

     Eunhyuk is sitting beside Donghae in the back seat of the car. He held him against his chest. Donghae is crying and has his face buried in Eunhyuk’s chest. He wrapped his arms tightly around him and fisted his shirt. Besides their driver there are alone. They are on their way to a funeral. For Donghae’s dad. Eunhyuk rubbed his back soothingly and massaged his scalp. He combed his fingers through his hair. The others are on their way too. Eunhyuk is doing his best to take care of and comfort Donghae. He has been staying with him since he passed.

     Then his phone suddenly went off. Eunhyuk frowned in confusion and pulled it out. It is Heechul.

     “Hey Heechul-ah, what is—huh? Teukkie-ah, why do you have Heechul’s phone?” Eunhyuk asked.

     “Huh?! What do you mean? What happened?” Eunhyuk asked frantically.

     Donghae looked up at Eunhyuk and rubbed his eyes. When Eunhyuk noticed he tried to smile reassuringly but the worried look on his face ruined it. Donghae frowned at Eunhyuk and immediately grew concerned himself. He wants to know what is wrong but knows he has to wait until Eunhyuk gets off the phone. Eunhyuk sighs, seeing his attempt to make him not worry fail.

     He pulls Donghae in and coaxes him into resting his head on his shoulder. Donghae nuzzles his neck and snuggled close. Eunhyuk combed his fingers through his hair comfortingly while he tensely listened to Leeteuk. When he is done he sighs again and said he understands and would explain everything to Donghae. Then they said good-bye and hung up.

     “Hae-ah, something’s happened.” Eunhyuk said slowly.

     “Is Heechul-ah okay?” Donghae asked.

     “Aish, ani. He had an accident.” Eunhyuk said carefully and then quickly added, “He’s going to be fine though!”

     “Heechul-ah is hurt? What happened?” Donghae asked worriedly.

     Donghae pulled away and looked up at him. Eunhyuk swallowed thickly and his lips. His eyes watered and he told Donghae what happened. Eunhyuk does his best not to cry for Donghae’s sake. However, Donghae immediately starts crying and bombarded Eunhyuk with questions. Eunhyuk answered then all and huddled Donghae against him. Once Donghae started crying Eunhyuk couldn’t handle it anymore and cried too. Donghae wants to go see Heechul—Eunhyuk does too-but Heechul doesn’t want him to. He wants him to be at his father’s funeral. Hangeng, Leeteuk, and Kibum are going to be with him. So, because it is Heechul’s wish, Donghae goes to the funeral instead.

~             ~            ~

     “Hyukkie-ah, do you think everything’s okay?” Donghae asked. “They haven’t called in a while.”

     “They’ll call us if anything happens.” Eunhyuk reassured him.

     “Right…” Donghae said anxiously.

     “…Do you want to call them?” Eunhyuk asked.

     “Neh.” Donghae nodded.

     Eunhyuk passed his phone to Donghae. He forgot to bring his. Donghae scrolled through his contacts and called Leeteuk. They talked for a while and then Leeteuk passed the phone to Heechul so they could talk. Afterwards Donghae gave the phone back to Eunhyuk because he wants to talk to him too. He said he is probably going to come down with Donghae soon because of how worried they all are.

     It didn’t take much doing to convince them to agree. His eyes scanned the room until they landed on Donghae. He’s talking with Kyuhyun. Reassured that Donghae will be fine without him for a couple of minutes Eunhyuk goes to talk with Donghae’s mother. He told her about Heechul and wanting to go visit him. She is very understanding of the situation, one of the qualities he loved about her, and after that is settled he goes back to Donghae.

     Eunhyuk hugs him from behind. He wraps his arms around his waist and pulled him back into his chest. Donghae glanced back at him in surprise but relaxed when saw it is just Eunhyuk. He leaned into him and smiled a little. Eunhyuk rested his chine on his shoulder and rubbed soothing circles into his side. Kyuhyun is one of the few people who was never awkward about this—feeling like he shouldn’t be there. On the other hand, maybe he did feel that kind of atmosphere and just didn’t care.

     “What were you guys talking about?” Eunhyuk inquired curiously.

     “We were talking about Heechul.” Kyuhyun said.

     “Ah, about that… I talked to them and they agreed that it is okay for us to go visit them now if we want.” Eunhyuk said. “I already talked to your mom Hae-ah, so don’t worry about that.”

     “Thanks, Hyukkie-ah.” Donghae murmured.

     He smiled a little and they went and talked with the other guys. They all agreed to go see Heechul. Donghae grabbed Eunhyuk’s hand and dragged him up to the coffin to pay their respects before they left. Eunhyuk knelt down next to Donghae and watched him as he spoke only loud enough for him to hear to his dad. He apologized for leaving early and explained the situation to him. Eunhyuk bowed his head and caressed the back on his hand. After Donghae finished he offered his own words. Mostly he repeated what Donghae said but he also promised to take care of him.

     Eunhyuk blushed in embarrassment when he looked over at Donghae after he was done. The two hadn’t been dating that long so he feels a little weird saying that stuff even though they’ve been friends for years. However, Donghae only has an appreciative smile on his face. Eunhyuk looked down a moment and then smiled back at Donghae. They got up and walked away. While the rest of their friends go up they go and talk with Donghae’s mom. The others come over to them when they are done. They all said good-bye to his family and then leave to go see Heechul. They all piled into two cars. Since between the two cars there are only 10 seats and 11 people Donghae sits in Eunhyuk’s lap.

~            ~            ~

     “Hyung!” They all cried as they rushed into the room as one.

     Heechul smiled at them and waved. There are too few chairs so most of them have to stay standing. Eunhyuk wrapped his arms around Donghae as they are one of the ones left standing. They all talked together and fussed over Heechul. He appeared fine though which comforted them. He only has to stay the night in case anything unexpected happens. His family is here too and the place is pretty stuffed. Soon, they decide that they’ll take turns staying with Heechul and his family. They would never allow them to leave on their account.

     When Eunhyuk and Donghae are with Heechul they are far less couple-y since they are focused on him. However, when they are waiting with the rest of their friends they are glued to each other and would always be touching in one way or the other. They cuddled together most of the time and everything is back to normal everyone is happy when Heechul returns home the next day.

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Chapter 1: I'm crying bcs how disrespectful those two! idk if it's your way of writing or not, but I'm too familiar with formality so it's irk me when hyukjae & donghae said heechul's name without the '-Hyung' followed behind 8"D and the story is half heart-wrecking and half heart-warming, I mean, donghae sit on hyukjae's lap on the way to visit heechul in the hospital?? so loveydovey hahaha thanks for sharing~
EunhyuradeLuffy #2
Chapter 1: Its so nice, thank u (*^▽^*)
Awesome story author-nim!!
naisu desu neh~