Three Years Later...

Taemin's Family


Minji was three years old, Taemin went to work while Yeonyoung stayed with Minji.

''Minji, come here, I'm going to do your hair,'' Yeonyoung said.

''Okay, omma,'' Minji said.

Minji walked over to Yeonyoung, she did a pigtail hairstyle for Minji.

*Minji's pigtails*

''Do you want to go see appa?'' Yeonyoung asked.

''Yes, I want to see appa,'' Minji said.

Taemin's workplace

Taemin was the boss of his workplace, so he checked on everyone in his workplace.

''Taemin, there's someone to see you,'' Taemin's co-worker said.

''Let them in,'' Taemin said.

Yeonyoung came in, holding Minji's hand.

''Minji, Yeonyoung, why are you here?'' Taemin asked.

''Minji wanted to see you,'' Yeonyoung said.

Taemin carried Minji, he kissed her on the forhead.

''Appa, do you have candy?'' Minji asked.

''Later, when I get off work, I'll get candy,'' Taemin said.

''Taemin, we have to go, I have to take Minji to school,'' Yeonyoung said.

''Alright, see you later,'' Taemin says, waving good-bye.

Minji's school

Yeonyoung took Minji into her school, she kissed Minji before she went home.

Minji was in kinergarden, so she got to take a nap, color, draw, write, and read.

After school, Taemin and Yeonyoung picked Minji up at the school. 

Minji saw Taemin and Yeonyoung, she ran up to them and gave them a hug.

''Appa, omma, I want to read books,'' Minji replied. 

Minji unfolded her paper and showed her parents the drawing to made at school.

''Okay, let's go home,'' Taemin said.

Taemin carried Minji into the car and seatbelted her.


During the ride home, Minji already fell asleep, so Yeonyoung took Minji to her room.

Minji's room

Yeonyoung setted Minji on the hello kitty bed, then left Minji to sleep.

A few minutes later, Minji woked up and opened the door to play with EXO.

Mansion: Living room

Minji found the EXO members watching TV, she cuddled Suho from the back. 

''Minji, you need us?'' Chen asked.

''Yes, come into my room,'' Minji said. 

Minji's bedroom

''I know that Naeun is coming to destroy my omma and appa, I need your help to do a secret plan.'' Minji said. 

Minji looked out the window, Naeun was coming to destroy Yeonyoung and Taemin. 

The plan was making a trap door and send Naeun back to her house.

When Naeun was about to enter, she fell into the trap and she was back at her house.



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Chapter 3: Damn the baby is only like a day or so old and she gets a tablet already?! Lucky!
Chapter 1: Thanks, I'll fix it whenever I have time.
Chapter 2: It's incubator...not inky baiter

But anyway hm I wonder how come it wasn't SHINee instead of EXO. Regardless can't wait to see what Naeun has to say about this
Please update~ Anticipating on this story