Little Monsters

Little Monsters


Chapter Title: Little Monsters

Pairing: oc x Rap Monster

Summary: When you and Rap Monster grow up and have two little kids of your own


It's been five years since Rap Monster and I have gotten married, after we got married Rap Monster left Bangtan Boys to pursue a life in the family business. Before the both us had knew it I had given birth to our first child, Raehyun. Raehyun was a very quiet baby, he never woke up during the night and he rarely cried making it easier for us to as new parents. 

But when I had given birth to our second child, Jungmin he was the total opposite of his older brother Raehyun. Jungmin was loud, and cried at least twice a day. He was the reason why I had lost so much hair during the early stages of his life, but I was still happy because without Rap Monster I could have never gotten these two kids in my life.

"Honey, kids I'm home!" Rap Monster shouted as he entered the door. "DADDY YOUR HOME!" Raehyun shouted as he jumped into his father's embrace. "Yup, I'm home but I brought some friends. Come inside guys!" Rap Monster said. Coming into the house was six guys that I swear I would have never seen again, Bangtan Boys. 

They looked the same as they did five years ago, Jungkook was now twenty-three and he even had a girlfriend of his own. V was less 4-D then he was before but now he's just a complete troll. Jimin was a very famous dance idol and was featured at Taeyang's concert. J-Hope had gotten a lot quieter in the past years and had matured a ton. Suga was more lasier then I had remembered and Jin was a lot more ackward.

"Daddy, who are these people and why are they so tall? Oh and why is that hyung's hair pink and purple? Why can't his hair be brown or black like mine? Oh and Daddy does Mommy know that they came with you?" Raehyun asked.

"She does now." I said as I walked into the room. Smiling I greeted the boys, "Hey Bangtan, but OH MY FREAKIN GOSH! THE ORGINAL BANGTAN BOYS ARE HERE RIGHT NOW WITH ME IN THIS ROOM!" Laughing, Jungkook said," Noona you're still a fan of us? I would have thought that you've given up on us after you and Rap Monster got married."

Shaking my head, "Nope once an Army always an Army!" I said while laughing. I brought the boys or should I say men to the living room and brought Raehyun with me to the kitchen to help prepare sandwitches for the guys as they were hungry.

After we were done making the sandwitches Raehyun helped me bring them to Bangtan, "Daddy look I made you some sandwitches with Mommy's help! OH and she even said that I could go over to Sumin's house if I'm good today!" 

Taking the sandwitch from his boy Rap Monster bit into it, "Hmmm this is actually really good." He thought. Muttering a thanks to his boy Raehyun went to sit next to Jin. 

Bringing Jungmin into the room Raehyun asked, "Mommy can I hold Jungmin?" Nodding my head I handed Jungmin to his older hyung Reehyun. 

While Raehyun was holding Jungmin I went to the master bedroom, searching through the piles and piles of boxes that I had over the years. Finding the box that I was looking for I grabbed it and headed towards the living room.

"Hey guys look what I found!" I said. Bringing over the box I showed the guys all the pictures of us before Rap Monster and I got married.

"Wow I looked so young!" Jungkook said. 

"Wow I looked so hot, but now I'm just plain Y!" Jimin said.

Hitting Jimin I said, "Yah there are children here Mr.Jimin!"

Laughing Jimin said his sorry and we all continued to talk as if we had never went our separate ways. Sadly at the end of the day the Bangtan Boys had to return to their dorms as they had to attend Music Bank tomorrow.

Hugging me Jungkook said, "Noona watch us tomorrow mkay? And bring Raehyun and Jungmin over any time!"

Nodding my head I hugged Jungkook, and bid my goodbyes. Closing the door I turned back to Rap Monster and said, "Ya know we better not have anymore kids Mr."

Shaking his head he replied, "Babe you never know, you never know."




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Chapter 1: Hahaha! It's soo cute!