Chapter 1.

Special A.

A/N: Here comes the first update after a year? I was extremely nervous about posting this because I did not want to fail portraying the manga T^T (Maki Minami I apologize in advance OTL) 

I had to keep the actual manga open while I wrote (because the last time I read special A was almost 7 years ago?)

But yeah, hope you guys like the first introduction chapter ~! (It took me a total of 3 days to complete & it's super long too T^T) & I'm sorry for dragging it on for so long! ^-^


A large crowd of freshman hovered around the entrance of the SMYG academy, students who had the ability to entertain crowds and masses of people had joined this booming community.


Dancing, singing, acting and entertainment were the key factors that held this institute together. The only problem was that this academy sought those who worked hard and diligently, had the talent and right “it” factor, thus giving way to the top 14.


And the exceptional group that was formed was called: Special A.


“OH MY GOD IT’S THEM!!!!” Piercing screams were starting to echo through the gates of the academy as a short girl and tall boy suddenly appeared to be walking through the multitude of students.


“It’s them, quick! Get your selfie sticks and have your phones ready to tweet! This is a great opportunity!!” A junior girl with pin straight hair announced, powdering her cheeks with blush and proudly pointing at her button that said “Kris’ Angels”


“Arasseo leader Min!” The group of girls behind her looked determined as they brought out their "weapons of mass destruction" aka every fangirls daily essentials.


“Men, straighten up! Our bright, bright Dara wouldn’t want us to look lazy and disorderly now would she?” A boy with some feminin features announced as he grabbed his sharpie marker from his pocket, and lectured the group of boys behind him.


“Are you seriously going to make her sign your chest Kevin? Aren’t you out of your mind-“ The boy’s friend was about to question him when the girl and boy walked right passed them.


“Special A’s Sandara Park and Kris Wu!!!” The girls bellowed.


“Girls hold me… He’s not real… A final fantasy character brought to life is what he is…” The girl named Min said, as she got a whiff of his alluring minty scent and fell into the arms of her fellow members. 


“Did you see her? my angel just passed me… SHE PASSED ME!” Kevin covered his blushing face and held onto his friend, who was also set in a trance.


“But did you see how close they were? They’d actually look so cute together! Maybe they’re dating!” A couple of students clapped at the sight of the two.


The two had framed the picture of an ideal looking couple: The girl had her hands on the boy’s chest with a determined look on her face, while he on the other hand, looked down on her with nothing but pure adoration… Or you could call it love.


However, it was completely another story…


The girl, Sandara Park was having one of her daily battles with Wu Yi Fan, Aka Kris, aka stupid dumb pabbo giant.


Dara’s PV


Allow me to introduce myself: I’m Sandara park (ranked #2), the daughter of a hardworking carpenter and lovely saleswoman, who also have a protective son named Thunder. I’m a privileged member of SA, better known as Special A and currently the longstanding rival of this guy right here.


“Yah!!!! Stupid tall giant!!! I hate you with all my guts!!!! How in the hell did you score higher than me on this math test?! HOW?! I shook the paper in front of me with big red bolded letters: 99%.


“You should be used to this Miss Number 2.” He yawned, but smirked at me after and it took all of my willpower not to stub his toe.


“You what you stupid man? One day just wait, I will get you and beat you down! Just wait when I score higher on one of our dancing or singing exams!” I scowled and he only chuckled at me.


“I’ll be waiting for that day, if that ever happens. By the way Miss Second best, I suggest you don’t scowl.” He looked teasingly at me, and my eyebrows furrowed.




“Because you might aegyo me to death, y’know?” Kris winked at me and snickered, causing me to roll my eyes and shake my head in frustration.


“I’ll aegyo your face you dumb giant.”


“You’d love that, wouldn’t you?”


“Tcht, so annoying!” I grinded my teeth.


So yes, this my friends is Kris, aka snobby tall giant who always ranks number one in everything. He has me beat in all of our subjects (well… Except art, he really at that but he is too arrogant and thinks he’s the next Picasso) and of course he always does it with style, a casual wink or two and maybe a small smirk and raise of eyebrows. 


Okay I’ll admit it, in retrospect I’ve always found him good looking, with his stupid blond hair (which he dyed when he was 12), those serious hazelnut eyes and that sharp jawline… But the will to beat him overshadows any appearances whatsoever. You see, ever since I first met him in the summer of when we were both 7 years old, he made me look pathetic when he beat me during a short test of combat and skill.


And ever since then I decided to build myself up and work hard, just so I could kick his sorry little .


But so far it hasn’t been working in my favour at all.


“Just wash your neck and wait, hmph!”


