The Afterglow

The Tutor

The Afterglow


A/N: I can’t believe I’m going this far. Thank You and I really appreciate the people who read this fiction. I hope you guys continue to support me and my tutor, I mean the tutor lol.


And I’m so sorry for the loooong update, my schedule is really crappy right now.


ohh and btw I want to share this caption from the previous chapter  ^w^


“umma,  I told you I’ll visit at the end of semester. Yes umma, make sure to [b]fry the best meal.[/b]” ---FRY the best meal, Get it? LOL. Onew smiled because of Chicken. :D I did not take away his obsession with chicken. And as far as I know my own fic, Eveony will later find out about this obsession. XD


On with the fic!


“You’re nothing but a second grade trying hard copy cat!”


“How dare you!”


And then I heard slapping sounds and cursing.


I was all alone in my room, well of course, and I’m watching this old chick flick when I unconsciously switched the channel to the old movie section. It was 5:00pm already and all I did was to watch old movies. I sighed in annoyance.


Onew ditched me today.



He’s with Jonghyun. He told me that he have practice with Onew for the upcoming event. Onew and I were already in our tutor room when he suddenly walked inside and pulled Onew away. I was left there dumbfounded. They were in the same club I did not bother to ask.


I sighed once again.


I can’t believe one month already passed. There were a few changes in some ways in my life too. I have girlfriends who I came along with, shopping and stuffs. They find me weird and somewhat cool so they let me join their group.  They all hate Jessica and her gang, Jessica is the girl who obsesses with Onew so much. She’s a brat and got real bothersome attitude, but even though she’s that mean, all the guys like her because she’s really beautiful with her blonde silky hair, porcelain skin and petite body. She had her eyes on Onew since she entered this school and as far as everybody knows, Onew DID like her before and even moved on her but suddenly his attraction disappeared. I asked them why but no one knew about the story and Jessica was left clinging on to him.


I smiled remembering.”Good for her” I told myself.


My dad never called once and it was a relief. I thought of two situations why he wouldn’t dare to make a call. One is that he was thinking I’m still mad at him or two he’s with his girlfriend.


I shook the thought out my head. It was disgusting to even think of her.


Jonghyun and I were really close now; we started hanging out every other night when he has his shifts. After my tutoring he will always wait for me outside my dorm and smiles when I come back. He’s the sweetest; I wish he would ask me to go out with him already. I don’t even care whether some of his fan girls rage me. I’m still the luckiest out of them if it ever happens.


Onew, on the other hand, was being a burden to me. He’s somewhat always in a bad mood and makes me suffer with my home works or lectures. I would whine about him being so strict and annoying but he’ll just shrug me out into it. He’s hell and I couldn’t believe myself for staying with him within a month.


I scratched my head remembering that guy. And now, what am I suppose to do? I couldn’t answer my homework because I was not listening earlier and I was relying on him to teach me. After all, he compliments himself for being a bright student and a good tutor; well it’s true because my grades are improving from C’s to B’s. I would always wish that one day I’ll get an A.


I moved down on my beanie bag to the carpet floor stretching. I was bored and I’m out of sweets. I got up and reached for my fridge. It’s empty, meaning, I have to go to the nearest grocery store and buy some food for myself. I turned off the TV, reach for my key and wallet and headed out.


I walked outside and it was cold. Good thing I brought my scarf and jacket with me. My hands were in my pocket as I jogged to buy food. I was half-way through the grocery store when I heard someone yelp from a corner of a dark alley.


I heard a muffled scream and I mentally panic. I hide behind a big piled up boxes near the voices to get a better clue on what was happening, my cell phone’s out ready to make an emergency dial.


“Mmmmfff! –Heeelp!” a girl’s voice helplessly came into my ear.


“Quiet you filthy brat! If you dare scream again I would kill you!” the crook voiced said threatening the girl. “As soon as I have my taste on you, you’re better off as a dead body! Hahaha!”


“No! please! Stop! …Don’t touch me there! Kyaaahh!!” she begged with tears, her tone cracking up from what the guy was doing to her.


I gasped as I heard him; I saw the guy’s side face and he’s young, about the same age as my cousin. His pants are loose and I could see from his big frame was a girl, her hands grasped by the guy’s big right hand and pin it to the wall, his left hand holding a knife. My heart was beating really fast and terror arises from my senses. I know what the guy was trying to do.





