A little Problem

A little Problem

“How slow can you beeeee” Jongin whined, leaning against the lockers, as Sehun put his stuff into his locker, pulling out some homework to do at home.

“Stop complaining, I’m done” The younger one said and shut the doors before turning to look at his friend who was slouching against the lockers.

Jongin stood up straight and started walking along with Sehun out of the school building into the pleasingly warm spring air. “You’re going to take the little dude out of the kindergarten today?”

“As always” Sehun replied with a sigh.

“You seem to not like doing that” Jongin said with a small smirk. “Do kids creep you out that much?” He said and laughed when Sehun looked at him weirdly.

“Kids don’t creep me out- what are you even talking about? I just think things I shouldn’t think in such a place” The younger said with a dismissive hand gesture.

“Dude, do you think about killing children? That’s horrible”

“Oh my god no, Jongin, what the ?” Sehun stopped walking and looked at Jongin as if he was crazy. Which only made the elder laugh.

“I’m just playing~” He sing-sang and pulled Sehun into walking again. “So what’s the big deal?”

“You know exactly what the big deal is”

“No, I don’t. I’m dumb compared to you, remember?” Jongin said but couldn’t stop smiling.

“Are you going to hold that over me forever? And god damn it Kai, you know what I’m talking about. Don’t make this any harder” Sehun answered with a sigh, though he could feel himself laughing too.

Today, just as any other work-day, Sehun had to go to the local kindergarten to take his little brother back home with him. It wasn’t much of a thing to do, it’s not like he had to do anything for that matter. But there was a certain worker that caught his eye and Sehun loved and dreaded the fact that he saw him every day after school.

As far as he knew, the worker, named Luhan, was an university student who had a part time job at the day-care centre. He seemed to love taking care of the kids and was almost natural at it, the money he received being just a bonus of his job. Or at least that’s what he told Sehun when he asked why he worked there and if the pay was even worth it.

Sehun got along with Luhan quite well and at first he looked forward to talking with him while he helped his little brother get ready to leave. But recently, thoughts of all the things he wanted to do to Luhan and wanted Luhan to do to him flooded his mind and Sehun found himself a little embarrassed when facing the elder, feeling afraid to say something stupid.

He was brought out of his musings when the two reached the day-care centre building and Jongin patted Sehun playfully on the back. “Well, good luck with your lil’ crush, Sehunnie. I’m off” He said and walked away, waving over his shoulder.

Sehun merely rolled his eyes and walked inside the building. He greeted a few of the workers there on his way to his brother’s classroom and smiled at a few kids that bumped into him. When he opened the door to the room he was greeted with the sight of little children running around and playing or sitting at the small tables and drawing. He noticed Luhan sitting in front of a small group of children, in which his brother was as well, and reading them a book. Most likely a fairy-tale each one heard at least a million times but couldn’t get enough of.

Sehun sighed and sat on one of the bigger chairs as he observed Luhan and how he smiled when the kids curiously asked questions or inched just slightly closer as he continued reading. He watched him and the group of children until he felt tapping on his knee and looked down to see a girl giving him a book and peering up at him innocently.

“Could you read us a book too, mister?” She asked with a smile.

“Uhm, but I’m not really…” He trailed off and looked around at the kids who were looking at him expectantly. He also noticed that Luhan was now standing and looking at him with an amused smile, gesturing for him to read.  “Okay, fine” Sehun relented and the little children cheered before sitting around him, the same girl that asked him to read asking to sit on his lap.

With a sigh and a small smile Sehun opened the book and began to read, trying to get rid of his usual one-tone voice. He occasionally looked up and saw how the children were leaning a little closer with small, silly smiles on their faces or curious expressions and wide eyes. Luhan was standing behind them with his arms crossed and a smile of his own. He laughed whenever a child pointed out a word that Sehun pronounced wrong and had to hide his giggles at the faint blush that would creep onto Sehun’s cheeks.

When Sehun finished reading the story the kids clapped happily and thanked him, before scattering around to do whatever they wanted. Sehun got off the chair and crouched, outstretching his arms and enveloping his little brother in a hug.

“Have you been good today, Jihun?” Sehun asked and smiled when his brother nodded eagerly while not releasing Sehun. “Go get ready, okay?” He said softly and pried his little brother away before ushering him to go get his things.

“He refused to sleep today. You’re raising a liar, Sehun” Luhan said as he stood next to the younger.

“All complaints to chef’s, not me please” Sehun said as he looked up at Luhan.

“I’m sure your parents don’t teach him how to lie” Luhan covered his mouth as he laughed silently.

“What are you implying?!” Sehun exclaimed as he stood back up and turned to face Luhan. “How could say that…” He trailed off, feigning offence.

