Beautiful Moments

Beautiful Moments - Yunho

The wind howled outside as the makings of a blizzard were in the mix. Knowing that Yunho’s flight was probably delayed or that he would be staying with s that night, you sung to yourself as you went and showered. Changing into one of Yunho’s black shirts that was a little reveling for you.

Sitting on the couch, you played with your drying hair as you tv kept on cutting out due to the horrible storm that was in swing outside. Turning off the tv, you walked around, turning off all of the lights and walked to your bedroom as you pulled off all of the extra pillows. Folding down the covers, you slipped yourself between them as you smiled at the feeling of fresh sheets on your bare skin. Turning over to look out the window, you saw the beautiful snow blowing in all directions outside. The flakes were highlighted by the street light as it was perfect to see ever individual flake as it swirled around in the air.

Yunho’s flight had just landed right before the storm hit. The manager drove them to the dorm as Yunho walked to his car and waved to s before driving to you. With the storm getting worse, traffic was a slow crawl but he was going to get to you tonight.

He kept glancing at the time as he wondered what you were doing, with a smile keeping him company, he finally managed to make it home. Pulling his car next to the snow covered cars, he got out as the bitter wind hit him. Grabbing his bag, he locked his car and ran into the lobby. Shaking off the cold snow, he searched in his pocket for his spare key.

Walking up the stairs he finally found it as he arrived at your door. Sliding the key into the brass fixture he twisted the door open as he peeked his head into the dark house.

"She must have went to bed." He smiled happily as he kicked off his snow covered shoes and shuffled his jacket from his shoulders. Setting his bag on the couch as he passed, he began to his shirt as he opened the slightly closed bedroom door.

The moonlight hit the curves of your body as he just melted at the beautiful sight of you sleeping. Not wanting to wake you up, he changed in the dark and slid into the empty space on the bed behind you.

Slowly he moved his arms around you as you turned over in his arms and cuddled up against his warm body.

"I missed you too." He smiled as he carefully kissed your head and pulled the covers up onto your higher, quickly falling asleep in your presence.

The night hours passed as the dark clouds still hung over head. As the sun tried to fight it’s way through the heavy clouds. Big flakes descended from the clouds as you stirred and moved around in Yunho’s arms. Opening your eyes slowly, you looked around yourself and saw two strong arms that held you captive as you looked over your shoulder at his face.

Yunho was finally home.

A smile beamed on your face as you turned over to face him and his grip tightened on you as you blushed and smiled. Bringing your hand up, you saw his peaceful face as his lips were slightly agape. Your finger gently brushed over the skin on his strong arms as you saw his muscles ripple as he pulled you even closer to him. Trailing your finger against his collarbones and up his strong neck, your eyes were mesmerized by the beautiful human being that you were married to. Sliding your finger against his strong jawline, he gently moved his head downward as you finger moved up to his lips.

The beautiful, plump, pink lips stared at you as you you lips gently before trying to advert your eyes to some of his other perfect features. Carefully you ran your fingers through his hair as you could still feel the hair gel that they used for concerts still sticking to his strands.

"My love is tired." You whispered as you pressed your lips on his forehead. A jumble of mumbled words came from his lips as you smiled and moved down to his nose, gently kissing that you saw his eyes move under his eye lids as you brushed your fingers against his cheek as you couldn’t hold yourself back any more.

Slowly, you moved in, tilting your head to his lips as you softly pressed your lips on his. With you being months away from each other, you felt him kiss back as you smiled as his lips moved over yours. The kiss turned passionate as he moved his hands up your back and into your hair as you held onto his neck softly. Yunho quickly took over as he kissed you like there was no tomorrow. Both of you soon ran out of breath and moved away from the kiss as his eyes and yours both fluttered open.

"Good morning, my love." His husky, deep morning tone was almost too much for you to handle as you bit your lip gently.

"Good morning, Yunho." You said softly as you looked up at his kind chocolate eyes. "I missed you."

"I could tell." He smirked as he rolled you on top of him as he gave you a deathly side smile.

"S-Sorry." You mumbled against his bare chest as you felt your cheeks get hot with embarrassment.

"Why are you apologizing. I missed you just as much." He pet your hair softly as you looked up at him.

"I didn’t mean to wake you up if you were so tired." You said quietly as your arms folded underneath you as you felt his soft and smooth skin as your fingers gently drew on his skin.

"I would have slept the whole day if you didn’t wake me up." He rubbed your back softly with his big hands. "I am glad you did, you are better than hours of sleep."

Yunho gently brushed away your hair from one side of your face as he sat up slightly, his lips brushed against your skin, giving you chills as he pressed his lips against your bare skin. Moving his lips down your neck, you hummed happily as he just smiled into his kisses.

"How was your trip?" You asked as your legs wrapped around his.

"It was long and good. We all had our ups and downs but it was good. It would have been perfect if you were there." He said as his hands began to massage your back as he knew how lonely, and tight, you get when he is gone. Taking in a big breath and letting it out slowly, you relaxed on his body.

"When did you get in last night, I didn’t hear you." You asked as your eyes fluttered closed and your words began to slur together.

"Two in the morning, the roads were bad and I wanted to be with you if we got snowed in." Yunho said as his head rested against yours.

"I’m glad you came home." Whispering softly, his hands moved down your back as you moved your body to help him get the stubborn muscles as he just smiled and closed his eyes as he missed feeling you breath on him.

"You’re so beautiful." He whispered against your neck as he placed some kisses on your skin as he felt you just about to fall asleep. You exposed more of your neck to him as he just smirked. His fingers gently brushed against your skin, like you did to him as he just smiled and took in your beautiful features that he had missed for so long.

Holding you against his chest, he closed his eyes as his hands moved up and down with each of your breaths as he turned and looked at the snow falling. Silently hoping that the would be snowed in for the whole week, just to stay in bed and be lazy with you.

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Chapter 1: Awwwwwwwwwwwwww this one was very very very sweeeeet!!! I loved it sooo much!! One of my very favourites for sure!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

I would be lazy as well.. I'd want nothing but to sleep in his strong arms and kiss him.. this story has a lot of romantic kissing moments for me haha, just what I need ❤️❤️

Thank u so much! I bet that you enjoyed writing it as much as I enjoyed reading ❤️❤️
Chapter 1: tis is so sweet and perfect! snow and cuddling with the man you love is the best thing that can happen!!
Ladybugss501 #3
Chapter 1: Awwwwww, so sweet I want to cuddle with him tooo!!! :3
Chapter 1: Awwwww. Can I cuddle with him tooo??? Hahaha
Chapter 1: oww so sweet,wanna cuddle with him too kkk I dreamt of him today :3