“Oh I’ll be waiting, I always will… But here we are Dara, ladies are always first.” I hadn’t noticed that we’d been walking straight towards the conservatory.


True to his word, he held the doors open for me and as I stepped inside I was greeted to the warm sunlight seeping from the glass dome ceiling. This was SA’s home base, a gigantic greenhouse that was beautifully decorated with soft antique and vintage furnishes, and an array of beautiful flowers and plants that gave the environment a homely feeling thanks to…


“Daraaaaaaaa!!! Tokki~!!” As I was about to glare at Kris once more, a familiar doll-like girl attacked me with one of her special bear-like hugs.


Park Bom. 


Since we were the only two girls of SA, we naturally became the best of friends. She has dark red hair, large brown orbs and the overall appearance of a porcelain doll. Bommie excels in singing and has a harmonious voice (Ranked #6), I guess you could say that we bonded over our mutual dislike of Kris.


Although Bommie loves to dote on girls, tea and sweets, she is just a little more violent than me and by that I mean super Saiyan violent.


“Deeee, did that idiot make fun of you again?!” She was still hugging me when she pointed accusingly at the jerk, who simply shrugged and walked towards the couch.


“Forget about him, I’m ready to devour some sweets! What do we have today Bommie yah?” 


“Ah! Today we have tiramisu, and some lovely white truffles complete with Darjeeling tea~” She hummed and as I was about to surrender to those tasty little pastries, a masculine voice interrupted me.


“You do know that you smell like noodles, right?”


I turned around and met with his dark hazelnut brown orbs, his broad shoulders hunched over and his height adjusted to mine, while his tanned skin contrasted against the white backdrop of the greenhouse. 


Kim Jongin or Kai (ranked #9), is a handsome boy who usually has a suggestive and playful smirk on his face and he is the most passionate at dancing. This boy right here is rather cold but once you get to know him, he is pretty cool but still a very big flirt and byuntae. 


“Did you just sniff me? Kamjong you’re so weird!” I caught him leaning over, his hands in his pockets, as he proceeded to get a whiff of my scent.


“Not my fault you smell so tasty.” He playfully his lips and I shivered, before a tissue was thrown in our direction, both of us moving away before it could even hit us.


“Who smells tasty?” It was as if a malevolent aura was starting to build up near the couches where the dragon was currently sitting, and that’s when I noticed that the giant was sending Kai piercing death glares.


“What? It’s not my fault if the little lady has ramen for her lunch. Blame her and her effective seducing skills.” 


“How did you know that? Effective seducing skills? Yah! Kim Jongin-“


“It’s ready!!!!” And before I could pull Kai’s ears, a booming voice came from our small kitchen (which was hidden behind an array of hydrangeas), a guy that was just a few inches taller than me stepped out with a bright turquoise apron, heart shaped smile and a big pot of food.


“Kyungieee, so what have you got to feed your little Jongie?” Kai immediately ran to his best friend to get dibs on his latest concoction.


Kyungsoo (or D.O, who was ranked #5) and Kai knew each other since they were in diapers so they share a similar relationship as me and Bom. Thing is, a long time ago he was harassed by a group of fangirls to the extent of where they broke into his room, stole his underwear and tried to sell it… Ever since then he placed a cold facade whenever he was out in public.


But this boy right here is actually one of my really good friends at SA, if you got on his good side he was generally easygoing and loved to help out.


Y’see bommie also has this hunch that they’re secretly together, but I beg to differ with her ship name… Kaisoo?


“How many times do I have to tell you to just call me Soo? Here have a taste, I’m trying out some new porridge recipes.” He grabbed the spoon and lifted it towards the latter’s mouth, to which Kai happily received.


“Needs a bit of salt, but damn you got it Soo!” He clapped in excitement, trying to get another spoonful.


“Dara, want a taste?” Kyungsoo then looked at me and I grinned, and nodded in eagerness because whatever he cooked was amazing.


“Open up-“ He blew on the porridge and levelled it towards me, causing me to lean forward and close my eyes.


… 5


4, 3, 2, 1..?


My eyes fluttered open and I felt anguish when I witnessed the sight before me.


“Kris?!” Before my lips could even touch the spoon, the dumb giant had already stood up and beat me to it, already digesting everything on the spoon.


“Dewicious.” He gave Kyungsoo a thumbs up and hastily grabbed the utensil from him.


“C’mon have a taste Miss Number Two.” He teased me and I nearly stomped on his foot.


“That’s an indirect kiss, you ert! Stay away from my Dara.” Bom quickly grabbed me and shielded me from him, causing my cheeks to turn red and Kai to chuckle.


