In memories of Oh Sehun

In Memories Of Oh Sehun


It all started when he said those words. "Have you ever thought of living in a castle with a prince charming and his loyal servants?" 

You recently moved into your beloved boyfriend's home, Sehun. It was suprising at first but you knew this day was going to come soon. And that day was today.

You admired the victorian fashioned, house, smiling widely as Sehun stood behind you with protective, welcoming arms around your waist, smiling at your sight.

A figure standing behind the gates distracted you. This figure was, perhaps observing you and Sehun. Sehun notices and found it quite disturbing and simply told butler Chanyeol to take him or her away.

Once you passed the door of his house, it was a new beginning, and now you just started your new life with noneother than Sehun. You were amazed with his taste of furnishing and lifestyle and this made you more interested, or in other words eager to stay with him more. 

He was rich, he'd spoiled you with expensive gifts, but nothing was as expensive as his cheesy compliments.

Ever since you moved in he never stopped showering you with cheezy compliments but it never bores you anyways, it felt as if your going to live with him until the end. Sehun would be the maid in the house- completing all the chores early and then spend the rest of the day with you, Sehun was like your servant although he already hired some himself, but he would do anything for his one and only.

He was simply, one heck of a boyfriend.

Wrong. It did bore you. It was less than 2 years but you just didn't love him like the day youv'e met, or the day you moved in, You just didn't love him the way he loved you, nevermind that. You didn't love him at all. 

It was too simple, His compliments annoys you even his gifts does not satisfy you. No matter what saphire, diamonds or pure gold you recieve, be honest, you didn't come here for his gifts, you came here cause you wanted him, 

One late evening you started an argument. You were really tired and all you did that day was laid lazily on the coach.

"Hey beautiful, can we go to the coffee shop across the road?" He says snaking his arms around your shoulder as you sat on the coach with a disgusted look on your face.

You pushed his arms away in annoyance as Sehun widen his eyes in suprise by this sudden action. 

"Don't call me that. Infact don't touch me,"

He was dumbfounded by your mean act, his mouth slightly gaping. Whats up with her...

"____.. I was just trying to...” You soared off the coach before he could finish his sentence but this move of yours did not amuse him. Suddenly something grabbed you around the wrist tightly.

"Oh Sehun!! Let Go!"                                                               

"Why are you treating me like dirt lately?" You pushed his hand away in strength ignoring his questions, but it only made him anxious. After the scene, all he could think of doing was staring towards the marble floor effortlessly, while his heart aches as you stood-stuck on the same spot with you’re back facing him. Waiting for the other to talk, he gave out a patient sigh before he spoke.

"You know what. You’re nothing to me. Might as well dig yourself a grave." As soon as he saw the broken look on your face, he immediately regrets what he said.

It was late at night and you were all ready tucked inside your California king bed, which Sehun purchased after you moved in. Sehun was still in the living room, feeling concerned about the argument he thought he'd never have. You couldn't sleep because the thought of not loving your boyfriend was quite intimidating, yet true. 

You heard the door creak open and immediately knew it was Sehun. You turned over to your pillow hugging it tightly and suddenly you felt the bed sunk down beside you and warm protective arms settle around your waist pulling you closer into his warm chest.

He tried to comfort you, trying to say he was sorry. But he somehow knew you wouldn't give in.

"You know I’m not very good at this."  He said.

You didn't response hearing a soft sigh escaping his lips, his breath lingering down your neck before he spoke again in a soft, sincere tone.

"Listen.. I'm sorry for starting an argument... I was wrong.. anyways, Just sleep tight alright? We have a long day tomorrow." 

He turned to the opposite side and left it at that.


That night you realized. Sehun wasn't the person you were grown to love.

Ever since that last argument your relationship had gotten even worse. 

Sehun treated you like a queen, yet, you were longing for his execution. He tried to make you love him again but you were somewhat ignorant and selfish. He let you lived with him but you didn't appreciate his company.

Although he knew you no longer loved him anymore. He never gave up. 


One morning the both of you were pleasantly eating your breakfast, sitting opposite of each other. You stir your cream soup mindlessly as Sehun found it rather strange because you refused to eat the food he had prepared for you.

"Is there something wrong with the soup? is it too bitter?," 

 "Sehun. Please just stop bothering me." You snapped.

Suddenly he slammed his spoon against the table, suprising you slightly.

"You know what. I'm done trying,"
He soared of his chair, "I'm going to the coffee shop." you could hear his stumbling foot step.

He fetched his coat off the coat hanger and in a fleeting moment, he was already gone.

A sigh of despair escaped your parted lips as you sank down your chair; your eyes averted to his bowl of soup which is half empty. Just like him. He was incomplete withought you, but you didn't want to fill him up. You slammed the table in rage, sending the utensils upon it to tingle and vibrate back to it's surface."I shouldn't have come here in the first place.."

