Camp Week 1 Day 1: Nothing We Haven't Done Before

It's Best If You Stay Away From Me (Hiatus)

Super Junior - No Other


(Your POV)

"Students! Get on the bus! Sit by the person you with in class!" Mr. Lee shouted to everyone, earning a lot of groans from students that were loading into the bus. A different bus carried all of our luggage, I but mine in a safe spot, not wanting it to get mixed in with everyone else's.

It's been a couple of days since that event on the roof and ever since then everyones been talking. Oh and not in the good way, it's either 'she's a ', 'why is Big Bang protecting her?', or 'I'd kill her." Just pleasant! But besides that Seunghyun and I have been communicating, mainly through texting and calling each other a lot. I learned a lot more about Big Bang then I used to, for example:

GD=Bum, Taeyang=The Umma, and a good singer, Daesung=Annoys Seunghyun but it's pretty funny, and Seungri=He's pretty funny! And good singer. And as for Seunghyun well that's the whole purpose of don't judge a book by its cover. You may think he looks cold, heartless, and ruthless. But on the inside he's a pretty sweet guy, he's the appa of the group he makes sure everyone is taken care of, he even cooks! His cooking was actually pretty good to!

Oh God! I'm rambling! Well besides that, it was 6 AM. Why you ask? Because the teachers want to get to the camp as soon as possible, which I find ridiculous because the camp is five hours away. So of course at 6 AM everyone looks like a zombie...well ty zombies for the girls with their short shorts and transparent tank tops along with the bags under their eyes. I was wearing black sweats that stopped at my knee along with a regular blue shirt, and pink Nikes. Oh yes I looked like a bum, but a fabulous bum, along with loosely curled hair oh yes I definitely looked cute.

I followed the rest of the students on to the bus, I sat in the back mainly because Seunghyun was already there and we had to sit by our table mate.

"Well you look like a ball of sunshine this early in the morning." Seunghyun stated, he was wearing a pair of grey sweats, white t-shirt and a pair a pair of white Nikes.

"You don't look too bad yourself." I replied with a small tired smile on my face, I was about to sit down Seunghyun blocked the seat with his hand.

"I'm sorry but are you lost? The Miss Universe pageant is that way." He joked, we shared a laugh and then he moved his hand so I could sit down. After about five minutes the bus jerked forward, signaling that we've started driving to the camp. I pulled out my fully charged iPod Touch, and started playing Sign by Brown Eyed Girls (Not Mine But A Good Song). I soon felt my eyelids betray me as they fell, putting me into a well needed sleep.

----Seunghyun POV-----

We weren't even ten minutes into the bus ride and already the bus was filled with loud laughter, talking, and some screams.

"Ayo! T.O.P your sleeping beauty needs help!" GD yelled, what was he talking about? He then pointed to you who fell asleep next to me. Her head was bobbing up and down because of the bus, I pushed her head so that it was now leaning on my shoulder. To be honest she looked peaceful when she was sleeping, like she was just completely relaxed. I looked down at her hand only to notice a small dark bruise on it, I already knew where it came from the hard part was trying to ignore it.

It just angered me how someone could be so cruel, it just bugs me!

"Aw T.O.P and his lover!" GD yelled, earning a piercing glare from me,

"We're not like that, we're just friends." I stated

"Yeah friends who talk on the phone EVERYDAY. Text ALL THE TIME. And call each other before they go to bed! Yup sounds like friendship to me." GD retorted

Okay for once he had a point, I might have had a small, okay medium sized crush on you but I doubt she'd fall for a gangster like me. Plus I'm not handsome, charming, or cute. Plus I can't fall in love with her if I did than I'd put her life in danger, because I'm a gangster.

I began to get lost in my thoughts and soon I felt my eyelids began to slowly fall. As I fall into my long needed sleep my head began to fall towards you's head, but I didn't have enough strength to prevent it, then again I didn't try to either.

------4 hours later (Yes they need THAT much sleep) Still T.O.P POV-----

I woke up to a bump that the bus ran over, to be completely honest that was a great nap. I looked at my watch, okay a good four hour nap. I looked at my iPhone (a/n Fancy!) only to notice that I had a new message from GD. I looked around and noticed how quiet it was, which had to mean that everyone fell asleep. I continued to look at my text, only to notice it had a picture attached to it with a caption that said, "Yeah JUST friends!".

I opened it, only to notice a picture of me and you sleeping with her head on my shoulder and my head on her head. I hid it quickly and checked to see if you was awake, and thank God she wasn't. I looked at the text again only to notice there was another picture. I clicked on it only to see that GD edited the photo and put a pink heart on it, I hit the reply button.

