And A Merry Christmas To All!

It's Best If You Stay Away From Me (Hiatus)

Santa U Are The One - Super Junior

----Your POV----

I woke up to the blinding sunlight sneaking its way through my curtains. I sat up slowly, and then I remembered….IT’S CHRISTMAS! I got everybody a present already and I really want to see what their reactions are! Well mainly Seunghyun’s but I’m still curious!

I literally jumped out of bed and ran into the hallway, until the cold air got to me. I forgot that I was in my pajamas which consisted of a HUGE sweatshirt that covered my underwear. Yeah I should put some sweatpants on before I flash the whole house.

I flipped through all my drawers and found my grey sweatpants, now that I’m dressed I’ll go wake up Seunghyun after all he is the hardest person to wake up. He’s like a little kid who never wants to wake up, yet he’s so cute when he sleeping.

I walked out in the hallway once again and walked towards Seunghyun’s room, I knocked three times. No sound was heard no sound was made, I opened the door slowly and peeked in and noticed that Seunghyun was holding on to his large black and white striped stuffed animal. Isn’t he just perfect? I felt a smile creep on my face.

“Seunghyun oppa?” I said in a quiet low-tone voice, he didn’t respond again. I walked over to the bed and shook him a little but he just growled at me and pulled me into bed and hugged me.

“Jagiya what are you doing up so early?” He said with a groggy voice.

“It’s Christmas Morning! We have to wake everybody up!” I said excitedly, with that he sat up and kissed me on the forehead

“You’re like a little kid who just found candy mountain.” Seunghyun stated me. He stood up and stretched before wrapping his arms around my waist and waddling around my feet while I walked. I feel like I’m being hugged by a huge panda. But Seunghyun’s my huge loveable panda.

We walked down the hallway to GD’s room, and I looked at Seunghyun.

“You should go in remember what GD said yesterday?” I reminded him, Seunghyun did a low chuckle before he let go of me.

“It’s fine he was just playing around with you.” Seunghyun assured me before opening the door to the forbidden room. He went in and I just followed like a child to a mother.

Now I know why GD wanted to keep his room a secret.

Words cannot describe how amazing GD’s room is, I mean literally no words at all. Seunghyun and I went to GD’s bedside and looked at his awkward sleeping position. He was only in his boxers and his but was in the air while his arms were flailing everywhere. Seunghyun looked at me with a devious smile on his face.

“Pick him up and throw him in the water.” He silently mouthed to me, and I giggled before nodding in agreement. Seunghyun grabbed GD’s arms and I grabbed his legs. And on the count of three GD went in the pool with a loud SPLASH!

“You mother fu- I will kill both of you!” GD yelled as Seunghyun and I made our escape.

“Merry Christmas!” We yelled before closing the door and running to Daesung’s room. Unlike GD, Daesung had a sweatshirt and pajama pants on and was wrapped in his blankets.

Seunghyun and I decided to be nice to Daesung and just shook him lightly to wake him up. His eyes fluttered open, and when he saw Seunghyun and I he simple smiled and sat up.

“Good morning noona, T.O.P Hyung.” He greeted with a smile on his face. How can he be so innocent? I’m so confused!

“We’re gonna open presents down stairs as soon as we wake up your hyungs arasso?” Seunghyun said, and the younger one simply nodded. We left the room to go to our last two victims. I guess you could say coal was in our future this Christmas.

We decided to do Seungri last and head to Taeyang’s room, we knocked three times before opening the door silently. Sadly Taeyang was already awake so we headed to Seungri’s room, oh this was going to be good.

We knocked three times and with no response we silently snuck up on Seungri. He slept like GD all over the place, his face was open to the world so we decided to sabotage his face. Seunghyun handed me a marker and we both drew on his face, after a while he looked like a panda with a mustache with some random doodles. We then took some whip cream and put it all over Seungri’s face, we tickled his face a little and he smeared the whip cream all over.

We giggled a little, until Seungri woke up.

“What the hell?!” Seungri yelled, as we dashed downstairs and met with the rest of Big Bang downstairs. GD was wet, Taeyang was wide awake, Daesung was really cheery, and Seungri came down the stairs covered in whip cream and doodles on his face.

“Merry Christmas!” I yelled, and handed everyone their present. I gave Seunghyun his last because it was really heavy and I couldn’t carry them all.

Daesung opened his present first and revealed a doraemon necklace, followed by Daesung’s surprised expression.

“How did you know I loved Doraemon? I will never lose this!” Daesung shouted with happiness.

Next was Seungri, he put the present down on the ground and crossed his arms.

“Nuh-uh, it’s probably going to explode all over me and you guys are going to have a ball.” Seungri stated.

“I promise it’s not a prank please open it!” I begged, not knowing Seunghyun was giving Seungri a deathly glare.

“O-on second thought I believe you.” Seungri undid the wrapping to reveal a giant fluffy panda.

“Thank you Noona!”  Seungri said as he hugged his new furry friend.

Taeyang took out the tissue paper in his small bag to reveal a pair of sunglasses, Taeyang smiled and put them on.

“Thank you.” Taeyang said in his semi-bass voice.

GD destroyed the wrapping on his present and gasped, it was a black hat with devil horns on it.

“How did you find this?! I could never find this in stores!” GD put the hat on his head and thanked me.

“I have a secret connection now Seunghyun open your present!” I said jumping up and down. He bent over and pulled out the first thing he saw which was a new shiny leather jacket, followed by a plaid jacket. Seunghyun thought that was all but then he something caught his eye. He picked it up and realized it was ALL of 1TYM’s CD’s. 1TYM had been his favorite group growing up and still are.  He opened his arms up and clobbered me up.

“Thank you so much yaebo!” He said followed by a kiss on the cheek. He broke off the hug and shoved something in front of me. It was a giant shiny bag with my name on it.

“Thank you Seunghyun, but you really didn’t have to.” I said with a smile.

“I HAD to get my girlfriend something for Christmas.” Seunghyun stated, I smiled at him and began to open my present. Everything brought tears to my eyes. Seunghyun bought me a black and white dress, along with a silver and black dress. Along with all of SHINee’s CD’s and a picture of us from camp. I gave Seunghyun a hug knowing that he worked really hard to put all of this together.

“I love you Seunghyun.” I said as my voice cracked from crying

“I love you to you.” He replied with a smile on his lips.

This the best Christmas ever.


Allow me to explain why I have been gone for so long. I've been grounded....not even kidding. Was I being a bad juju? No, my room just wasn't clean :c I'm still grounded, I just snuck my computor upstairs. Because I am bad :3 No not really but I promise and seriously mean promise I'll update soon! Comment, subscribe, and bookmark please! I love you all and thank you for all of your support! Even my silent readers! <3

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Keep calm because a new chapter is coming tonight~


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Azalea123 #1
Chapter 13: I'm Sry.... but my username.......
Dukiepoopie #2
Chapter 22: Omit own please updAte soon! I love this! But... Are you going to continue cuz you haven't since 2012 and its 2016 now...
Chapter 22: its been to long since i last read dis bt update soon
VixxsLittleDoll #4
Chapter 22: Author-nim! Update soon please? I looooooooooooooove it! ^^
JBL511 #5
Chapter 22: Why no update. it's been years!!! is it ?
Chapter 5: Haven't put tablet down for hours.... <3
Update please :'(
KimAnna #8
Chapter 22: update soon please author nim
SongEunGi #9
Chapter 22: Wow! so daring the speech was! LOL pls update soon! game on!
SongEunGi #10
Chapter 8: Even though I read it late but it was very cute!