Group L Leader, Nishikido Miyabi Keiko

Idol Cam Show! {Apply NOW!} (New Mnet show!)


AFF Username: nothings-over

Name: Nishikido Miyabi Keiko

Nicknames: Kei, Miya, Nishi, Nishiki, Nishikei

Age: 18 Years old

Date of Birth: October 26, 1992

Place of Birth: Osaka, Japan

Persona: The Lethal Sub-Leader


Personality: Kei is the sub-leader after Ringo who is leader. She is strong at supporting others, and this is what makes her a good sub-leader. Her strengths are in her organization skills and her ability to handle other people. She is extremely wise and intelligent as well as witty, and so sometimes can also be a tad sarcastic. Having been trained in various forms of martial arts growing up, Kei is strong and DEADLY. Don't piss her off or get on her bad side, or she will beat you into the ground (or the wall). Otherwise, usually if people annoy or irritate her, with her strong aim, you'll receive a nice book or shoe getting thrown at your head. If she's close enough, she'll whack you with it though. Besides those times, Kei is caring and like an older sister others can rely on. She loves to give others advice so don't hesitate to ask for her help! She will gladly give her assistance to those who need it,

Background of Family: Kei was born and raised in Osaka, Japan. Her father is a stuntman and her mother an interior designer. Kei learned martial arts and fighting from her father. Kei's older brother is NEWS and Kanjani8's Nishikido Ryo! The two are extremely close and thus the other NEWS and KJ8 members are like siblings to her. That's why Yamapi is like an older brother to her too! She is also close with a variety of other Johnny's.

Family members:

Brother: Nishikido Ryo


Partner: hmmmm~ it'll be a surprise!

BESTFRIEND: Kanjani8's Ohkura Tadayoshi

FRIENDS: Ringo, Rin, AKB48's Sashihara Rino




now for a few more MV's of the trio!







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update soon~
Final APP Link:<;br />
Sorry for causing so much trouble!!!<br />
God Bless!
Read the teaser! ^^ <br />
Icant wait to see who was chosen~
awww, yamapi is such a nice brother hehe <3
hahaha wait what?<br />
what is going on?<br />
im so confused...<br />
but okay!<br />
hahaha we're bullying our older brothers~<br />
time to torture RyoPiN.
on to my application!!!
lol, Jin and his helicopters xD
applied as Skylar Lee/Lee Jin Hye<br /><;br />
hope you like my app...<br />
Good luck with the fic :D...<br />
and also good luck to those who applied...<br />
#10<;br />
Applied as Han Hae In! ^^<br />
Please accept me~ :P