Luhan laughed loudly this time and waved his hand around. “Seriously, I don’t get why you don’t agree to take drama club or something”

Sehun shrugged and changed the topic. “Anyway, my mother told me to ask you if you could come over tomorrow and babysit my little brother for the weekend since my parents are leaving. I honestly don’t understand why she’d need you when I’m eighteen and perfectly capable of taking care of him myself, though”

“Hmm, what’s in it for me? Your brother is really troublesome” Luhan asked with a teasing tone, already knowing what he would do on the weekend.

“Thanks, everyone says he’s just like the mini version of me” Sehun said and looked over at his brother who tugged on his sleeve. Sehun crouched down again and helped his brother dressing up as he continued speaking. “You get extra cash, so that’s a bonus. Plus you’ll get to spend the whole weekend with me, what’s there not to like?” He finished with a wink and cheeky smile.

Luhan laughed a little again and shook his head. “Of course I’ll come over. About what hour though?”

“Somewhere around eleven or twelve. Will you manage?” Sehun asked as he stood up, a dressed up and ready to go Jihun swinging Sehun’s hand around. Luhan nodded and Sehun smiled at him. “Well, we better get going then. See you tomorrow, Luhan. Say goodbye now, Jihun” Sehun said as he tugged slightly on the boy’s hand.

“Goodbye teacher Lulu~” The child said as the brothers walked past the class doors.

“Lulu?” Sehun asked looking at his little brother questioningly.

“Teacher doesn’t like it when I call him that but I think it’s cute” The boy said as they exited the building into the slightly chilly air.

“You’re a little devil” Sehun said with a laugh.

“I learn from you” The kid beamed up at Sehun and the elder brother couldn’t hold in his laughter.

The walk to their house was less than ten minutes and when they entered through the doors the warm air and the sound of the TV was what greeted them.

“You’re late!” Sehun heard his mother’s voice call out from somewhere within the house until she walked in front of them and smiled at both of the boys. “I was getting a little worried” She said as she helped Jihun undress and put his shoes and clothes away.

“I’m sorry, I got a little held back…” Sehun trailed off with a sheepish smile. “But I asked Luhan to come over tomorrow and he agreed”

His mother nodded and gestured for him to go into the kitchen where food was already placed into the microwave, only waiting to be heated. While eating Sehun’s thoughts trailed off to Luhan and he concluded that he was in a lot of trouble when the elder came over tomorrow. For a brief second he wondered if he should leave the house but decided against it. Not only would it be cowardly but Jongin would absolutely never let him live it down.

So with that thought in mind Sehun proceeded through the rest of the day and went to sleep earlier, so that he could at least wake up before Luhan got there.

Morning, though, came much quicker than he thought and the next thing he knew there was someone jumping on his bed and talking something that was supposed to sound like human language. It took him about five minutes to realise that that someone was his little brother and that he kept telling for Sehun to wake up.

“Jihun, go away” Sehun groaned into his pillow and moved his hand around until he grabbed the boy’s leg and tugged on it, making him squeal and fall on the bed.

“Lulu is here, Lulu is here!” Jihun shouted and quickly scrambled back up on his feet before he jumped on Sehun’s figure. “Come on, get up!”

“What-Who?” Sehun groaned again before it clicked in his mind and he quickly sat up, making Jihun sprawl on his lap. “You mean Luhan? What hour is it?” Sehun snatched his phone and looked at time but a frown made its way on his face.

“I’m just kidding~” Jihun sang and stood up to wrap his little arms around Sehun’s neck before trying to move him from side to side. “But I’m boored” He whined and shook Sehun a little. “Play with me, ‘Hunnie”

Sehun sighed heavily and threw his phone to the side before looking at his brother. “What will I ever do with you” He said and brought his hands to Jihun’s sides before tickling him and laughing along when the boy laughed and fell in defeat. Sehun ticked the kicking and squealing child until he crawled out of his grasp and ran out of the room.

Sehun sighed and ran a hand through his hair before looking at the time again. He had about an hour at the least left and since he already was awake he saw no point in staying in bed.

He got out of the bed, not bothering to make it, and grabbed a white tank top and a pair of black skinny jeans before going to the bathroom to get ready.

When he stumbled out of the bathroom he walked downstairs to look for Jihun, who he found watching early morning cartoons on the couch. Sehun observed the younger for a while before walking to the kitchen to make something to eat. “Jihun, are you hungry?!” He shouted from the kitchen and received a muffled no in return. “Suit yourself” he said to himself and heated up some leftovers from yesterday.

Just as he was done with his breakfast the doorbell rang and Sehun left the dishes in the sink to clean up later. He walked to the entrance and opened the door, Jihun curiously peering from behind him.

