Next Day at School

Khuntoria 2

Nickhun Horvejkul

"Dude are you really sure about this? I mean we already finished all of this already. Why do we have to do it again?" whined Taecyeon.

"Just think of it as extra curricular stuff...and besides it might be fun!" said Nickhun.

"Yeah totally..." said Wooyoung.

"You're just doing this to get that girl are you? Victoria Song?" asked Junho.

"" said Nickhun.

"Maybe you shouldn't hurt her, cause I don't think you should bother trying." said Junho.

"Since when do you care so much about my love life huh? Just leave your head out of it" said Nickhun.

"Alright chill..." said Junho.

Victoria Song

The next day at school, Krystal had finally come back, much to Victoria's happiness.

"KRYSTAL! I've been looking everywhere for you!" said Victoria.

"Sorry...I was kinda in the downs lately." said Krystal.

"What why? You know you could have always come to me!" said Victoria.

"Yeah I know, but you know after your dad lost your job and everything, you and your family has already a lot to think about!" said Krystal.

"Listen best friends are for life! I'm always here for you! So tell me please before I get overly worried." said Victoria.

"Well you know that guy I said I was dating? The really hot guy? He...he broke up with me a few days ago." said Krystal.

"What!?-" said Victoria, but then was cut during midsentence as suddenly there was a large commotion outside.

Victoria and Krystal both ran out hand in hand wondering what was happening, and suddenly they saw. It was 2pm walking through the school entrance gates, in Beteron High's uniform. 

"Oh my god." uttered Victoria.

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haha the conversations between the members is so funny ^-^ please continue! and your writing skills are great! ♥<br />
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chu~~ ♥
nickhun how could you?! the 2pm boys are mean! they are no better than brian and hisi buddies. Luckily, my bias is the nice one. Go Junho!
please continue!!