It's Official, Big Bang Knows Who I Am

It's Best If You Stay Away From Me (Hiatus)

GD&TOP - Don't Go Home


----Your POV----

BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! I blindly searched for my annoying alarm clock, and quickly turned it off to stop its annoying sound. I looked up only to be blinded by the sun shining threw my window, my gaze began to focus and I looked over at my injured guest who was still sleeping.  I decided not to wake him up yet since it was only 6:30 AM, and I was the only one who had something to do. I sat up slowly not wanting my injuries from last night to affect me too much.

After I stood up, I realized that I had to ask my mom about the camp. I already know she's going to say yes but I'm afraid of what'll happen while I'm gone. Will she be okay? Will she have enough food to eat? I brushed my ideas off and tip toed to my back pack to grab the permission slip, and I tip toed back out of the room. I slowly closed the door not wanting to wake up my house guest, "He looks so peaceful when he's sleeping." I thought to myself and with that I closed the door.

I stood in front of my my moms room and took a deep breathe before I headed into her room. She was completely out of it, bottles of empty vodka were everywhere. I avoided them not wanting to wake my mom up from her deep slumber. I lightly shook her.

"Mom?" I asked her in a whisper, and she replied in a muffled groan

"Can you sign this for my schools camp? It's three weeks long?" She nodded, I handed her a pen and she sloppily signed her signature

"Thank you." I said and quickly left her room, and let out a long sigh of relief. I walked to the kitchen and and set my permission slip on the counter, and grabbed my apron so I could cook breakfast. I checked the refrigerator to see what I could make for breakfast since I was feeding one more person instead of just myself. I decided to make mandoo since we had those ingredients. I took out all the ingredients I needed including the Kimchi and rice.

I started the rice before I did anything, because it tends to take the longest when I cook. I started putting the filling in the dumpling wrap quickly and neatly to save time. I the stove's eye and waited for it to heat up before I put on the small pot of grease for the mandoo. As the grease was heating up, I pulled out some left over Kimchi from my refrigerator and put it on a medium sized plate. I heard the pot bubbling so I went to go cook the mandoo which took a couple of minutes. But before I knew it everything for breakfast was ready!

I looked at the clock, it was 7:00 which left me plenty of time seeming that school didn't start until 9:00. Then out of the corner of my eye I saw silver hair, and I quickly looked to my left. Only to notice my injured house guest, T.O.P stand in the middle of the hallway with tired eyes.

"Sorry if I woke you up, you can sit down over there." I pointed towards a newly cleaned table, and he nodded and walked slowly to the table and sat down.

"Thank you for helping me last night, not a lot of people would've done that." I shrugged, and grabbed a plate full of mandoo to bring to the table

"Your welcome, it's not a big deal anyway you were injured and it wouldn't have been right to leave you out there to die." I said and left the plate at the table then went to grab the Kimchi and extra plates.

"Also I'm sorry." I raised my eyebrow at him

"For calling you a , that was wrong and I shouldn't have judged you when I didn't even know you." He said in his bass apologetic voice. I put the rest of the food down on the table and let out a short sigh

"It's fine that just shows that you can't judge people before you actually get to know them. You might just be wrong about them." I said plainly as I began to wash my hands, the water was too hot and I yanked my hands from under the sink.

"Owwie~ That hurt~" I said shaking my hands frantically trying to cool them off, I began to pout. Then I remembered who's presence I was in and I turned my head to look at T.O.P

"Y-you didn't see that!" This was embarrassing! I could feel my cheeks heat up a little bit, was I blushing? Nooooo! Then I heard him laugh

"Hey! It's not that funny..." I said, but he just continued to laugh

"You were right you shouldn't judge a person before you get to know them!" He started to calm down

"To be honest I thought you were just a normal, quiet person but it turns out you can be cute and funny. Anyway thank you for the food!" He picked up a pair of chopsticks and picked up a piece of mandoo to eat. When T.O.P ate it he gasp in , and I panicked

"Is it okay? Are you choking? It it gross?" I exclaimed, and he looked at me with admiring eyes

"Are you the cooking Goddess? This is delicious!" He praised, and I giggled a little

"Thank you T.O.P but it's not good enough for that title I promise you that." I reassured him

"You can call me Seunghyun, T.O.P is just a name GD started calling me and everyone started saying it after that. And yes your cooking deserves that title!" He calmly stated and began eating his food again. I began to eat to but since I can't eat much I ate pretty slowly. When we at there was also this silence, not an awkward or bad type of silence. But an enjoyable type of silence, the kind that was relaxing.

After about ten minutes we were both finished eating, and since I ate very little and Seunghyun-ah ate like a regular person, I cooked the perfect amount of food. All of a sudden a random reminder popped into my head.

"Today is free dress day..."

There was a short pause, before Seunghyun and I let out a long sigh.

"It's days like this when I hate my life." Seunghyun sadly said

"Oh you don't like all the girls wearing short shorts and a tight crop tops? I'm shocked!" I sarcastically asked as I picked up the plates and put them in the sink to be washed. I quickly glanced at the time, it was 7:30

"Did you want to take a shower first then walk over to your house?" I asked but he nodded no

"I can walk to my house by myself really I'll be okay."

"No you won't, your barely walking straight as it is. So which one is it?" He let out a sigh

"Well Mom, I'll just wait until you get dressed and take a shower then you can walk me to my house." He suggested and I nodded my head in agreement

"You can watch the TV if you want please excuse the mess though I haven't had the time to clean it up." I said and walked back to get dressed and take a shower.

----T.O.P's POV----

I slowly walked to the couch and the TV. Okay so maybe she was right I could barely walk but it hurt a lot less than yesterday. To be honest I was completely grateful that ~~~~~ helped me but I was also hoping that I didn't burden her. The other thing that bothers me is her mom, who does that to their own daughter? She doesn't have the right to be called a mother. Then again where the hell is her father?

