Breathe in Celeste





Park Chanyeol was a prodigy. A genius. He graduated high school at age 15 and medical school at age 18. Now, at age 22, he is faced with his biggest challenge. A virus. He doesn't know where it came from, where exactly it started, and where it might go, but he's determined to create a vaccine and, hopefully, find a cure. In doing so, he's putting his own life in danger, but not becuase he's at risk of contracting the disease. When a woman appears, claiming to be his protector, he's not quite sure what it is he's being protected from.

But he soon finds out.

He needs to hurry.






Author's Note: I've always wanted to write something less fluffy or morbid and more actiony and suspenseful. I've never written something like this before, so please be understanding! I hope that the story can be as exciting for you to read as it is for me to write. Don't forget to comment (I loooove comments) and subscribe if you'd like~!




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syoung210 #1
I like this idea, update soon, neh? ^^.