when forgetting is forgivable


To him, forgetting is unforgivable, the absolute worst sin in his books.
But sometimes, he finds himself wondering - he has too much time on his hands, but really, there's nothing to do in his prison - whether he could ever forgive himself if one day he finally remembers what caused him to forget in the first place.


A/N: This is what happens when my MyungYeol feels get out of hand and explode. If there is anyone to blame, it is my English teacher, who thought it was a brilliant idea to give me this prompt ("what we choose to remember and forget shapes our reality") for my creative writing homework. 


To him, forgetting is unforgivable, the absolute worst sin in his books.
But sometimes, he finds himself wondering - he has too much time on his hands, but really, there's nothing to do in his prison - whether he could ever forgive himself if one day he finally remembers what caused him to forget in the first place.




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Chapter 1: But...but... but.... my yeollie... and myungie... but... but... no...
sungyeol died, oh my god, let me go cry in a corner for a little while. He did leave the world laughing, that's a good think....
Myungsoo... where is he? in jail or a mental hospital? Half his lifetime is a long time....
This is such a beautiful and sad fic! Thank you for sharing it with us!