Active Service


It is Eunhyuk and Donghae's turn to do there military service. They have their last good byes with Super Junior and then leave for two years of service. What will happen during these two years they are away?


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Chapter 1: GAAAAHHHH hyukjae holding gun and killing everyone is just too hot in my mind ;w;;;; yes donghae! you worried abt hyukjae werent you? that same with what hyukjae felt, I think both of you shd promised each other to be more careful (but then again, donghae is the clumsy one tho @.@ so he's the one who have to promise lol) and yay they finally together! I wonder what is their intimate details tho, so secretive~ lmao thanks for sharing~
EunhyuradeLuffy #2
Chapter 1: EUNHAE IS LOVE !!
KimhyunAe98 #3
Chapter 1: Like yr story so much.
naisu desu neh~