“There’s no way I would eat from your germy filled spoon you pabbo-“


“Yooooooo! Bominator! Joonmoney has arrived! So I’m in need of some desserts! Come feed me!” A voice echoed from the door.


“WHAT DID YOU JUST CALL ME?!” Bommie yelled and I blocked my poor ears.


“One day that guy is going to end up at the hospital with more than just bruises, I swear.”


“Eh, he’s asking for it.” Kai said, draping his arm over Kyungsoo.


Kim Junmyeon (ranked #4), aka Suho, aka jerkface, idiot, , scum.. etc is the son of the academy’s president. You could say he’s a lone wolf who likes to do whatever he wants, but I’m certain he enjoys Bommie’s company the most. 


“Yah!!! Would you like to eat your own words Kim Junmyeon? Or would you perhaps like me to thrash your motorcycle and tell your omma that you haven’t been to any classes?” Bommie was already walking towards him with a rolled up paper in her hand.


“I’d rather eat you- What? What did I say princess?- OWW!” And my best friend whacked his hand with the newspaper before he could grab a truffle.


“Hands off!” She said as she proceeded to place him in a headlock.


“Hyung, cover my eyes! Noona and hyung are flirting!” A voice came from the door and in stepped our two excruciatingly good looking maknaes.


The one who was talking was Huang Zitao aka Tao (ranked #12) who had stark black hair that fell like waves across his striking onyx eyes. His image was somewhat intimidating… If you really got to know his personality though he was quite childish, but still very determined and adorable. 


Oh Sehun (ranked #11) on the other hand, had sharp angled brows that made him look bored for the most part. He was known as an ulzzang at the academy and was quite a handful at times, but he was playful. 


Both were just a year younger, but still managed to dote in the top 14 with their exceptional abilities as dancers, rappers and performers.


“Tao you better be careful or your noona won’t give you anymore treats.. Or gucci sunglasses.” I warned, as he came closer to us, dragging Sehun along.


“It’s alright noona, gege will always buy new ones for his favourite dongsae-“


“You have money, go buy your own. Also drop the bbuing bbuing act and don’t bring Dara into this.” Kris said, which actually made me giggle.


“You crushed his dreams.. Oh well, sorry maknae it’s too bad. Ya! Don’t look at me like that!” Kyungsoo said before the latter looked at him with a saddened expression, but then went to plan C, Suho (Who was still under the wrath of Bom).


“Hey noona, I was wondering… Um, do you wanna get bubble tea after class? I have some money saved so, it’ll be my treat!” Sehun then approached me, a small flush of pink garnered on his cheeks.


“Free bubble tea huh? Yeah sure, why not?” Before I could even answer the poor boy, the dumb giant responded instead.


“Who asked you? And how the hell did you teleport from there to here so fast? Me and Sehunnie are going to celebrate without you.” I then grabbed the maknae’s arm and stuck my tongue out at Kris, unbeknownst to Sehun’s now flushing face.


“Maknae, how would you like to choke on some tapioca?”


“Kris Wu!!!!”




“Arghhhhh! That test was brutal!”


In came Kim Minseok aka Xiumin (ranked #14), Kim Jongdae aka Chen (ranked #13), and Lu han (ranked #8). This right here was our famous SA trio, Xiumin is the most caring, and responsible member of the group. He also has this strange lovable vibe that everyone, including animals are drawn to (they love him to bits and pieces, I think he owns a zoo).


Chen doesn’t talk and chooses to communicate through a small board which he carries around everywhere, because he doesn’t want to strain his voice. He is our resident troll, and though his recitals are quite high pitched and deadly at times… His actual singing voice is quite harmonious and beautiful.


Lu han is somewhat of a mystery because he doesn’t talk much. He has a baby face that is very attractive and is a tad bit feminine (Bom wanted him to cosplay as a maid once, and I had to hold her down from scarring the poor boy).


“Hey Dara~!” Xiumin waved at me and I nodded at him and the two brothers.


I agree Xiu, why don’t we just rest for a while? Besides, it looks like Bom and Suho are busy kekeke. Chen wrote on his board, moving to the side before a book was thrown in his direction, Lu han catching it in an instant.


“Would you like to join him Kim Jongdae?!” Bommie sent him a piercing stare, but he only chuckled silently.


“I didn’t know you had a for cat girls Bom.” Lu han said as he studied the book he was holding.


“Oh? Huuhuu actually.. That’s for you-mrph.” I quickly covered to keep her from spouting nonsense.


“That’s Mr. Byuntae’s book actually.” I pointed at Kris who could only snicker at me.


“You’re right Lu, I’m going to make a wardrobe of cat girl outfits for Dara here.”  This caused Lu han to turn away embarrassingly, Sehun to turn a tomato red, and Kai to cheer.


