Chapter 15

Leeteuk's First Love

Ji Soon was on set of Own It.

She was recording the title song.

O-W-N  I-T !

Happy as can

Loving you so

Take a chance

Find some romance

Turn the cornor

Find something new

Just grab it and

Own It~!

The producer clapped.

"Good job."

"Thanks." Ji Soon walked out of the booth to hear it.

"Wow. Maybe I should have been a singer." Ji Soon said surprised by her voice.

"Tell Siwon to come in here to record." The producer said as she opened the door.

"Siwon-shi." Ji Soon said fast walking over to him.

"Neh. Noona, is it my turn?"

"Neh. My voice surprised me." Ji Soon walked away.

She walked out the building.

She turned her phone on to see a picture message from Eunhyuk.

I just went through the picture and thought I should send it to you!:)

Ji Soon just smilied.

She heade to the set to record the first scene.

"Alright Ji Soon it's a studio shoot so dance to whatever song we turn on."

"Neh." She got ready.

The stylist came and did finishing touches before she started.

4minute's HUH came on.

They started recording.

"Siwon enter." The director said quietly.

Siwon opened the door, he walked towards her.

"The studio is closed." She said annoyed.

"Then why are you here?"

"It's mom's studio and I'm pratcicing for my audition."

"Really? Great explaintion. Go Hye Mi."

Ji Soon stopped when the music stopped.

"Yah!" She hit Siwon.

"Ji Young you should tell me who you are before you come in." She hit again.

"And your open. Babo." He poked her forehead.

Ji Soon made a face.

"An cut!" The director said.

A camera came to Ji Soon.

"It's for behind the scenes." The cameraman said.

"Oh. Ok. Hello. Veiwers I'm really tired even though it's our first shoot today."

"Hello. I'm Siwon who plays Ji Young Hye Mi's best friend." Ji Soon pushed away.

She started laughing automaticly.

"I'm Kim Ji Soon I play Go Hye Mi.One of the main characters. Kim Bum is the other main characters."

"And IU is actually playing Kim Bum's characters best friend/ sister."

"Actually here comes Kim Bum."

"Hello," He said smiling. "I'm Kim Bum. I play Soohyun. IU plays Jin Soo. Which is so close to Ji Soon's name."

"Alright next part of the studio." The director said.

"Neh." They all waved to the camera.

After that seen.

Ji Soon and Siwon were laughing.

The doors opened they automaticly stopped laughing.

The lights went off.

Happy Birthday to you~!

Filled the studio as Leeteuk and Lovely walked in carring a cake.

Ji Soon laughed.

She blowed out the candles.

Leeteuk got the whip cream on his finger and put some on her cheek.

"Yah!" She hit Leeteuk in the arm.

Leeteuk stuck out his tongue.


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aww i'm sobbing ; __ ;
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww(: I'm crying~ good story!!!!
nice hehe
ooooooooohhhhhh drama, drama, my favorite! <3
oh my goshhhhhhhhhhh no Ji Soon!!! Don't lose your memory!!!
Just to tell you that you spelt 'First Love' wrongly LOL! ^^<br />
Update soon! :D
update soon? please????? i think it is a good start!!!!