Locking the Door?

Like a Scarecrow

A loud thunder awoke Jae Eun from her sleep, her heart raced as she frantically looked around in her room. Her room was only lighted by dim light from the small lamp and suddenly the sound of heavy rain pouring could be heard right outside of the window.

She sighed in relief as she thought something else was happening.

It was just some thunder and heavy rainfall.

Lying back, she tried hard to close her eyes but then, she found a difficulty to continue her sleeping.

She rolled off to the right side, to get a comfortable position but it didn’t help.

Trying the other side, but still she couldn’t get herself into a sleep.

Suddenly, another monstrous and loud thunder heard from outside, she immediately pulled the blanket up to her head as her hands trembled.

Her breath paced up as she waited if there would be another terrifying sound coming.

She never liked thunderstorms.

Always in night, whenever there was thunder, she ran to seek for protection from her parents. She thought, as she grew, she could get rid of what she thought as a childish habit. However, it stayed with her until she became an adult.

Her parents on the other hand, didn’t see it as a big matter and allow her to sleep with them whenever there were thunderstorms.

She could see the lightning from inside her blanket, knowing what was coming; she shut her eyes tight as thunderclap filled the dark and wet night.

Thinking that she couldn’t survive another lightning coming, she rushed out of her bed and quickly ran to the door and without her thinking twice; she headed for that one room she had in mind.

Opening the door, another thunderclap heard and she instantly dashed to Taekwoon’s bed.

Seeing him at least made her feel safe…

He was sleeping peacefully and soundly as if there were no thunders outside…

Her eyes then caught another lightning and within a short amount of time, she already settled herself beside him, her husband.

Her jumped on the bed awoke Taekwoon and he instantly sat up as he found her on his bed.

A frightened and anxiousness spread on her face and Taekwoon stared at her, blanked. He couldn’t figure out why she was on her bed and he was debating if he wasn’t hallucinating since it was dark.

Another thunder rang through the night and Jae Eun had he ears covered with both of her hands. At that, Taekwoon began to be able read something and so he moved closer to her and hesitantly, s his hand around her shoulder and pulled her closer.

He could feel her body shook under his arm and his heart paced as he sensed that.

“This girl is very scared…” he thought.

He got rid of any feelings that he usually had when he was around her and protective mode. He pulled her closer and gently pulled her against his chest, without him noticing, his hand already gently the back of her head to calm her down.

She was still trembling as she felt a hand was gently and soothingly the back of her head.

Another thunder strike and Taekwoon tightened his hug; he turned his head to the window and just noticed that it was also raining heavily. The thunder that night was endlessly torturing Jae Eun and if there was a way for him to stop the thunder…

After a while being under his arms, the rain sound subsided and so did the thunder…

The thunder sounded distant and Taekwoon slowly loosened his hug, preparing to let go of her but…

She wasn’t moving away…

Taekwoon peeked at her face and found out she was already dozed off in his arms.

He stared at in front of him, with her still in his arms…

What should he do?

He had a girl in his embrace that had fallen asleep…

Should he lifted her up and carried her back to her room? Or should he just wake her up and saying that she needed to go back to her room since the weather had turned calm?

No, he couldn’t have done any of them.

As gently as possible, he made her lied on the pillow next to him. As she settled comfortable beside him, he rested his eyes on her sleeping face. It was probably the third time he had this opportunity to see her up close while she was sleeping.

The first time would be on that particular morning…

Where he knew he would ruin the life of the girl he was keeping a steady gaze on…

He kept his gaze on Jae Eun’s face, starting to wonder if he really turned the girl’s life upside down. An audible sigh escaped his mouth and he was about to pull the blanket he used up to her shoulder, but he stop midway on her stomach.

Keeping a long stare, he just remembered that the girl who was sleeping beside him was going to be a mother to his child.

Even though the news about the child was a shock to both of them, he never thought of abandoning it. He adores children… and he thought he just made a very brilliant idea for letting her to be the mother of his child.

“Hey…” he whispered to the child inside her womb.


Opening her eyes, Jae Eun stretched a bit before her brain reminded her that she was not in her room. Eyes wide open; she immediately sat up and pushed the blanket that was covering her away from her. Her eyes darted to the empty space beside her.

“Jung Taekwoon…” she whispered.

He wasn’t there beside her.

Don’t tell her he moved to other room.

Getting up, she rushed to the door and headed to the living room, hoping to see him there but… He wasn’t anywhere in the living room.

Mumbling as she cursed herself, she made her way to the stairs that lead to the ground level but her feet halted in front of the forbidden room.

Tentatively, she brought her feet to the in front of the door, fist lifted up in the air, was ready to knock but then her nose smelt something.

She instantly pause her action and wondering where the smell was coming from.

Following the smell, she got herself in the kitchen, staring at the back of the tall frame she was searching for.

“Jung Taekwoon-sshi…” she called with her morning crack voice.

Hearing that, she cleared and Taekwoon turned to see her who was blinking at him. He didn’t say anything and so Jae Eun. Both of them stared at each other and realising that neither of them wanted to break the sudden silence, Taekwoon paid attention back to what he was doing.

“I’m sorry…” she spoke.

Taekwoon shifted his eyes from the pan to the plain wall in front of him. He knew it, she must feel bad…

“You should have woken me up last night and I can return back to my room. I must have burden you so much… Where did you sleep last night?”

He heard her but he acted normal as if she didn’t say anything.

Moving closer to him, Taekwoon moved a step away instantly. She stared at him, stunned. Did he have any allergic towards her that he moved away instantly?

She moved closer and noticing that, Taekwoon quickly finish preparing the breakfast for both of them that morning and open the chair for her to sit.