He didn't talk to you nor did you talk to him. Just ignoring eachother is how your relationship is rolling. But ignoring eachothers eventually made you miss him. He goes to the coffee shop often these days and you stayed indoors and never took a single step out of the door.

Oh right, you both refused to talk to eachother.  Until one night, when your facing back to back, all tucked in bed, you decided to finally start a conversation .

"Sehun.. Are you awake?" You asked pulling the blanket closer to your chin.

"Yes, "

"Oh.. Ok," your voice sounded soft and nervous. Silence filled the room, and you could hear the whistling of the breeze entering from the small gap of the open window. 

"Why,did you get a nightmare?" he asks in a firm, soft voice.

A strange feeling shot you but you liked how he was slightly concerned. You remembered a promise Sehun made, quite a long time ago.

"Did you get a nightmare?"

"Sort of.."

"il make sure you'lle never  get  them again,  il scare them away!"

"I Promise,"
it sounded somewhat silly but you never forgotten that promise, and somehow, he kept it.

"Nope. I never slept." You responded as a tiny smile crept across your face. He huffed a breath before speaking.

"Same here.. I think I woke up from a night mare hours ago.." he replies, and you felt him changing his position. "And I thought you were asleep."

"Haha, I'm wide awake and don't worry.. Il scare them away for you," you joked, and he give out a breathy chuckle. Your lips formed a smile; did he remember that memory too? Perhaps he did.
You faced the cieling with your hands lying on your stomach, and when you rotated your head to see Sehun, he was starring up the cieling too with his hands also lying upon his stomach. Two years ago, when you first moved in, you were in the exact same position as you were now- just like that first night in bed.

"I think we should go to sleep." He yawned, 
"Right. I think we should."

The both of you turned opposite of eachother and let the whistle of the breeze continue to roam around the room. It was silent for a moment.
"Good night. Don't get nightmares." He whispers, gradually shutting his eyes. His voice made you tremble, but it felt strange.

It was just another morning, the both of you pleasantly eating your breakfast which Sehun prepared. It was like last night didn't happen and the both of you were just going through your daily routine. Not speaking to each other. 
You were struggling on slicing your steak; it was so rubbery it just wouldn't cut. After taking several attempts of slicing the bulky meat, you gave up, setting the knife and fork on the table as a sigh escaped your lips. Stupid steak. 
Sehun notices your struggle; he quietly chuckles almost choking on his food.
He stood up and leaned towards you and begun slicing your steak. He leaned so close, you could feel his breath touching your skin. However, you quite liked it.

"There you go. I hope your hands working, then il have to feed you haha," He chuckles. You felt yourself blushing, wishing your hands didn't work.

"Anyways, I'm going to the coffee shop. If you want anything just call me. You can come if you want?" He asks, grabbing his coat off the coat hanger by the front door. you felt quite disappointed that he was leaving, again, you then glimpse on his plate which was already empty; and little, brown stains was what is left on the rich ceramic.

"No thank you. Have fun," You smiled at him as he gestures a little wave back at you and left.

Once again you sunk down your chair. You looked around the table, unsure of what to do next, until your eyes spotted Sehun's cell phone.

He forgotten to take it with him, the only right thing to do was to return it back. Anyways it had been quite a while since you went outside, so why not return it and then spend the rest of the day outside in the sun.

Slightly pouting, you nodded at your thoughts.
I think he needs this.


You walked across the road and finally reached your destination, the weather was perfect today and it wasn't so crowded either That’s a relief. You were standing outside the local coffee shop, with Sehun's cell phone sealed in your hands, staring at the wooden sign hung upon the shop.

Coffee Beans.

Your lips mouthed the fancy looking sign, and momentarily you found yourself smiling at the little decorations behind the huge glass windows, and smiling at the cute dining’s and lastly smiling at a young lady being fed by your boyfriend. 

"Ahhhh.. my love is in the arms of another... so swee-w-wait what!!?! Sehun is in the arms of another?!"

With a sad expression presented on your face, your hand releases the cell phone, making it fall to the ground with a thud. 

There you were standing outside, trying to return your boyfriends cell phone while him and some young lady is having a friendly conversation. A bit too friendly.


"Hahaha, actually I had breakfast but I wanted to have another coffee with you, so I have plenty of space in my tummy," Sehun chuckles, leaning back on his chair as he pats his stomach. 

"Then good, cause there are plenty of coffee here haha," The young lady says, taking another sip of her expresso.

"Ahh yeah.. So have you ever thought of living in a castle with a prince charming and his-" Before he could end his sentence, something has seemed to catch his attention. 
He saw you walking farther and farther away from the coffee shop into the other end of the road. Was she supposed to visit me? 

Sehuns naturally stood off his stool as the young lady watched him in curiosity. "Pardon me, but i have to get going," he shot her a charming smile and hurried to the door. "Bye, il see you tomorrow!" 

