Wipe away all of your tears...

Wipe away all of your tears

Jiyong caress the younger man's cheeks.


The younger man simply smiled at Jiyong.


I never thought I would ever see you again.  I mean, they...they said....

The younger man continued smiling at Jiyong.

Jiyong looked at the moonlight bouncing off the younger man's skin.

Are you cold?  

The younger man still smiled at Jiyong.

You feel cold.

Jiyong could almost sworn he saw a hint of a headshake.

You look cold.

Jiyong bent down to hug the younger man.

He continued to caress and the younger man's left arm in hope of soothing him.

The younger man still have not said a word.

He continued smiling at Jiyong.

I missed you. I miss you a lot...

The younger man stir abit as Jiyong slowly climbed in and get into his all too familiar posture of cuddling his panda to sleep.

A cough broke the silence in the room.

Jiyong refused to open his eyes to look.

Slowly footsteps can be heard and made it way across the room.

A warm hand placed itself of Jiyong's shoulder.




It's time.




Let him rest.


You have to let him rest.  If you love him.

He can sleep all he wants when he's dead!

With that being said, Jiyong pulled the younger man closer to his warm body.


A tear escaped the mohawked figure's eyes.

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Ms_koala #1
Chapter 1: This is so sad...
Chapter 1: Owhhh so sad... What happened with magnae???
Chapter 1: Owhhh so sad... What happened with magnae???
eliz930 #4
Chapter 1: what happen to riri..huhu..so sad...can you write more about them..
Chapter 1: Awww :( poor Ji! Hugging his little maknae and don't want to let go of him.
Chapter 1: Wow. I've reading your fics. You really like to put YB between GRI. I love it though. Please do write more~