
the rich spoiled boy and the shy new gurl

luna just looked at suho not knowing what to say. he wouldnt believe her about this whole vampire thing probably. even she herself is unsure if minho was right or not but the way her senses are makes her think he told the truth. 
suho probably would laugh at her and see it as a joke. even so, it was way toor isky to tell him about it. but what else shoul she tell him? she cannot deny the fact that she is here with her neck injured and not being able reach since yesterday evening. 

" what are you doing here?", luna replied sassy trying to sound as if it was totally normal for her to be there but not for him. 

"i asked you first", he replied with a serious face. luna felt how she got more nervous.

" well uhm so i wasnt available because i left my phone at home. what did you want from me.and now why are you here?" she said.

" you know that i wanted to know something else. btw am i not allowed to check up on my own wife? so now tell me whats with your neck and why are you here in sm ents park?"

" ofc you are yeobo. uhm my neck was really itchy yesterday so i scratched it too much and its ugly so i covered it up. doesnt it look kinda cool, like as if i was this badass chick"she chuckled awkward." and now you tell me your story" he looked at her as if he was really mad at her but them his stare softened. he suddenly grabbed her and hugged her tightly. luna felt how her maeum went dugeum dugeum. 

" i am sorry i was so cold its just i was so worried about you jagiya. i hope your neck isnt itchy anymore." she hugged himdearly back and he whispered in her ear " and now rly why are you here"

since she was so swoon by by his acts she almost said it if someone hadnt disturbed them. luna heard steps walking towards the couple. and the scent was familiar. it seems that her nose was also getting better. 

"here you are!" it was minho. "we all have been searching for you suho" minho wasnt able to see luna bc suho was in the way. suho released her and turned to minho.

" i am going back soon. just let me talk for a few minutes." 

" luna? what are you doing here? i thought you would be sleeping or staying in your room. it wasnt a good idea to come out. " minho said to her as he saw her. suho looked at minho and then at luna and his face got mad. he even eureuronged a little.

" how do you know my wife?" suho asked dangerously.

" OH you two are married? i didnt know that. but still after what happened with you you shouldnt be playing outside and i bet suho would-" but minho stopped talking when he saw panic in lunas face. he could from it that she doesnt want suho to know.

" after what happened?" he asked while controlling his anger. 

" as i said i just scratched my neck too hard, right minho? and yeah minho is an old friend of mine that i visited today at his work." luna replied. she knew that this was a really bad lie but suho believes it maybe.

" uhm yeah totally legit i swear." minho added. luna could hear more people coming. it were two or three and just as she seemed to know who it was sehun, tao and chen were coming to the three being very noisy. 

" hyung when are you coming we are waiting. oh luna why are you here?" chem asked. 

" ah i visited my friend minho here. what are you guys doing here?" she said. to her surprise chen didnt answer but he sehun tao suho and even minho shared mysterious glances and then chen finally answered her.

" ooooh you know minho? i hope you are not betraying our hyung!" it was obvious that he tried to lead the conversation to smth else. something was fishy about the boys and suho. minho too but that was clear sonce the start. but since she didnt want to talk about her situation either she just played along. 

"aniyoo. shireo. i only want my jagiya" and she took suho hand. he didnt shake it off but he didnt react either. 

" i hope tho noona. but still. thuho hyung we have to go. the otherth are waiting." sehun said.

" yeah i could walk luna out bc she made the effort to visit me today and you guys go first. i will come later." minho added. suho seemed as if he was thinking about it but then he left with the three boys. pnly luna and minho were left. 

" what was with noonas neck" tao asked suho. luna could still listen to their conversation. but she didnt want to and just like click it was blurred out of her hearing. interesting. she trief to lisen to them again and then blurring them out. everything functioned perfectly. she grinned a little forgetting that there was still someone beside her. 

" why are you smiling?" minho asked. 

" oh i just found out a new power that i have" she replied.

" cool isnt it. you will experience even more in the future. but now to other things. why dont you want suho to know. i mean you are married and all. shouldnt your husband know about things like you being a vampire."

" no way. i am not even sure myself so i am not going to tell him. he will think i am a psycho."

" no he wont. i think he will understand. i know him too you know. " somehow the way minho said that it made luna rethink her choice of not telling. he sounded so sure that suho would be understanding that she was almost convinced suho wouldnt laugh at her. but her realist came out and she shook her head.

" how can you be so sure huh?" the two were walking towards her room back.

" just trust me will you? in my opinion you should tell him so there wont be problems between the two of you. it would help not only you but him also. even for me so i dont have to lie." he chuckled a little.

" we will see. but how do you know suho and why is he here? or the boys?"

" oh we met sometimes for business and their reason for being here they should explain. " aish how she hated all this mysterious secretivy crap. 

" alright. as it seems everybody has secrets here. "

"preach girl." the two kept silent after that until they reached her room and minho cleared his throat.

