing her exploring.

Realizing that Dayoung wasn’t going to come back to get him, Daehyun recovered from his “fatal wound” and ran towards her. Daehyun jumped lightly and wrapped his arms around Dayoung as he caught up with her, “Slow down, Princess. How’d you get so fast all of a sudden?” he asked. But Daehyun wasn’t going to get a reply; Dayoung’s attention was too captivated by what was in front of her, a space ship. 

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