“Good morning” Luhan greeted them with a soft smile and a tilt of his head. “I hope I’m not too early but I didn’t have anything better to do” He said but Sehun only shook his head.

“No, it’s okay. Come in” He stepped away from the doors and allowed Luhan to walk inside, closing the door behind him.  “I don’t really know what you’re meant to do here”

“That’s okay” Luhan said as he took off his shoes and hanged the coat. “We’ll figure something out, right Jihun?” He said and looked at the youngest one.

“Yes, teacher Lulu” Jihun answered and laughed when Luhan pouted. He left them standing at the doorway and ran back to watch his cartoons.

“So, Lulu, huh” Sehun said and Luhan glared at him half-heartedly.

“Please don’t” He said, his cheeks tinting red at the ridiculous nickname.

“It’s cute though” Sehun said with a smirk and walked towards the living room.

“Oh please, Hunnie” Luhan said and walked after him, taking in the details of the room.

“I guess we can watch the cartoons with him and then do something” Sehun said as he made his way to the couch, ignoring the last comment even though he felt embarrassed.

Luhan agreed and they ended up watching reruns of various American cartoons, laughing at all the little things they didn’t catch when they were children themselves. When, two hours later, they were done with it Jihun exclaimed that he really wanted to go on a walk and the two older boys had nothing else to do but to agree.

As the three of them were walking through the local park, Sehun couldn’t help but glance at Luhan every once in a while. He couldn’t stop himself from thinking about how much he actually liked the elder. He liked his looks and he liked his personality and his fashion sense and the fact that he worked with children. Hell, he had, long ago, came to terms with himself that he really, really liked Luhan but was too shy to do anything about it. Having to spend the day with him was both bliss and torture and he just didn’t know what to do with himself.

“I want to go play! Can I, can I?” Jihun suddenly shouted, pointing at the children’s playground where a few other kids were already having fun. Both Luhan and Sehun nodded and watched as he ran towards the other children, not feeling even a little bit shy about playing with other children. Sehun wished he could have that childish bravery too.

Both Luhan and Sehun went to sit on a bench near the playground so that they could see Jihun clearly. “Why are you hanging out with us? You could easily go do anything else” Luhan asked while looking at Sehun questioningly.

“I don’t really have any plans” Sehun shrugged and avoided looking at Luhan, afraid that if he would he would say something stupid.

They allowed Jihun to play for some more time before Sehun went to get him away from the playground, which was a little problematic but with a promise for ice-cream everything went smoothly.

When they finally got back to the Oh household, it was already around five but Jihun was still full of energy and didn’t stop begging them to play something with him. They eventually settled for playing hide and seek, Sehun being the unlucky one to go searching for them. It wasn’t hard for him to find them, really. Especially because his brother stuck to Luhan like glue and also couldn’t really keep quiet but Sehun had to pretend not to know where they could possibly be before ‘finding’ them.

Afterwards, Luhan suggested to make something for them to eat, while Jihun demanded Sehun to carry him on shoulders around the house. Luhan was very amused by the contrast between the brothers, what with the happy look Jihun carried and Sehun’s blank one.

After they were done with dinner, Sehun’s brother ran into the living room to watch some more TV while both Sehun and Luhan were left at the kitchen. Luhan wanted to clean up after they were done but Sehun refused to let him do that and instead washed the dishes himself while painfully aware of Luhan watching him.

“What do we do now? I don’t feel like watching television” Luhan said with a small pout that made Sehun want to kiss it away. But the younger shook the thought away as soon as it came.

“Well, we could play something? Like card games?” Sehun suggested and Luhan shrugged at first but eventually nodded and the younger of the two went to get his deck of cards before returning to the kitchen, not sure where else they could go and play.

“I’m not really good at card games, though” Luhan admitted when Sehun sat down in front of him and started shuffling the deck.

“That’s okay, I’ll teach you” Sehun smiled and started handing the cards while he explained the rules of the game they were going to play.

The elder caught the hang of the game really quickly and both of them were making snarky remarks and feigning anger about the situations in their game, laughing afterwards quietly.  They played for around an hour and when they were done they noticed it was awfully quiet in the house save for the sounds from the TV.

Both boys went into the living room to find Jihun sound asleep on the couch, some kind of a film playing in the background.

“And this is what happens when kids don’t go for a nap” Luhan said with a shake of his head when he looked at the time and saw it was only a little past seven. “I’ll go tuck him in”

Sehun nodded and watched how Luhan picked his brother up and carried him upstairs. With a silly smile on his face Sehun plopped on the couch and switched through the channels, stopping on a random film he didn’t bother to actually watch.