"so to the vampire topic. as you noticed already your body is changing and you need to learn how to deal with it. and my company is giving you the privilege to learn from other vampires to controll yourself. being able to receive that of course has another side. if you agree then you have to work for the company. i just cut i short. later i will give you the contract to read over." luna didnt know what to do bc yes she probably would have to lear to deal with her newself but working for an unknown company?

" what is the name of your company?"

" sm company. so mysterious company. we deal with all kinds of supernatural creatures and events here in seoul or even whole south korea. all of our staff has supernatural powers and we try to unite them to help others or prevent bad things from other supernaturals that have evil plans. "

" ah okay so you are kind of like men in black thing right? but sm company sounds so similar to sm ent"

" yeah kind of and actually sm ent is the mask of our company. ofc the public doesnt know about supernaturals so we have to hide our actions. in the beginning of the sm days we were in need for money and a lot of the supernaturals look in their human form very handsome or pretty so we decided to hop on the hallyu train and have kpop bands who would work for us to get money. as you can see we are now a rly big company so the idols arent only supernaturals anymore but also normal ppl but they dont know about sm company. it is quite difficult to manage but it is possible. "

" omg are you saying the truth. wait if i agree to the contract do o have to become an idol too?"

"no as i said we also have normal trainees. you would need to if you were rly talented. what you need to do would be behind the scenes."

" oh okay. wait what kind of supernatural creature are you ?"

" i am a merman.btw maybe you have noticed but i am part of a group called shinee."

" merman woah so cool. oh thats why your face looked to familiar!" suddenly a phone was ringing. minho looked at the screen and said

" i am really sorry but i have to go now its urgent. the contract will be delivered to your room. you should rest, i mean you did lose quite a bit of your blood yesterday. " and with that he was walking away. luna decided to sleep a little. 


luna was in a light sleep and was woken up by someone who opened the door. at first she thought it was minho but then she recognized that oh so lovely scent from suho. he walked up to her bed and said down. he played with her hair and luna allowed but him bc she enjoyed it but down she knew why he was here. 

" i am going to tell you why i am here but promise me you wont think i am a psycho and please dont laugh at me" she began. she moved to a sitting position. suho held her hand and nodded. 

" so last night i was going home and then someone attacked me. he bit my neck and i fell unconscious. then i woke up here and minho told me about. he was the person who saved me. he isnt a friend of mine. i just knew of him since today. he said i am ... a vampire. i didnt believe him at first but now i have these weird new powers that seem very supernatural. for example i can hear everything in about a radius of 50m but i can blurr the noises out if i want to. my eyesight is perfect anf i can smell like a dog or maybe even better. " she looked at him but his face showed no expression. so she just went on.

" minho said that here at sm company they would teach me how to deal with these powers but i would have to work for them and oh wait you dont even know who-" she got interrupted by his shhhh. 

" i know already. i have to tell you smth to but first are you feeling alright? did you lose a lot of blood at the attack. whos that jackass that attacked you?" he hugged her tightly again. 

" i am feeling alright, a bit hungry" he chuckled " and i dont know but he got away." suho smiled at her gently. 

" well at least youre alright. and now uhm yeah the thing i wanted to tell you. i know about sm company and what they do. actually i was called by them for a special reason." he suddenly let go of her hand and walked to a table with a water bottle. he went back to her and opened the bottle and spilled the water all pver the floor.

" what are you doing?" luna asked finding it a bit odd. 

" just look" and then he raised his both of his hands carefully looking very concentrated at the water. he made other movements and the water was formed inside his hands forming a ball.

"what duh-"luna said but then the water fell down on suhos lap and she laughed like a maniac. 

" its always lovely to see you smile my little vampire. as you can see  i have powers as well and sm asked me the same thing as you." luna was surprised but more relieved that suho believed her and that he had powers as well. 

" are you going to?" she asked.

" yeah i think so. we kind of trust them and it would be quite helpful if theyd teach us."


" oh yeah uhm thats a long story but all the boys including me actually have powers."

"for real???"

"yeaah." and then luna heard a lot of footsteps walking to her direction. the door was opened and 11 handsome guys came in.

"noona, minho told us everything! thats so cool that you are a vampire. all i can do is this" chanyeol said and opened his hand. a little flame was seen but it was gone after a second.

" oh i bet if you practice you will get better" luna replied and smiled. yeol turned a bit red. 

"tche hyung thucks look at what i can do" sehun said and blowerd with his mouth and a strong wind was created. one by one then showed his ability and luna was happy to see she wasnt the only one who was not normal.

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Chapter 11: It was all a dream? Wow.
Chapter 9: Zelo just joined da partay.
Chapter 8: Well now they all have powers. Well ok.
Chapter 7: I thought ths story was noral but now vampires? i don´t remember reading things such as supernatural in the description... WEIRDDDDDDDDDDDDD
Chapter 7: Well that was unexpected.
Chapter 5: Oohohohohoohhh Exo is probably part of that thingy Suho and Kris were talking about.