Staring at the Clock

Like a Scarecrow

That night, she prepared dinner for Taekwoon. She usually didn’t do this since he wouldn’t be home until she got to her bed. Sitting on the dining chair, she waited anxiously as her eyes glued on the moving hand of the clock.

It was fifteen past nine and there was no sign of Taekwoon coming home. No matter what time her husband went home that night, she would patiently wait so that she could have a little talk with him in order to not make him feel bad about the whole situation.

She knew... He must be feeling upset to find out that his friend was the one who get to see the ultrasound picture first before him.

Who wouldn’t?

Even though he might not really was looking forward to create a happy family with her.

As long as it was bearable, she would endure everything for the sake of their little one.

Still eyes staring on the round clock, she let her head rested on the dining table with the dinner ready. Sighing out loud, she shut her eyes for a moment to give her eyes a little rest. She found it was tiring to wait while staring on the clock.

If the clock could talk, it would feel really uncomfortable with her and probably asked her to stop staring.

From only wanted to rest her eyes for a moment, she fell into her deep sleep on the dining table.

Only when the vibration from her cell phone, she literally jumped awake and she looked around, both taken aback and confused.

After she could figure what was going on, her hand quickly moved to take the call. She didn’t even see who was calling.

“Hwang Jae Eun-sshi?” an unknown voice called from the other side.

Her eyebrows furrowed immediately as she tried hard trying to recognise the owner of the voice. Her eyes then darted to the clock and it showed it was almost mid night.

Her eyebrows arched instantly realising that she actually took a good sleep on the dining table.

“Who is this?” she questioned back and distant the phone from her ear to see the caller ID.

It was Taekwoon’s number…

But it didn’t sound like her husband on the phone and…

Taekwoon wouldn’t call her unless if it was really important like when she lost at the shopping mall during their honeymoon trip.

Moreover, that was the only call he ever made after they were married.

“This is Hongbin, can you open the gate? Taekwoon hyung is really drunk beside me,” Hongbin said.

“Hongbin-sshi? Where are you?” Jae Eun shot up from her seat as she made way towards the front door.

“I’m in front of your house, can you hurry up? He’s heav- Hyung!”

Opening the door, Jae Eun heard Hongbin getting mad at Taekwoon for throwing up. The noise was getting closer and Jae Eun opened the gate quickly before her eyes caught Hongbin patting the back of her husband.

“Hongbin-sshi,” Jae Eun called earning Hongbin’s attention.

Taekwoon was throwing up on the narrow drain and it was horrible to see.

“Hwang Jae Eun-sshi,” he stood up and Jae Eun immediately rushed to Taekwoon’s side. She backed away for a moment, frowning to his smell.

But she returned to his side, patting Taekwoon’s back gently, letting him continued his business.

After a while, Taekwoon stopped throwing up and he sat on the paved ground. Seeing that, Hongbin quickly helped Jae Eun to move Taekwoon into the house.

Jae Eun supported her drunken husband on the right side while Hongbin took the opposite side. As soon as they entered the living room, they halted.

“Where’s your room?” Hongbin questioned.

Slowly both of them let him laid on the couch in the living room.

“It’s okay, Hongbin-sshi. I can take him until here. You should get back home, it’s already middle of the night, and you should go to sleep. Thank you for driving him home,” Jae Eun sincerely thanked.

With this state, it would be dangerous for Taekwoon to drive on his own. Fortunately he had a great and kind friend like Hongbin that voluntarily be the designated driver.

“It’s not a big deal, thank goodness I ran into him while drinking alone.”

Hongbin pulled his wide smile and didn’t notice how his words actually sent sharp tug to her heart.

“He was alone?” Jae Eun asked carefully.

Hongbin who appeared innocent nodded, “I tried to stop him from drinking too much but he didn’t listen. Good thing, I didn’t drink.”

Nodding, Jae Eun pulled a smile and sent him to his car. “Jung Taekwoon-shhi might not remember who sent him home, so I’ll tell him early in the morning.”

Hongbin chuckled, “No problem. I always run into him whenever he seems to have problem. I’m kind of an angel to him, he knows that.”

Chuckling, she waved him good bye and once again thanked. “Thank you so much! Good night, Lee Hongbin-sshi.”

Hongbin waved back and drove off from there.

After making sure that everything was locked, she entered in the house to get her husband.

To her surprise, Taekwoon who she left on the couch was now gone from her sight. Heaving out an audible sigh, she saw it now. He must have gone to his room to continue his sleep.

Feeling dejected, she walked to the kitchen and turned off the light, not even care to clean the dinner that was supposed to be made for Taekwoon. She felt bitter and continued switching off the light in the living room before she finally got into her room.

Right at the moment she set her foot on her room’s floor, her eyes caught a figure on her bed, sleeping soundly and calm like a sleeping baby.

She softened at the sight and from the corner of her eyes; she could see the room to her bathroom was wide opened. From that, she thought he might rush to the bathroom and ended up on her bed.

There was another washroom on the ground level of the house but maybe since her bathroom was the nearest, he eventually chose to ran to her room.

She noticed he still had his shoes on. Seeing that, she carefully sat on the edge of the bed and pulled off his shoes one by one. She then placed his shoes neatly near the closet. Moving back to Taekwoon, she pulled the blanket underneath him gently before she placed it over his body.