“Do I have to stay over the night?” Luhan asked as he walked down the stairs and into the living room, sitting down next to Sehun on the couch.

“You can go, I guess” Sehun answered with a shrug though he could feel disappointment swirling in his gut.

“Nah, I don’t feel like it” The elder said with a smile and Sehun found himself smiling back unconsciously.

They both switched their attention to the film and watched it for a while until Luhan sighed loudly which made Sehun glance at him curiously.

“What’s wrong?” Sehun asked and tilted his head.

“You” Luhan answered boldly while looking straight at him.

“W-what?” Sehun stuttered and flinched at it. He could feel something twisting uncomfortably in his stomach. “What did I do?” He asked uncertainly, looking anywhere but at Luhan.

“How much longer are you going to pull this , Sehun?” The elder asked, his tone slightly annoyed.

“What are you talking about?” Sehun asked as his mind reeled through every possible thing he might’ve said or done to trigger such reaction from Luhan.

The elder sighed again and seemed to take a few seconds to calm himself down. When he spoke again his tone was much calmer. “I just- You’re sending me mixed signals”

“W-what?”  Sehun asked, his heart beating a bit too loudly. “I don’t understand what you are-“

“Do you like me or not?” Luhan cut him off and tried to catch the younger’s gaze.

“Of course I like you! Did I do something that made you think differently?” Sehun asked meekly, finally meeting Luhan’s gaze. He honestly felt like his heart would jump out of his throat any second,

“Oh my god you’re so dense” Luhan sighed and ran his hand through his light hair, which distracted Sehun a bit. “Just-“ Luhan began but stopped immediately and leaned closer to Sehun. “Calm down already and tell me if you like me, because I’m a little confused”

It took a few seconds for Sehun’s brain to process the information. “Oh” He said quietly. “Oooh” He repeated again and forced himself to calm down, though it seemed like his heartbeat was only speeding up if anything else. “Well, I- I do like you” Sehun said quickly and closed his eyes, not sure what to expect even though Luhan didn’t seem uncomfortable with the idea.

What he did not expect, however, was the soft press against his lips. Sehun opened his eyes and found Luhan’s face much closer than it was before, the elder’s own eyes closed. Sehun didn’t know what to do but he didn’t want for the elder to pull away so he parted his lips a little and kissed Luhan properly, letting his eyes fall shut again and enjoying the feeling.

They did pull away quickly though, both a little red. Sehun could feel his heart pounding in his throat and he wondered if Luhan felt the same. Luhan seemed to want to say something but after brief eye contact Sehun couldn’t help it. He leaned forward and kissed Luhan again, and biting softly on his bottom lip.

Sehun felt Luhan placing his hands on his shoulder so he moved his own around the elder’s waist. They kissed slowly like that until Sehun pulled Luhan a little closer and the elder eagerly pressed closer himself. Without thinking much, Sehun pulled and lifted Luhan, manhandling him on his lap while not breaking the kiss.

They only deepened it when Luhan opened his mouth and Sehun eagerly stuck his tongue inside, coaxing Luhan’s tongue to move around too. Sehun heard Luhan slightly into the kiss and he whined then elder pulled away. But it only lasted until they caught some breath before continuing with what they were doing. It didn’t take long until both of them were grinding against each other, both groaning at the friction as Sehun peppered kisses up and down Luhan’s neck and the latter pulled on Sehun’s hair.

“Maybe we should- ah- stop before this turns to something else” Luhan said while panting against Sehun’s ear, making the younger groan in response. He trailed a few more kisses up and down Luhan’s neck, biting at one point and leaving a slight mark before pulling away.

“I think you’re right” He answered and looked at Luhan who pulled away but still remained straddling Sehun.

It was quiet for a few seconds before Luhan sighed and ran his fingers through his hair again. “Well that just happened” He said and both of them laughed.

“Yeah” Sehun said before leaning in for another, this time simpler kiss. When they pulled away Sehun moved and plopped down on the couch, making Luhan lie down on his chest. “Let’s just cuddle or something” He suggested and Luhan hummed in agreement before snuggling up to the younger.



Probably missed the mistakes but I made it up on the spot 

I literally took one of the most used names in Korea apparently, I'm that orginal

It's a little rushed and I'm generally not really satisfied with it but it is what it is

Hope you liked it~

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Deflowerhoe #1
Chapter 1: my heart soo cute i cant-
Chapter 1: This story is so adorable and fluffy! ♥♥♥ Hunhan with kid = cutest thing ever haha
I really like this story ^.^~ Hope to see more Hunhan fics from you ♥
CandyJar #3
Chapter 1: awww! 2 sided love gahhh!
dragonmafia #4
Chapter 1: So cute~ ahh