Chapter 15

Kevin X Reader - Forgotten

You started walking hand in hand near the river, looking like any other couple in that chilly November day, keeping close to each other and just being, overall, very cute together. Or so you thought. Seeing other couples looking cute, you just assumed you were similar to them. Except that, in your couple, despite Kevin being a lot taller than you, you were probably the manliest-looking person between the two of you, especially with all of your spikes and stuff.


“Love?” he said softly, pulling you out of your thoughts.


“You were serious, about… you know… us. Right?”

“Of course. Why would I not be?”

“I don’t know. I’m just… I’m a bit worried, at times. Because you just said you wanted me to show you everything you can’t remember anymore…”

“And you’re an idiot for not understanding that this means that I’m giving you another chance for a reason. This reason being that you’re a cute flat-assed idiot who gives me the diabetes every time you speak. In other words, you shut up right now and you also answer the question I’ve asked you earlier and that you so skillfully avoided.”


He looked at you with lost eyes and you couldn’t help the chuckle. That guy, seriously. He was a real puppy. A puppy with finger instead of hands or paws, but a puppy nonetheless.


“Where are we going?”

“Oh, right, I forgot I didn’t tell you…”

“Well, tell me now.”

“Nope ~”

“Nope?! Why not?”

“It’s a surprise ~”


“… just this once. Okay? I know you don’t like surprises.”

“Give me a hint then.”



You pouted and let go of his hand. You were half joking right there and then, but of course, Kevin didn’t know that. He panicked a little and grabbed your wrist softly. You looked at him and had to contain a smirk when you saw him look at you with worried eyes.


“Don’t hate me…”

“I don’t hate you.”

“But you let go of my hand…”

“Doesn’t mean I hate you.”

“You mad at me?”

“I’m not. Vinnie, stop worrying for every little thing!”



He sighed and looked down, pulling on your arm softly, making you land in his arms. He closed them around you, hugging you tight, making you drunk in his deliciously manly scent. You had absolutely no idea what his scent was, exactly, but you loved it.


“I love you. I just love you.”

“I love you too, Vinnie…”

“You know that, right? That I love you.”


You started blushing, both because it was quite chilly that day and your cheeks were getting too cold, and because Kevin was being cute again.


“I know…”

“I’m glad you do. Because it’s true. I love you.”


You hid in his arms as the world suddenly disappeared around you. You had no idea why, but… it was Kevin and you. Just Kevin and you. The two of you in the chilly wind of a Montreal November, and Kevin hugging you, and smelling good…


And suddenly, his lips were on yours. Tender. Sweet. Delicate. You closed your eyes and kissed him back. When he moved away from you, you reached for a last kiss, making him smile.


“I’m addicted to you,” he whispered in your ear.

“Vinnie, we’re in public…” you mumbled as you remembered where you were.

“I know. But there’s not much public around us right now. People aren’t too fond of the place once November starts…”


It was true, but still…


“Vinnie, I’m hungry…”

“You are?”


“Very very hungry?”

“Well… hungry. Not very hungry, just hungry…”


He chuckled and pressed a kiss on your forehead.


“Then, let’s wait a bit more, okay? I need you to be very hungry.”

“Why? I’m hungry…”

“Because we’re going somewhere you’ll like, and I need you to be very hungry ~”

“All right…?”

“C’mon, let’s walk some more. I’m freezing.”


You nodded and started walking by his side again, holding his hand. You couldn’t help the smirk, however, remembering his words.


“I know why you’re freezing.”

“You do?”

“You have no fat to protect you from the cold.”

“… you know what, you might be right.”

“I was joking!”

“But isn’t fat the reason why polar bears are okay in the cold?”

“I dunno. Isn’t it because they have thick fur?”


You started discussing the ins and outs of polar bears, as random as that was, until you were both starting to get really hungry. Only then, Kevin smiled.


“Let’s go back to the metro.”

“We need to take the metro again to go eat?”

“Yeah. Unless you want to walk the distance.”

“I dunno. Is it far?”

“Not that much, but I’m slowly turning into a popsicle…”


You smiled, squeezing his hand softly. He obviously didn’t want to walk that distance…


“Okay. We’ll take the metro.”


The smile he offered you was totally worth it, and so you followed him to the metro and took it with him, being squeezed in his arms since it was quite crowded, weirdly enough since it was the middle of the day on a Saturday. But hey, you couldn’t complain. You were in Kevin’s arms, you were warm, you were comfy, and Kevin smelled so damn good.


