
A new chapter in life.( Request for OC and Kai.)

Today was a special day for Abby and I. About three years ago, we met at a park. She was sitting on a bench near the kid's playground when I lost control of my bike and crashed right by the bench. I was bleeding a bit, but I was fine. Even though I was ok, she still insisted on helping me after I crashed the bike haha. I've never met a girl so kind in my life and I was glad to have met someone like that.

I never really expected us to get together, but I guess it was fate? I also never thought that I would be wanting to tie the knot. Here I am, preparing for a proposal that she will not be expecting at all and I've even bought some cameras to hide in one of the rose bushes so that we(if she accepts) can re-watch it over and over again.

It was currently 11:00am and I have to go see Lay about the garden arrangement. Then, at around 1:00, Chanyeol is going to help me choose the outfit that would look good on me. I need to look very presentable when I propose to her. I bought a ring that is made of 10 carat gold for her. 

After walking for about half an hour from my house, I arrived at Lay's garden. Not only was it big, but it also has many different types of flowers. I can't really name them because in all honesty, I don't know the types of flowers. I did notice the rose bushes and a few Bonzai trees.

When Lay saw me, he gave me a big hug and patted my back while showing me the plan. He pointed to the rose bushes by the fountain where the main even would happen. There was a good quality camera hidden by the edge of the bush so that the proposal would be caught on tape. 


"Chanyeol will be here in an hour or so." I nodded.


Baekhyun came over and started to hang some multi-coloured balloons off the branches of the flower bushes. 


"We'll be preparing a table with delicous desserts so that you two can eat some before the proposal or after. It all depends on when you both start getting hungry." I was actually quite hungry but I had no time for food. 

"What if she says no?" I asked and gulped nervously. Lay smiled and patted my back comfortably.

"Don't worry, I know she'll say yes."

"She'll be very happy, Kai!" Baekhyun shouted while setting up balloons at the other side of the garden. The garden was divided into four sections. We were in the first section. It was spread out to be a wide area and there was another garden that had a pond with some Koi in it which made it very appealing to the visitors.

The one that we were in had a fountain, rose bushes, birdfeeders, a few angel statues, and some benches made of granite. It was personally my favourite garden of all and that is why I chose this garden as the spot for the said event.

After a while of setting up, Chanyeol came running in the garden and hugged us all. He had a big smile planted on his face.

"Are you ready for some shopping, lover boy?" I punched him slightly on his left arm causing him the jump a little and then laugh. Lay and Baekhyun waved us goodbye while Chanyeol and I headed to a fairly fancy clothing store. When we entered, we were greeted by a worker wearing light grey attire. 

"How may I help you two gentlemen?" She asked politely. I was about to speak when Chanyeol placed his hand in front of me and grinned.

"My best friend here is planning on proposing to a beautiful girl and he needs something that will fit the scene." The worker smiled and edged her hand to the left.

"Right this way."

We followed her into a room that was filled with great attire and fancy, yet casual, outfits. My eye caught a particular shirt. It was black like the sky at night. It had folded sleeves and it was a button up. It was also light and it would be perfect with white pants and a light cologne. 

"Chanyeol, I think I found something." Chanyeol walked towards the outfit and inspected it carefully.

"This, my friend, is perfect. Go on, try it on!" Chanyeol said while shoving me into the change room. I was kind of scared to rip it because it was really light so I was careful when I put it on. Honestly, it looked great. The shirt was buttoned up so that the top was open a little revealing just enough skin to look y yet classy. I was wearing white pants that were slightly loose but not too loose with rings going up the sides of them along with those (white)shoes that people would normally wear with casual attire. It suited my hair which was black and loosely styled.

I walked out awkwardly. Chanyeol looked at the worker.

"What do you think?"

The worker smiled, "It looks very good, sir."

After I took the outfit off and changed back to my regular clothes, Chanyeol took the clothes and smiled.

"It's on me." It was great to have the friends I have now, it really was.

"I'll repay you someday."

"You better," he joked.





We headed over to a nearby cafe to get a quick snack. After ordering, my phone began to ring.


"Are we still meeting at the park around 3:30?"

"Don't worry, babe. Plans will not be cancelled."

"Okay. I miss you~"

"I miss you too. I have to go but I'll see you in an hour, okay?"

"Well, alright. Have fun~"

"I will, love you."

And with that, we ended the conversation. When I looked at Chanyeol, he was smiling. I think that's just the normal smile though.


It was nearing 3:30 and I needed to get ready and pick Abby up. So, I got my outfit on, styled my hair nicely, and headed over to Abby's house.  

I knocked on the door gently while holding white roses in my other hand. When she opened the door, I was stunned. Her black, wavy hair was put to one side while she was wearing a white dress that suited her milk chocloate skin and her beautiful light brown eyes. I couldn't help but stare.

She giggled slightly. "Like what you see?"

"Very much so," I smiled.

I handed her the white roses and she smiled as she caught the scent of them. I grabbed her hand so that they were together and we began to walk towards the garden. 

When we reached there, Lay, Baekhyun, Chanyeol, Suho, Tao, Kris, Sehun, Luhan, Minseok, Chen, and Kyungsoo greeted us politely. Chanyeol gave me a small wink and an 'OK' with his fingers while Abby wasn't looking. I smiled at Abby and brought her to the table, pulling out the chair for her like a gentleman.

"Well, aren't you ever polite today."

"Only for my special lady." 

She smiled lightly and looked at the food that was being set down on the table. There was roasted chicken, delicous caesar salad with grilled chicken strips and bacon with a choice of dressing, coffee cheese cake, red wine for the special ocasion, and a few other foods. 

You could tell she was tempted to eat it by the way she was giving it this look. I chuckled a bit.

"You can eat, you know."

"I know, it's just... this is.....different. In a good way."

I didn't say anything and just smiled. I didn't want to say anything because I might spoil it and I didn't want that to happen at all. This was a big moment and if I can prevent it from being spoiled, I will.

She began to eat the salad and then the roasted chicken. She went back and forth from the salad to the chicken, making sure she didn't waste any. She's a very thoughtful person, you can tell by looking at her.

After she  finished eating, she looked at me.


"Why aren't you eating?"

I smiled lighftly as I stood up. Everyone including Abby watched as I walked over to her. I bent down slowly oon my knees and grabbed her hand. She gasped as I pulled out the ring.

"Abby, I know this might be a big step in life. It's been three years since we first met and I've come to realize that you're the one I need. You're that one girl who always makes me smile when I'm upset and takes care of me when I'm sick. From here on, I ask, will you let me care for you and protect you? I promise to keep my word at all times and I will always remain loyal to you. 


Abby, will you marry me?"

She was speechless for a moment before she smiled. She hugged me as tight as she could.

"Yes, I will marry this man, Kim Jongin." I released a deep breath and I could feel a few of her tears fall on my shoulder.

She let go of me and looked directly in my eyes as she smiled. I pointed over at the rose bushes and she gave me a confused look. She walked over to the rose bush and carefully opened them. 

I could hear her gasp as she opened them and pulled out the camera along with a small dog plushie. She ran over to me and hugged me once again, tightly. I loved the hugs she gave me, they were always warm. 

I let go of her and then leaned in, giving a sweet and gentle kiss. She closed her eyes and moved her lips in sync with my own. 



That day...



That day was almost the best day of my life. Our marriage of course was the best, and we will always have good days to celebrate together. 


So, if my future children are watching this, I hope you'll realize how important your mother is to me.


I love you all, my dear family.





I am dearly sorry at how late this story is, I hope you enjoyed it very much:D If you(requester of the story) would like to make your own sequel to this, you have all permission to do so:D

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