Chapter 1

Another 30 Days
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“Move on, Laura,”


Josh- a middle age man in early fifties- taps his fingers impatiently on the armrest. His deep gaze falls on the girl so called Laura, scrutinizing her appearance. She has sunken and hollow cheeks, her skin is sickly grey- a tone paler than usual-, her doe eyes as empty as a cave’s opening and her brown hair tangle in a mess that reaches her waist.


Laura looks up and met Josh’s piercing looks with a sad one. “I can’t, dad.” Her eyes flutter to stop the tear. She can’t afford to show her father how broken she is.


Ego? Maybe. After all, it’s the first time he had shown any sign of care.


“It’s just that I’m,” Her weak voice trail into a murmur as the gaze on her turns darker. She shut and hangs her head low. Her breathe comes out short and squeaky. Josh’s anger switch is and she’s the one who flicks it open.


He his gold-studded cane and inhale sharply. As always, Laura can already foresee what’s going to happen in her head. This bound to be yet, another fight between them. If only Renee is with them to break the few second of silent- before the argument starts- with her witty sense, Laura will be extremely glad. All of this is suffocating her.


“You can but you choose not to. Isn’t it?” He presses firmly on each word.


She didn’t replies.


“Answer me.” His voice strains with anger.


She didn’t want to…


“That’s it!” Josh slams his hand to the coffee table infront of him- standing up. “Your husband is dead! He’s gone and so does his importance to our family.” Josh points a finger to Laura. “Even your in-law has already banks in a six zero value to your account. He’s gone, remember that.” Laura’s face twist with clear pain and Josh loves every millisecond of it. All he expects from his daughter is a heiress. Not a crybaby.


“I do." Her voice cracks. “I still need him.”


He laughed. The kind he usually used to win the bidding of millions dollar worth of projects. It was a rich and low sound that flaunts Josh’s power without the need to utter a word.


“It’s ridiculous.” His laugh drawls a little. “You’re just desperate and pathetic.” The edge of his lip curves upward in some kind of mysterious smile.


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Chapter 1: Maybe because this is just a prologue. that's probably the reason why i still couldn't get the feel. but, I was highly anticipated what is going on next, why she's so sad. fighting!
I'm waiting for the next chapter! :) Good Luck.
Mutita #3
I'm your first commentner^^ keep going author-nim