The Nicest Thing Ever

The Nicest Thing Ever

Sometimes, I realize that life occasionally . Just slightly. Just a little bit more than is acceptable. During such times, my best friend – and maybe something more? – hugs me tightly from behind, wrapping his long arms around me protectively.

We have never told each other that we love one another, so I cannot be a hundred percent sure that he feels about me the way I feel about him. Still, I always feel loved when he is with me. When he looks into my eyes, I see acceptance. I see acknowledgement of the person I am, of who I am when I am alone, when I don't try to please anyone. I see that he cares for me, even when I am quiet; when I am angry; when I am unreasonably grumpy.

Sungyeol is so much better than me. I don't really understand why he bothers to be with me. He could do so much better, find greater friends, do greater things.

Instead, he stays with me. He chooses to be with me, instead of finding some other best friend. I love him for that.

I love him for so many things. I love him for being silly, for fooling around and playing innocent pranks on people. I love him for acting like he is less smart than he actually is; for not trying to be the most intelligent or the best or the greatest. I love him for being kind to others, even when they don't see it. I love him for his laugh. I love him for his smile. I love him for his voice. I love everything about him.

Today is one of those days. One of the days that just a little bit more than others. Sungyeol is out buying groceries. I hope he comes back soon, so he can hug me like he always does. So he can make me feel better again. He is the only one who can make me happy when I feel insecure, when I feel a little lost.

“Myungie! I’m home!”

I feel a jolt go through me. Yeollie is home. Finally.

“Did you miss me?” Sungyeol says happily as he comes into the living room, his hands holding plastic bags full of food.

“Of course,” I tell him immediately, grinning slightly.

“I knew it. My Myungie can never be without me,” Sungyeol croons and walks over to me. He drops the plastic bags and wraps his arms around me. I can feel him laugh quietly. “Silly Myungie.”

“You took too long,” I complain, relishing in the feeling of his warmth.

“Sorry, Myungie-ah. I’ll be faster next time,” he assures me, chuckling.

“You better be,” I retort.

“Can I let you go now?”



Sungyeol keeps his arms around me, knowing I love it when he does.

“Myungie?” Sungyeol murmurs quietly after a while, still hugging me. “Can I ask you something?”

“Of course.”

“Do you love me?”

I start, being taken totally off guard.

“Don’t think too much about it, just answer honestly,” Sungyeol adds. “Do you love me?”

“Of course,” I reply, feeling my face get hot.

“But do you love me… like really love me?”

I hesitate, but decide to answer truthfully. “Yeah.”

Sungyeol squeezes me tightly. I can feel the relief course through his body, feel it melt away all my worry.

“That is the nicest thing I have ever heard,” he breathes happily, his breath tickling my ear. I can hear the smile in his voice.

“You know what I think is the nicest thing ever?” I ask him.

“Of course,” Sungyeol replies immediately, surprising me.


“It’s when I hug you like this, obviously,” Sungyeol says, sounding a bit smug.

“You should have pretended like you didn't know,” I mumble, feeling a bit embarrassed. “You took away all the fun.”

“I don’t care. You already confirmed that you love me,” Sungyeol tells me matter-of-factly.

“I can’t believe we’re having this conversation while you’re hugging me,” I say.

“Don’t pretend you don’t love it.”

“I’m not.”


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Sumayeol #1
Chapter 1: Cutee and sweettt
jangmi_98138 #2
Oh!!! Its so cute and sweet. I wonder that is it for me to translate tour fic to my native language? If so, im really thankful for that!! Thanks
Chapter 1: Awww sweet and cuute. Sometimes its nice to just read a fic with no complications.. just simple fluff^^
Lanxin #4
Chapter 1: ahhh!! This is so nice and simple and happy~! How can you make something so small sound so romantic and lovely?? >< I love it <3
koalaSoo #5
Chapter 1: haha..myungsoo's point of view always have an effect on me that I can't explain...anyway this is so simple and yet so sweet...♥♥♥♥♥
nnmhmh #6
Chapter 1: well simply lovely ♡♥♡