Almost Lover

Almost Lover


Gif not mine. Credits to owner,


"I want you to go with me." 

She looked at him for a long time, seeing the rose in his hands, "You want me to be your date?"

"Yes, I really want to go with you. I want you to be my date." 

She shook her head, "Look Baekhyun, I can't go with you. You know I don't go to these parties, go ask someone else."

As she turned around, she felt an arm grabbing her. Turning around, she saw Baekhyun holding the rose closer to her, "Please, I really want to go with you."

She gave him a look, "Why me?"

"Because I like you."

Her eyes widened, opening a little, "You what?"

"I like you, so I want you to be my date. I really really want to go with you. If it's not you, I won't go with anyone." Baekhyun gave her a soft smile, "Please go with me." 

Her heart skipped a beat a little as she felt a smile cross her face, "Do you really like me?"

"Yes." Baekhyun simply replied, "I like you a lot, so please, what do you say?" 

She grabbed the rose from his hand, "Okay, I'll go with you."


"I'm going to go talk to my friends, so I'll meet you by the drinks. Save the dance for me, okay?" 

Baekhyun blew her kisses as he waved goodbye towards her.

A laugh spread her face when she looked down. Feeling someone run in front of her, she looked up to see Baekhyun again.

"Did you forget something?"

"Yeah." He breathed out, "I forgot to tell you that you look absolutely beautiful tonight."

She blushed, straightening down her sleek black dress and clicking her gray heels together, "Thank you."

He touched her gently curled hair and kissed her forehead, "I'll see you later." He whispered, looking straight into her eyes. With a smile, he walked back towards his friends.

She touched the area he kissed her at and a blush creeped in. She felt as if someone punched her in the stomach as she couldn't stop herself from bouncing in her spot.

Walking towards the drinks, she grabs the cup of water and drank it, seeing the light pink lipstick stain on the rim of the cup. Grabbing for the green tea cake next to her, she felt a body hoover over her.

Turning around and looking up, she gave him a smile, "Chen."

Chen smiled, "Always going for that green tea cake." He took it from her hand, "You here with Baekhyun?"

"Yeah." She blushed, looking over at the dance floor, "I didn't know this place was so big."

Chen shrugged, "What do you expect? It's where all the rich people go and spend money. It's like some princess ball in some disney movie." Chen grunted, "Waste of money."

"Did you come with anyone?"

Chen shook his head, putting a hand in his black dress pants, "Nope. I came solo. It's annoying coming with a girl I don't even know. I'd rather enjoy this by myself than be in torture with someone I don't even like or know."

She laughed, "Same old Chen, aren't you?"

He glanced at her, "Of course, where would I go?" He looked over at her taking the cake again, "So why aren't you with Baekhyun?"

"He said he'll be with his friends. He said to save him a dance." She smiled.

"Which dance?" He asked, "Don't tell me it's the one in like ten minutes. The most greasiest song ever."


"It's only for the couples. If you come with a date it's obvious it's that song. It always happens. The one that starts when the time exactly hits 12 AM. It's supposed to be romantic and all couples do it so I'm sure he's talking about that one."

A smile creeped on her face, "You think so?"

"Of course." Chen rolled his eyes, "It's a tradition. What's the point of bringing a girl to this dance when you're not even going to dance at 12?"

She fidged her fingers, feeling the blush back onto her cheek, "Then I guess it's that one."

Chen laughed, seeing her nervous face when he glanced across the dance floor. His eyes widened when he looked to the right to see the clock. It was exactly 11:58. Chen glanced back at her who was stuffing her face with the green tea cake.

Feeling a little nervous, Chen grabbed her arm, "Want to go outside?"

She gave him a look, "You said the dance is going to start soon." She looked at the clock, "We have two minutes, I promised Baekhyun I'd save him a dance. It's what couples dance to, remember?"

Chen nodded, "I don't feel so good, I feel like I need to go outisde." He grabbed her arm, "Let's go."

She released her grip from him, "Chen, I can't, I have to stay here."

As she turned her face towards the dance floor, Chen looked away, putting his head down and messing up his hair.

As she saw Baekhyun with a wide smile, it slowly turned into a frown. She saw Baekhyun across the dance floor, holding onto a girl close to him. As she took a step forward, she heard the clock strike twelve. Biting her lips, she saw Baekhyun's smile. He was widely smiling with the small petite girl in his arms, as if she was his world. His look towards her was different from what she has ever seen.

"~~~~~~." Chen whispered, pulling her back when she looked down.