That question bounced around in my head for a long time. Who am I to meddle in her business though? I decided to distract myself and watch a random drama that was on TV. There was a pretty rough looking guy that was watching a girl walk out of the room.

"I wish you'd stay away from me, your only making harder not to love you..." What. Is. He. Talking. About?!

"It's not safe for a gangster to love such an innocent girl like you." To be honest I understood where he was coming from. Falling in love while being in a gang or being a gangster is dangerous because you could put the other persons life in danger. They could get attacked by an enemy gang or even worse, that's why gangsters try not to fall in love.

"Okay I'm done~" When I looked at ~~~~~ I was star struck, to be completely honest she looked beautiful. She had a white dress ended at her lower thigh. It looked like she had a brown slip dress under it but it helped the white dress stand out. Then she had a pair of brown wedges to match.

----Your POV----

Seunghyun was wide eyed, I was scared that I didn't look good. Quickly I changed the subject

"Sorry for taking so long, here's your clothes." I handed him a plastic bag with his clothes.

"T-thank you." Did he just stutter? I MUST look bad! But I don't have enough time to change, so I guess I'll have to stick with it.

"Oh can I call my phone using your cell phone I don't know where I put it." He asked and I quickly handed him my cell phone, he quickly dialed his number and we heard the distant ringtone. He handed me my phone and went to grab his own phone and and quickly came back.

"Let's go." I said and started walking towards the door, I opened the door only to once again to be greeted by the bright sunlight once again. I let Seunghyun lead the way since I had no idea where he lived,

"So how'd you get all of your injuries?" I asked him

"Gang fight, I won but six to one is never a fair fight." I wasn't shocked that he told me he was in a gang, well I already knew. But I had to agree six to one is never a fair fight.

"This is normal though, Big Bang is the biggest gang in Korea we've got people everywhere." I was surprised

"Really?! I thought Big Bang was just a gang for the school! I didn't know it was that big!" I said with complete surprise, and Seunghyun chuckled

"No, we're way bigger than that! Oh were here." He said as we approached his....mansion?! He wobbled over to the gate and pressed the red button.

"Yo! GD open the gate." He said into the speaker, and the gate opened

"You! Yes the girl behind him! You come in to!" The voice demanded, I slowly followed behind Seunghyun a little bit scared. Seunghyun opened the unlocked door and walked in a held the door open for me to come in. I nodded and said a quiet 'thank you' and stepped inside. I marveled at how big their house was, they had so much stuff but it was organized.

All of a sudden a shirtless G-Dragon came downstairs white skinny jeans and a a big hat that had white, blue, and a hot pink color on it. He gestured for us to sit on the black leather couches, I quietly obeyed and so did Seunghyun. GD sat on one couch while Seunghyun and I sat on the other couch facing him.

"I see that you saved T.O.P. and I respect you for that. I just hope you know what comes with it." I was confused

"What comes with it?" I questioned him

"Since you've saved one of us, we get to repay you. From now on you'll be protected by Big Bang, so whenever you're in danger we'll protect you. Plus we're always near so you'll be okay." GD comforted

"And you," He pointed at T.O.P "How stupid are you? Letting yourself get injured! I don't care if you won the fight! And the you let this beautiful...y..." He kept eyeing me and biting his lips "Yah! Get back to the point!" Seunghyun yelled putting GD back on track

"Girl heal your wounds and burden her! Are you crazy?!" I decided to put in my two cents sadly

"Um it was no problem really, don't grill him too badly plus he's a lot better now! His wounds are almost all gone!." I tried to soften the mood. GD rolled his head around in a circle to look intimidating and pointed at T.O.P. again.

"Your lucky you have her on your case or else your would be in DEEP. . Now you go upstairs get dressed, and you." He pointed to me.

"You can leave, and don't worry Big Band knows who you are, we know who everyone is." Seunghyun stood up

"Here I'll give you a hand outside." I followed him and did a small wave to GD and he did the sup nod.

When we got outside Seunghyun sighed

"Sorry about that, GD's always like that. Oh, and sorry about him hitting on you that must've been....awkward." I nodded

"That was insanely awkward, but thank you for taking me outside." I said as we got to the gate

"Well I gauss I'll see you at school." He said and did a short wave goodbye and I replied with the same gesture, and continued to walk to school before I was interrupted by my phone vibrating.

"Another sorry for stealing your number! Save it! It's Seunghyun." It read and I giggled to myself and replied

"Seunghyun? Who's that? Just kidding!" I replied and kept walking to school with a stupid smile on my face.

----To Be Continued----

Oi! I'm tired ~.~ I stayed up all night but it was fun :3 I'll try to finish another chapter tommorow! Emphasize TRY. Comment on how what you think! The dress is down there! \/

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Keep calm because a new chapter is coming tonight~


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Azalea123 #1
Chapter 13: I'm Sry.... but my username.......
Dukiepoopie #2
Chapter 22: Omit own please updAte soon! I love this! But... Are you going to continue cuz you haven't since 2012 and its 2016 now...
Chapter 22: its been to long since i last read dis bt update soon
VixxsLittleDoll #4
Chapter 22: Author-nim! Update soon please? I looooooooooooooove it! ^^
JBL511 #5
Chapter 22: Why no update. it's been years!!! is it ?
Chapter 5: Haven't put tablet down for hours.... <3
Update please :'(
KimAnna #8
Chapter 22: update soon please author nim
SongEunGi #9
Chapter 22: Wow! so daring the speech was! LOL pls update soon! game on!
SongEunGi #10
Chapter 8: Even though I read it late but it was very cute!