Weird Things

The New Me


Kai was just a play thing for me and the image from school was a lie. I like to party, go to club, and have a lot of boyfriends, life is fun and free. The girl that always tag along with Kai is so ugly and annoying, always telling me what Kai like and his hobby. I don't want to know from her and I am not that interested in Kai. Well Kai confess to me and I thought that it would only last for 3 days but it lasted for a long time. I didn't find any men that I'm interested for the time but if I do I would break up with Kai . Kai always want to go on a date  and he's so childish, going to amusement park, I want to go to a club and get drunk that's what I would do for a date. 


I can't believe he came back and Hana look so happy to be with him and it piss me off. Hana has never rejected my offer but this time she did and that made me more angry. I was waiting for her and That is what I get? Before that Lay came back, I can do everything with her but when he's around, he ruins everything. Since we were young, Hana is always closer to him then me. What is so special about him?! BRRRIIINNNGGG!!!! "OH MY GOD!! What was that?!" I yelled as I jump up. "Oh, the timer. It's time for my date with Nana." I talked to myself. Why is she not here yet? PPEEEPPP!!! Oh she is here! I ran outside and saw her in the car. She smiled at me and I waved at her. I went to the passenger side and went in. My eyes widen at the sight. "Wh- what are you wearing?" I asked. "I thought we were going to  an amusement park or something. Don't you think your outfit is too revealing?" I asked as I look at her. She chuckled and said, "No, we are not going to the amusement park silly. It'll be a surprise. Wait and see." She said and started the car engine. I bit my lips and sat quietly.


I woke up. I was starving so I went outside my room and went into the kitchen to find something to eat. As soon and I went in I saw afigure sitting on the chair. I jumped up a bit supriesed but then realize it was Lay. "Hey, Lay what are you doing?" I asked and yawn a little. No anwer. "Ummm..Lay?" I asked hoping he'd hear it this time. Still no answer. I started to panick and ran to him.I looked at him and notice he was just asleep. "HAdfhsdklfsdgflygNa" He mumbled in his sleep. I chuckled but then realize he said 'Na' at the end. Did he say my name? "udfgeutygtlydufgtau" He said nonsence again. I tried to take way the pencil in his hand but he hold my hand with his free hand. "What what are..are y-you doing?" I stuttered. "dhgkfjhageydfbvryfgb" He said again. Oh My God!! Lay what are you doing? Why is my heart beating so fast?! I thougt. I wiggled my hand and he let go. I shook his shoulders a few time and he finally woke up. "Oh..I fell asleep." He mumbled. "Yeah.." I said and turn away to get something but he hold my wrist. "Umm..uh..what are you doing?" I asked, confused by his action. "Stay like that.." He said, and let go of my wrist. He examined my body and looked at his sketch book and at me again. "Perfect!" He clapped his hand. "Huh?" I asked, totally lost. " what you need to do now." He said and started working on his design again. I shrugged and got something to eat in the kitchen.


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Sounds interesting. I'll check it out. ;D
mary1998 #2
Chapter 11: plz make it longer