"Kim Taeyeon. He's still not over her, is he?" 

Chen shook his head, "Listen, it's just a dance, I'm sure it's nothing. Besides, you're his date. Baekhyun's not the type to do that, you know him."

She frowned, "This is the dance for couples. It's the dance that you and your date always have to dance to, it's a tradition." 

Chen took a step forward towards her when she looked down, "I have to go."

"~~~~~, what I said was a lie. Listen, this dance is nothing, I'm sure Baekhyun is dancing with her because he felt bad for her."

Brushing past Chen, she slowly walked towards the exit.

", Baekhyun."

Hearing the words out of Chen's mouth, she gently turned around towards the dance floor to see Baekhyun again with Taeyeon. This time, Baekhyun kissed her on the forehead, giving her the same look he had given Taeyeon before. The one where his eyes were full of love and passion. Something he failed to give her.

Baekhyun looked up from Taeyeon and stopped. Releasing Taeyeon from his grip, his eyes widened, "~~~~~~" He breathed.

Feeling the tears run down her cheek as she ran out the door.

She didn't look back and she didn't want to see him. She trusted him and she thought he really liked her, thinking she'd have a chance with Byun Baekhyun, but she was wrong. She knew he wouldn't like a girl like her, she was just being stupid.

Running down the street, she felt her legs give up as she fell to the floor. She crouched down and threw the heels off of her feet. Feeling the makeup stream down her face, she burried her face in her hands. 

She wanted time to go back to where she fell in love with him. His innocent gestures, his positive attitude, his caring personality, she wanted to go back. She wanted to go back where she knew she first started to love him.

She shook her head, wanting to stop the memories and wanting to take away the pain. She prayed that this was just a dream, that if she had a choice, she would stop her feelings for him before it was too late.

But she knew that Baekhyun would always love Taeyeon, someone so much prettier, nicer, skinnier, brighter, and more perfect than she was. She was just stupid to think that Baekhyun would actually love a girl like her.

Someone that was nothing like Taeyeon, she should've knew.


"Open the door."

She sat on the floor, feeling the knock grow harder and stronger on the other side. Leaning her head on the door, she bites her lips.

"~~~~, listen to me, open the door."

She sighed, feeling the tear flow down her cheek, "Go away."

"Give me a chance to explain." Baekhyun said, his voice full of plea, "I didn't mean to hurt you, I didn't want to hurt you."

She shook her head, "Too late."

"Please open the door." Baekhyun whispered, "This was a mistake, Taeyeon means nothing to me, I don't love her anymore, it's over. We were just talking and we got carried away, I didn't mean for any of this to happen."

She gave him a bitter laugh, "You were always in love with Taeyeon, you just thought you forgot about her."

"No, it's not like that, I swear. I don't love her anymore, I like you." He banged the door, "Please, just open up to me, please." 

"I don't want to see you."

"~~~~~~~!" Baekhyun yelled, losing energy, "Please open up." 

She shook her head, burrying her face into her hands. She felt the tears streaming down as was burning from the dryness.

The knocks grew softer and she felt the weight on the door. Baekhyun slid down the door as he sat opposite from her. 

"I didn't want to hurt you, I didn't mean to hurt you."

Leaning his head on the door, he begged, "Please open the door."

"I thought what you said was true." She whispered, afraid that he would hear. Baekhyun sighed on the other side, indicating that he didn't hear anything he said.

"If you don't open right now, I'm not going to come back." He said.

She looked down not saying a word.

"If you don't open, I'm going to think you've given up on us without even trying."

She bit her lips.


Baekhyun stood up, facing the door. He sighed, "Three."

Hitting the door softly, he nodded, "I'm sorry." 

With that, she heard his footsteps grow further and further away from her.

Holding onto , she cried harder, knowing she just released someone she absolutely loved.

She knew he would go back to Taeyeon and she knew it was for the best, knowing he would never love her, even if he tried.

"Goodbye," She whispered, "My almost lover."


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Chapter 1: Sequel juseyooooooo!
Theskyisfalling #2
Owmy. That. Was. T.T

Just. perfect. I loved it.
Chapter 1: omfg. i was in tears. </3333
sequeeeeeeeeeel! c;
Chapter 1: Sequel~
I need to know what happens!
If your busy you don't need to though ^^
Chapter 1: Sequel please author-nim
Chapter 1: i love baekhyun i love angst and this is perfect</3
Chapter 1: This fic literally just me in :) I really like it :)
Chapter 1: woah~ daebak!