[Chapter One]; He Looks Good In Person

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        'Another uninteresting morning' She thought sighing inwardly kicking rocks while on her way to school. she just wishes for something interesting to happen in her life. Even if it was getting bit by a dog or tripping on a crack in the sidewalk and falling into someone, just something different from the usual morning routine she has to do, Every. Single. Day. It frustrates her to no end, it seems as if fate played her the cruelest cards they could deal because every one seems to come to school every day with an exciting new tale and here she was with the same anwsers; 'Yeah I spent the night studying' , 'I watched a new drama', or her personal favorite 'I ate some things and then fell asleep'. People usually laughed she'd expect at her and then proceeded to exclude her from the conversation completely, she still can't figure out why though. She was just saying the honest truth every time.

Loud high-pitched screeching noises interupted Hyorins thoughts abrubtly. 'What the hell is so important that they had to interupt my thinking, I mean holy they sound like banshee's being burned by torches' she thought covering ears and grimacing, now overly curious as to what managed to fascinate this amount of women. Pushing and shoving her way through she recognized a familiar face infront of her while scanning the crowd of girls.

"Soyu? The hell is all of this!" She screamed trying to catch her friends attention which obviously didn't work out as planned. Sighing audibly, hyorin grabbed the elders shoulder and roughly yet still -slightly- gently shook her while screaming soyu straight into the other girls ear.

"Huh? Oh HEY HYORIN~" Soyu happily greeted while attacking hyorin in a bear hug.

"Cant-Breathe-Too-Tight" She tried clawing at soyus arm to make her let go which finally worked. "ANYWAY, what is all of this about, why are all of these girls lined up and screaming like someone set their butts on fire?" She asked now even more curious considering one of her best friends was apart of this choir from hell.

"You didnt hear Hyorin?"

"Hear what? You realize half the time I dont pay attention to what you guys say let alone to what this student body talks about" Her face blank with a 'just tell me' glare to it.

"Okay geez dont get fiesty with me. So for the past week there has been talk about these eleven transfer students from that prestigious school for the rich and talented. I mean we're a great private school and all for performing but nothing compared to theirs."

"That actually sound pretty interesting", 'Finally something new happens in my life!' she thought metally doing a cheery dance. "Oh and before I forget what are their name, if you know that is."

"Of course I know the students names are; Sungmin, Ryewook, Kyuhyun, Yesung, Leeteuk, Taeyeon, Seohyun, Jessica, and Yoona they're supposed to be arriving soon."

Making note of all the names hyorin looked ahead and saw a long black car that could've been considered a

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Chapter 2: update soon:)
cry-25 #2
Chapter 1: can't wait 4 the next update and hope u make more kyurin momant on the next update ... :-)
kyurin figthing
Chapter 1: update soon
missJ_panda #4
Chapter 1: love it!! seem like hyo already have crush with kyuhyun.... cant wait for the next one~~ figthing!!!^^
valentina1993 #5
can't wait!!!!