“ERT!” Me and Bom yelled in unison.


“Anyways, aside from Kris’ fantasies… We’ll be reserving the couch for the rest of the afternoon to rest. That okay with you guys?” We all nodded and the three then made their way to the couch.


“Do you think they have threesom-" Bom suddenly whispered in my ear, causing me to nudge her.


“Bommie stop it with your naughty thoughts!”


“Who’s having naughty thoughts?” And we jumped when the last members of our group entered.


Zhang Yixing aka Lay (Ranked #3), Byun Baekhyun (Ranked #7) and Park Chanyeol (Ranked #10). Yixing was amazing at dancing, composing and singing, and probably the nicest and most gentle of the group. I was a bit embarrassed with having these thoughts but… I found his smile quite hypnotizing.


Baekhyun was probably the life of the group and knew how to lighten up every situation whether it was good or bad. And Chanyeol was just as tall as Kris, funny and outgoing with a very bubbly personality, this guy was probably my other closest friend of the bunch.


“What’s up guys?” Baekhyun asked.


“Xiuchenhan action on the couch, this ugly tall thing beside me, Kyungsoo’s porridge, and the two lovebirds over here. What about you guys?” I said as I pointed at the ot3, and Bom glared at me.


“Lay here composed another solo and probably killed two fangirls hearts, but probably revived them again after he let them off sweetly.” Baek said, praising our nicknamed “Healing unicorn” who could only grin in response.


That damned dimple … AISHT.


“Keke… Dara are you turning red?” Baekhyun asked.


“A-ani! What are you even saying? Stoopid.” I crossed my arms and turned away.


“Maybe our Lay here should serenade you one time.” Chanyeol then inched closer to me and pulled me close for a side hug.


“I’d love to- I.. Oh never mind.” Was that growling I heard? I turned to Lay and he looked frightened.


“Knowing her attention span she’ll probably fall asleep.” Kris said and he stopped me from elbowing him.


“Anyways Dee, about our little study date..” My eyes widened and a small blush gathered on my cheeks when I heard Chanyeol’s voice.


“What date?! Who said we were going on a date? I-“ Before I could finish I saw the other tall giant clench his fist and pulled me out of Chanyeol's grip.


“Sorry Yeol, but she’s going to be too busy preparing for our next competition diligently.. By herself.” Kris held onto my waist and stared Chanyeol down.


“I didn’t know your name was Dara… But fine, I guess we’ll hang out next time then.” He shrugged and went to Kyungsoo.


“Are you so caught up with everything that you forgot about our next test? Tsk, tsk shame on you Miss Number two. Better start studying before you see my first place name for the millionth time.” He whispered into my ear, before i pushed him away.


“I’ll kill youuuuu! Just you wait Kris Wu!!!” 


And that was how a typical day went in the life of an SA student.


A/N: Hi everyone! How are you?~ It took me forever but it's finally here~ 

I srsly did not realise how hard it would be to write about 14 members (equally) T^T

I'll do my best to update since I'm nearly done with classes~! So please comment & subscribe~! ^-^

Also, who has been watching exo next door? Kyaaaahhhh Sebaek!! >< (I did not except baek to top, but I got nosebleeds regardless), I love how Kyungsoo is all smiley (Ilu even more bb) & Chanyeol be mad handsome in all his seriousness + moon ga young is such a cutie, I'm so happy they casted her *-* 


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athena_29 #1
Chapter 1: Please continue your story 🙏🙏🙏
Lalalicetae #2
Chapter 1: Next plsss authornim
Chapter 1: i remember this manga. our sehunnie have a crush.
kris is too jelous. yixing still princely as ever. i love it.
Chapter 1: Aw, im hoping for a comeback authornim!
I love this for this is based from my fave anime. Please update T.T
azel02 #6
Plssss update soon authornim~~~
Chapter 1: waaaaa~ the 1st chapter! \(^O^)/ reading chapter 1 made me miss the Anime so much! waaaa Kris is really like K! and Dara too being Hikari~ waaaa love all the characters~ it is really enjoy to read! i like how Kris get jealous to the guys~ kekeke Thank you Author-nim :) looking forward for the next update :D
I'm glad you come up with a new twist in this story than sticking to the original story in the manga and 14 characters is just too hard to handle so hats off to you ^^ kris being possessive is here is cute though and i'm sure it is not just a love triangle or love square that will bloom. :)
Jmgirl #9
Chapter 1: Uwaaah thank you for updating the 1st chapter..were the same boat authornim its been a decade i think when I have the manga as well as the anime but still I love the story with krisdara on the lead...kekeke