My True Self


Kim Eun Ae and Shin Dong Jin have known eachother back then in 3rd grade. They we're quite good friends only until 5th grade. Everything changed,when she started hanging out with other people, she started to be rude . Dong Jin didn't have much friends, he only had a 2 or 3. Little did she know, he started to have feelings for her when they started to be good friends back in 3rd grade and, he still does. Now, they're in High school. They don't really talk to eachother,  even if they're in the same class. When they had a project to do, the teacher teamed up Dong Jin and Kim Eun and the drama starts!..


Hi! ^___^ This is my first story. Please comment and subscribe :)!


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MemorableMemories #1
I will update it soon~ :)