Taekwoon’s eyes opened slightly and Jae Eun held her breath as both of their eyes met.

He looked totally blank and Jae Eun thought that he would continue his sleep and so she decided to leave the room.

However, he stopped her.

He wouldn’t let her go just like that since both of them already saw each other.

“Jae Eun-sshi?” he called.

Her heart sank hearing him calling her name.

She slowly turned around to face him; she could saw he was holding his head in pain.

“Where are you going?” he asked as he winced in pain. The sick feeling lingered.

Jae Eun assumed that he was still not sober and took his question as an intoxicated Taekwoon’s question.

“I’m going to sleep elsewhere; you can sleep in my room for tonight.”

He shook his head, “Don’t go.”

Ignoring what he would mumble next, she just headed to the door but his hand on her wrist stopped her. At their skin in contact, the dark memory that lead her to live this way came rushing in instantly making her flinched in response.

“Don’t go, stay with me,” he asked as he pulled her wrist. Jae Eun tightened her hand into fist and tried to pull her hand away but he was still strong even though he was not in his sober state.

She plopped on the edge of the bed as she sat still, not dare to move.

Mentally reminding herself that he was her husband now, she shouldn’t be afraid to be this close with him. Wasn’t this she dreamed of? To be close with him and sharing the same dream…?

He let go of her hand and patted the empty space beside him.

“I let you sleep by my side that night… Can’t you let me sleep next to you this time?” he questioned.

His question made her wonder if he actually had regained his right mind.

She remained in silent as she felt him moving closer to her. He placed his hand on her arm in attempt to pull her next to him but she refused and pulled her arm away.

Taekwoon froze to see her react that way.

“I hate how I don’t know what I should feel towards you this moment.”

She paused as Taekwoon continued staring at her. She looked really frustrated at that time.

“I like you. I love you. But I’m not sure anymore. I really want you to be kind with me and start over but… This unsure feeling… I don’t know anymore,” she finally broke down.

“I really want to tell you to come with me to see our baby first ultrasound but you distant yourself away from me for whatever reason that I wish I know. I thought by not letting you know, at least I can get my revenge but I was wrong. Hyuk came and told you saw the picture. I hate myself!”

Taekwoon stayed silent, staring at her.

“And now, Lee Hongbin-sshi came and told me you were drowning yourself in alcohol… alone. Can you imagine how bad must I feel? You’re really a bad guy. I hate you!”

She wiped her tears that was about to fall, she knew she shouldn’t have said all that in front of him but he was intoxicated, he wouldn’t remember anything the next day he woke up.

He wasn’t say anything beside her and she thought it was best for her to leave.

“Can I see our baby’s ultrasound picture…?”

Immediately, her eyes darted to her husband’s face. He looked very sober. Seeing that, her heart raced, perhaps he was faking all of this?

No. It couldn’t be.

She never really see how he looked while intoxicated, maybe he really looked he was in his right mind when he was drunk.

Getting up, she moved to take picture from under the pillow. Shoving it to him, he stared at the picture in her hand.

His gaze changed upon it fell on the picture she held.

“Take it,” she held towards him.

He nodded but he seemed hesitant to take it. Slowly and carefully, he took it in his hand and stared at it endlessly.

He actually stunned to see the picture, even though it was only an ultrasound picture.

Crossing her arms against her torso, she studied her husband’s face, still wondering if he actually in his right mind, because she well knew how a great actor he was.

He might be faking it right now.

“Thank you for telling Hyuk what I love to eat, he brought me cake earlier.”

She didn’t get any response and so she only could nod.

“And… Thank you for being drunk.”

Her last words pulled him into reality. She then got up to take the pillow to sleep on the couch in the living room.

“Don’t go.”

She shook her head, “I can’t stand the smell you bring. Don’t worry; I’ll sleep at your room, I don’t think I can get a good sleep on the couch. Good night.”

With the final words, she disappeared from his sight as she closed the door.

A heavy sigh escaped his mouth as he caressed the picture gently. He actually couldn’t stop feeling amazed seeing the picture. If only he was there to hear the little one’s heartbeat…

“Your Omma confess again…”

A breathy chuckle then escaped from his mouth as the corner of his mouth pulled into a smile.

“Wait, what did she mean by thank you for being drunk? Isn’t because of us being drunk, she end up here with me? I thought she hates it…”


A/N: Subscribe and Comment ^^

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Chapter 36: omg this is the second time I read this fic and I teared up once again ;;_;; thank you for writing this story, I enjoyed reading this sooo much❤
_aerin4 #2
Chapter 36: I sacrifice my sleep just to finish this story
Amywussi #3
Chapter 34: This story is so good!!
Chapter 35: Omg it feels weird not to read this story anymore tht i finished it
The story took my day. I love it. But I'm confuse, did he like her before he left abroad?
Chapter 35: this story is soo good!! finished it in two days!! thank you for writing this
SHINee456 #7
Chapter 36: This was such a good story!! Hope you can make more Taekwoon/Leo fanfics!! Fighting!!!
NamSooHyun #8
Chapter 35: hard to beleive that i finally read Taekwoon fanfic till the end .i completely fall in love with him . thanks to your fanfic . it was the the best taekwoon fanfic that i ever read . thank you very much . ^^ lot of love for you author-nim <3 <3
Chapter 36: I love your story!! Manage to finish it in just 2 days!!