As soon as Sehun stepped outside of the store he immediately spotted his cell phone lying on the ground. Not broken, it was completely safe although there were finger prints here and there. Suddenly he was afraid to go home. He feared of having another argument with you, but guess he'll have to face it.


You sat in bed, hugging a pair of large pillow as you constantly giggled at some classic Tom and Jerry shows playing on the flat HD screen. The door gradually opens and Sehun barged in. 

"Hey, I came home early." He says, throwing his coat onto the floor, "And guess what I found," He paused for a moment, digging into his pocket and slipped out the cellphone ;which you had left near the coffee shop, "My cellphone." He sat beside you and pretends to watch the show. 
Tom was chasing Jerry as a bowling ball fell on Tom's head. Haha, Jerry is really amusing.

"So, why did you leave.." suddenly his voice trailing off, sounding rather gloomy.

"My favorite show was on and I didn't want to miss it." You lied, focusing more on the conversation and less on the show.

After living together for 2 years, he knew that wasn’t the case at all. There was a moment of silence as the sound of Tom and Jerry’s mischief was the only thing filling the air in the room.

I'm an awful person. I shouldn't had come here in the first place..

"Hey, beautiful.." as soon as he spoke- in a fairly sincere tone - you slowly rotated your head towards him, feeling a sense of potential. Loss in words he continued.

"Let’s be beside each other for now on, ok?" his brown eyes met yours, and somehow your worries and everything which had ever bothered you faded away. 
He reached his pinky towards you, "Promise?" 
You nodded with a endless smile on your face. "Promise," and wrapped your pinky around his.

Perhaps, you began hating Sehun because your relationship lacked intimacy.


You talk to eachother in a friendly manner, as if he was a stranger, and as if you guys have just met. However, you grew closer as the days gone by.

"Sehun, Round two of pillow wars okay!!"

Sehun is like your best friend. However there are those sincere moments, when the both of you exchange your deep feelings.

You hug each other like you never did before, or spoke to each other like you never did before, because this time it was different. He didn't have to treat you like the queen.

"Wow that waterfall is so beautiful isn't it Sehun, I think its as beautiful as me!!" You joked, 

"No! not at all!!" He yells followed by an echo.

"W-what.. I'm not ug-"

"Your way more beautiful than that." 

Sehun wasn't your servant. He was more than that. He was your friend.

He spent almost his whole day and time with you, because he promised he would be by your side. Like you promised you would be by his.

You trust Sehun, because he will never break his promise.

A month later you had to leave to visit your parents overseas. Sehun had convinced you to because it had been a long time. He was right, and that’s when he purchased a plane ticket.

You only had to stay with them for 3 weeks and come back But leaving Sehun..

You spent the night before with you in your beloved boyfriends arm, and you wouldn't want to spend the night any other way.

"Sehun.. I'm going to miss you, and maid Baekhyun, and butler Chanyeol.. Anyways.. Sehun il miss you!!"
You hugged him tightly as he stood there like a statue.

"Il miss you too.. il make sure to write letters to you." He was expressionless, but seeing him like a lost puppy made you want to squeeze him tighter.

"Il come back its only 3weeks!! And I think I should be going right now.. the drivers here," You fetched your luggage.

"Did you forget anything?" He asks, refusing to look you into the eyes.

"No.." and finally you felt those similar protective, warming hands wrapped around your body


In no time, you were already sat in the car looking at the passing trees as the changing formations of clouds follows you. It was 3 hours since you left Sehun.

Wait a moment, you forgot something. Your luggage which butler Chanyeol was carrying.
Hurriedly you told the driver to make a U-turn and return to the house.

You rush out of the car and made your way to the gate.

But you didn't want to go any further. Because. Something broke. A promise.

There you were standing behind the gate of Sehun's house, watching two figures admiring the victorian fashioned house. 

There, Sehun stood behind a young lady with protective, welcoming arms around her waist, smiling at her sight.


And there you were, watching the whole scene as a memory; observing the two couples admiring the house.

Watching a memory of the first time you moved into the house. Except, this time, you weren't the one moving in.

Eventually Butler Chanyeol came walking towards you, supposing to speak as he stood in front of you.

But you instantly cut him off before he could spill a word. It was too obvious.

"I know. Il leave." You said starring intensely at the two figures.

"I'm sorry madam.. It's hard being told to do this." He carried the luggage towards you. Butler Chanyeol had to do this often does he?

"Don't be sorry." You grabbed the luggage and took a last glance at the two figures whose entering into the house.

"Oh Sehun is dead to me."


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wow... just wow
Lovelypandabear #2
I would have walked in and punched the guy right in the face. Tsk tsk
Chapter 1: it's heartbreaking T^T
SeKai94 #4
Chapter 1: So the figure she first saw back then was that same young lady? Or is Sehun just a playboy? Did Sehun ever love her...?