“I’m going to start working at my father’s company tomorrow,” he spoke as he gestured her to sit on the chair he offered.

Jae Eun looked at him in the eyes before she declared defeated and took a seat. She knew, even if she insisted, he wouldn’t want to converse what happened after she fallen asleep last night.

Taekwoon took a seat across her and continued looking her in the eyes but Jae Eun felt blood rushed up her cheeks from what he was doing. She felt hot all of sudden.

“I don’t want you to get back to work…” he continued.

Hearing that, Jae Eun furrowed her eyebrows in protest. This was not fair. She wanted to get back to work too; there was nothing to do if she stayed in the house.

“It cannot be like that, I’ll be bored to de-” she held her tongue as she caught his scary stare.

“I’ll bring Aunt Kim to accompany you tomorrow,” he stated.

She looked away, uninterested.

Seeing that he didn’t get any positive response, he cleared his throat and looked away. “Do you want our parents to know that you’re pregnant?”

Jae Eun looked up, searching his eyes immediately. “We’re going to tell them? How… What should I tell if they ask-” she paused.

Taekwoon returned his attention to her who was now calculating something with her fingers.

“We can tell them this is our honeymoon baby? Yes?” she brightened up a little.

“So, you’re agreeing that you quit working for the time being?” he questioned back.

Her face fell, “I can still go to work since I’m still at my early stage…”

“But I don’t want you to.”

Jae Eun immediately stood up from her seat, “Why?”

Taken aback by her action, Taekwoon stood up against her. “If you don’t listen to me…”

He glared her and she glared back.

“I’ll lock my room at night.”

Jae Eun stared at him, shock.

Too shock to say a word.

“I heard there’ll be another scary thunderous night coming,” he warned before he stormed off the kitchen, leaving his food untouched.

Jae Eun stared at in front of her incredulously.

What did she just hear came out from his mouth…

Locking the door?

Plopping back to the chair, she kept on staring in front of her… Wondering if pregnant woman do get hallucination?


As promised, Aunt Kim came to accompany Jae Eun. She is a nice middle aged woman that had worked at Taekwoon’s parents’ house. Now that Taekwoon personally ask her to stay accompanying his wife, Aunt Kim was more than happy.

Jae Eun grew closer with her in a short period of time since she was the only one to talk to in the house. Even though Jae Eun didn’t really agree on what Takwoon asked her, she actually did exactly like what he wanted.

Because of the threat he posed to her.

She wondered if he really would lock his door if she didn’t listen.

Fortunately, his weather forecast was only a forecast.

He looked threatening but she knew he was tender hearted in the inside.

She didn’t even ask for an embrace that night, but he knew how to make someone feel protected and sheltered. It just he didn’t want to admit it.

After that incident in the kitchen, they didn’t really talk to each other.

She felt a gap between them widened as they began rarely seeing each other; only short meeting in the morning and if he came back home early.

It felt as if he distanced himself from her for an only God-knows reason.

But it could be that it was only her that was feeling like that since he was usually there at home when he was not working and that he was usually the one that prepared their meals.

Or it could be because of her hormonal changed; she became instantly sensitive on small matters.

Now, Aunt Kim replaced his place.

However, Aunt Kim only could be with her until six in the evening…

And Taekwoon usually came home late. The earliest would be before seven and the latest would be… when she was about to get to bed.


That morning, as usual only she and Aunt Kim were at home.

She was debating in her room if she should tell Aunt Kim about her pregnancy because she got an appointment at the hospital that morning.

And she needed to go.

She didn’t tell Taekwoon about this because she thought he wouldn’t be interested to know.

Not that he was really expecting to have the child… He was just doing what he was supposed to do.

Besides, he wouldn’t have time to come with her for the appointment.

She sighed in frustration and walked to the kitchen to have some coffee.

Since Taekwoon wasn’t anywhere near her, she thought it would be a good opportunity to drink it.

He did say to eat anything she felt like to and she was using the freedom ticket.

And also, he did say to avoid coffee…

“Are you going to drink that?” Aunt Kim spoke.

Jae Eun stopped stirring her coffee and turned to look at Aunt Kim, nodding.

Aunt Kim arched her eyebrows, “Are you sure?”

Jae Eun sensed something was off; she turned her body to face Aunt Kim who was leaning over the counter. “Why? Do you want me to make you one?”

Aunt Kim shrugged off, “I know you have a secret with me.”


The tea spoon in her hand dropped into the coffee cup.

“Wh-What secret?” Jae Eun stuttered.

Casually and innocently, Aunt Kim moved closer to Jae Eun and took her coffee cup before she drank it.

“Ahjumma… You know it?”


A/N: Subscribe and Comment ^^

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Chapter 36: omg this is the second time I read this fic and I teared up once again ;;_;; thank you for writing this story, I enjoyed reading this sooo much❤
_aerin4 #2
Chapter 36: I sacrifice my sleep just to finish this story
Amywussi #3
Chapter 34: This story is so good!!
Chapter 35: Omg it feels weird not to read this story anymore tht i finished it
The story took my day. I love it. But I'm confuse, did he like her before he left abroad?
Chapter 35: this story is soo good!! finished it in two days!! thank you for writing this
SHINee456 #7
Chapter 36: This was such a good story!! Hope you can make more Taekwoon/Leo fanfics!! Fighting!!!
NamSooHyun #8
Chapter 35: hard to beleive that i finally read Taekwoon fanfic till the end .i completely fall in love with him . thanks to your fanfic . it was the the best taekwoon fanfic that i ever read . thank you very much . ^^ lot of love for you author-nim <3 <3
Chapter 36: I love your story!! Manage to finish it in just 2 days!!