"Thanks ." I typed, I can picture it now GD reading it now and taking this as a complete compliment. Although the picture was pretty......cute. Yes I said it! It was cute! But still GD's an , a complete . Then all of a sudden I felt you move her head a little, I smoothly put my iPhone in my pocket. I looked at her to see if she was awake but, she was fluttering her eyes open. To be honest, it was adorable, completely adorable.

----You POV----

"I'm sorry if I fell asleep on you, I didn't mean to." I said half-awake, following a short yawn. He did a small low chuckle

"Its fine I fell asleep on you to so I guess you could say we're even." He joked an hour later...----

To be honest Seunghyun and I talked non-stop, their were no awkward silences at all. We talked about the things we had in common, for example the books we read, TV shows, and he would even tell funny jokes and stories. It was pretty great to be honest, and I know this may sound weird but Seunghyun was....perfect. I mean he's smart, funny, nice, and just all around great, I guess I'm falling for him, but it's still too early to tell. I mean I just met him about five days, ago....yet it feels like I've known him longer. 

But then again I'm not his type, he's a gangster and I'm Little Miss Invisible. But I can picture Seunghyun with someone who's just absolutely gorgeous or maybe she even looks like a model! Or just someone who's the complete opposite of me, for example someone who stands out in a crowd. Eh who knows. The bus suddenly jerked forward causing everyone that was sleeping to wake up. Mr. Lee stood up,

"Okay students we are now at the campsite! When you get off of the bus grab your bags and head over to the campsite! Separate into two lines one for girls one for boys! Go!" With that everyone rushed off the bus not caring what Mr. Lee or Mr. Chung were doing. Seunghyun and I were the last and calmest ones to get off the bus.

----Like five minutes later----

"So Sunday and Dana are sharing this room." One of the female counselors stated and the two girls cheered because they were partnered together.

"And you you are partnered with...oh..." That wasn't a good "oh" that was more of an uh-oh.

"Um is there a problem?" I asked her politely

"Well we don't have anymore rooms, but they should have a spare room if we check with the head counselor at the office. Let's go!" She said enthusiastically, well that just makes me worried. How can someone be so perky? It's just....just...frustrating.

We walked to the office and I saw Seunghyun with his bags in his hands still.

"Get in to trouble already?! Geez I thought you'd at least wait a day or two!" I joked, which earned a low chuckle from Seunghyun

"And I thought you'd stop making fun of me. I guess we're both in the wrong." he retorted

"So why are you here?" I asked him, obviously he didn't do anything wrong I mean Seunghyun was a good person he wouldn't do anything wrong.

"They don't have enough rooms so I have to go to one of the spare rooms." He explained, I scoffed

"Same here-"  I was interrupted by the counselor who just came back with the news.

"Okay so we found out we only have one spare room, but your teacher told us you two are the top students so this shouldn't be a problem and you'll handle it maturely. Are you okay with this?" She asked us, well more like Seunghyun she couldn't keep her eyes off him, it made me a bit angry. Mainly because she's staring at him like a piece of meat, and this hidden jealousy just surfaced in me.

We both nodded then she led us to our room, it was a short walk no too far from the office and no too far from the camp grounds either.

"Okay here's your cabin! Enjoy your stay!" She winked at Seunghyun and left, once again that hidden jealousy came out of no where.

"Well welcome to our humble abode." Seunghyun said, and opened the doors of a dark, dusty, and a bit messy room.

"Well this is just...Great!" I said with sarcasm

"Don't worry we'll make the best of it. Plus we've shared a room before, it's nothing we haven't done before.

--------To Be Continued-------

Sorry for not updating! I've been extremely busy with schools and to be honest my test scores are just not that great...but then again my teacher is a but and AP isn't easy. But thanks to super junior I'm okay with it :3 They did say Grades go up and down, that’s just how it is :3 Don't forget to comment! And also tell me what you think about the group Chocolat, have you heard their MR removeds? I'll tell you my opinion in the next chapter Taataa :3

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Keep calm because a new chapter is coming tonight~


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Azalea123 #1
Chapter 13: I'm Sry.... but my username.......
Dukiepoopie #2
Chapter 22: Omit own please updAte soon! I love this! But... Are you going to continue cuz you haven't since 2012 and its 2016 now...
Chapter 22: its been to long since i last read dis bt update soon
VixxsLittleDoll #4
Chapter 22: Author-nim! Update soon please? I looooooooooooooove it! ^^
JBL511 #5
Chapter 22: Why no update. it's been years!!! is it ?
Chapter 5: Haven't put tablet down for hours.... <3
Update please :'(
KimAnna #8
Chapter 22: update soon please author nim
SongEunGi #9
Chapter 22: Wow! so daring the speech was! LOL pls update soon! game on!
SongEunGi #10
Chapter 8: Even though I read it late but it was very cute!