You didn’t notice at which station you got off, but you simply followed him, knowing he was more familiar with the city than you were. You knew you were somewhere you had never been to before, but that wasn’t tough. You weren’t much of a visitor in your own city.


A smile appeared on your lips when you suddenly saw where you were going. Oh. Oooh.


“You still like sushi, right?” Kevin asked you with a kiss on your cheek right before opening the door for you.


Of course you liked sushi. Real, fresh sushi. And this place was known to make very good ones. You chose a table and smiled when you saw the menu. It was one of those places where you just paid the same price no matter how much you ate. So that was why…


“Are you still hungry?” Kevin asked you with a cute little smile.

“Very hungry,” you answered.


It made him laugh a little, his cheeks red from the cold despite the fact that it wasn’t that cold outside. Well, seeing Kevin’s overall shape, it probably was, but still.


“I’m glad you are. You’ll see, you’ll love it.”

“I’m sure I will, it’s sushi ~”

“Yup ~”


You quickly ordered what you wanted and you started talking, waiting for your food to arrive. You were feeling happy. Just that. Happy. Being there, talking with your boyfriend, seeing the love in his eyes… you couldn’t really ask for more.




“Why… I mean… why a date today? Why so sudden?”

“Can’t I invite you out on a date?”

“You can, after all, you’re my boyfriend, but… why now?”

“Because I don’t work and because we couldn’t go to the restaurant on your birthday?”

“… oh.”

“I dunno, wasn’t it obvious? We couldn’t go on your birthday and today is the first day since then that I don’t work.”

“… so you’ve worked every single day since then?”

“Yeah. Well, I didn’t really have a choice… I had to pay for my monthly pass for the metro. And to have leftover money for the restaurant. And some more to get you those gloves. And also, some more for-”



“You’re an idiot.”


He laughed, now used to being called an idiot by you. He knew you didn’t really mean it, and it was your way to tell him you cared about him. You called him an idiot for working so much just for a single day off because you were worried about him. You didn’t want him to kill himself in exhaustion…


You smiled tenderly, looking at him. He was so cute. So sweet. So innocent. You loved him. You loved him so much…


… so much that you didn’t even notice the little accent in his eyes that indicated that he wasn’t as innocent as he seemed to be. Desire was far from being an unknown thing of him…











Kpop gods.

I'M SO SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG WHAT THE HECK. Between RP and other fics and photo school and photography in general, I sorta lost track of that fic... D: Sorry TT_TT

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Chapter 11: Alright- I know this is a really old story and I'm not sure that the author will even read this, but honestly this is one of the highest quality stories I've ever read. It's simply beautiful, and im not kidding when I say that I've read this front to back MANY MANY times. Well done :)
Chapter 19: ahhh...this is so f****** BEAUTIFUL.... yet i think this fanfic will be the end of me.....hehehe...
Chapter 19: I'm gonna say I totally freaking love it so damn much,not many people write in a way that I feel comfortable with and also the kind of writing that makes you feel like REALLY living each moment... for kevin's sake I cried because he was just getting in my nervs for being too kevin lol,making me feel as if I need the real Kevin freakin' Woo here and go hug him so tight...thank you for the story and I'll definitely subscribe to you as a writer ^^ hquwgaiebsgsbsvsksi I LOVE THIS!!! ♡♡♡♡♡
elysians #4
Chapter 19: this was a nice and heartwarming fanfic to read! the character development was done really well and i enjoyed how you portrayed their relationship. this is also my first ukiss fanfic in a while so it was definitely a treat for me! i hope you'll continue improving on your writing potential. amazing job~*
Norhane #5
Chapter 19: Your story had absolutely no suspese but damn girl this was the best ending i've ever read chapter 17 AND 18 woooooooooooooow i fell in love with you loool thanks for this fanfic i loved it i read it at work and my boss was right next to me when i was reading chapter 18 lol i felt so embarassed but thank god he can't read english only french and thank god you didn't write in french i wouldn't have been able to read it at work in front of everyone............... anyways good story i'm looking forward for more
Noobynoobster #7
Chapter 19: Nawwwwww, great story ^^. Thank you for taking the time to write this! Respects
Chapter 19: omg
thank you for this fanfic
and thank you for writing such a beautiful story
this is seriously the best kevin fanfic
im so sad its over but so happy its finished ;-;
thank you for writing a great story, i really did enjoy it!
Animaya #9
Chapter 19: That was brilliant author nim!
veran97 #10
Chapter 18: Such a romantic chapter..I can’t stop smiling when I read this
Update soon~