I was sweating really hard; I couldn’t just leave the poor girl there being harass. I couldn’t scream and call for help because no one’s there to help me. Not even one passerby. I exhaled slowly and thought of one solution to help her, with myself. I closed my eyes breathing heavily before I jump into action.



I know I’m stupid. I could have just dialed the emergency call. But it’s too late…



“Hey there big boy...” I said calling his attention.


 I got up and walked over to the two of them knowing that I put myself into danger. He suddenly turned around and pointed the knife at my face. It was sharp and I mentally winced trying hard to fight back my terror from him.


“Who are you.” He hissed.


“You don’t need to know my name, boy. I was here coz I saw how y you are.” I moved my hands to where he holds the knife and tenderly swift my fingers to his arm muscles. I felt him shiver in pleasure.


“Well, well, well, look what we have here, a dirty . Ohh baby, I’m waiting for someone like you to come along.” He said trying to seduce me back. I felt disgusted but I continue what I was doing. My plan was actually working.


I twirled my hair from the side and walked behind him, facing the poor girl. I saw her terrified face and her swelling eyes. I winked at her and mouthed ‘I’ll save you’. She remained quiet and sobbed looking down at the ground. At that moment the guy turned around to face me. I was on the middle of the girl and him. I psychologically wacked myself in the head, I was like putting myself as a bait.


“Oh, yes you are boy. I’m one in a million and I can do anything to entertain you coz I’m a diva!” I told him fake giggling. He grinned and grasped my arm, panic once again burning in my nerves.


“Hehehe, I’m so lucky to have someone like you right here, right now. I’m so thirsty. Let me have a drink from your sweet lips.” He tried to kiss me forgetting the fact that he was attempting to someone else. I swiftly put my finger up to his lips which I felt horrible.


“Nah-uh uh, big boy. Don’t just do it like that. You have to do it slowly…” I traced my fingers from his lips down to his neck, to his chest and twirled it there. He shivered again feeling the pleasure. He looked at me as if I was dinner and I tried to stay calm making the perfect time to make a move.


I took off my scarf and jacket, revealing my bedtime spaghetti strap and my skirt. He was looking at my legs liking the view. I momentarily smiled, my legs never failed me.


“You want this baby?” I asked him in a tish tone and he was like a drooling dog nodding in approval. Before that, I already grabbed his knife and threw it elsewhere for assurance he can’t kill us. He just followed, not even thinking this was all part of my plan. Lust enveloping his eyes


I grabbed my skirt softly guarantying that his eyes were on it. I moved it up slowly to let him peek in my underwear and when his eyes were already locked and hypnotized…


I released my one big final blow and kicked him right to his nuts.






He was now howling on the floor, pain engulfing his face. I laughed at him and quickly seized my jacket, my scarf and the girl.


“A bastard son like you should be put to jail!” I threw him one last look and left the area tugging along the girl with me.


We were both running away from there, and when we reached the gate of the school we halted breathing for air. Both hands on my knees as I exhaled hard from running, I was relief that we were both safe and alive. I looked at her and she was shivering so I let her wore my jacket from her frame.


“Phew, man! That was one heck of an experience, good thing I saw yo–!!?” I was suddenly moved backward and was hugged really tight. It was her, her face buried at the middle of my . She cried loudly and trembled. I melted from her touch.


“U-unnie! *sniff* Unnie! I am sooo *sniff* t-thank f-ful you come and saved me!” she said with a quivering voice. I patted her hair softly and let her cry in relief.


“There, there… hush now it’s all right. I’m here and you’re safe now so quit crying or else someone might here us. This will be a big fuzz you know.” I softly mumbled through her ear. Minutes later, she started calming down and breathing normally. I waited for her to sustain herself before I make her talk about what happen.


“So, uhmm… you okay now?” I asked her still patting her hair.


“A bit.” She stuttered tilting her head towards my face, I was stunned seeing a good view on how beautiful she was.


“My, my have we met before? I think I remember you.” I told her, she seems to be very familiar. She nodded in reply.


“Unnie I wa—“


“Ahh! I know you! You were the beautiful girl who’s in the car on my first day! Haha! What a coincidence it is!” I cut her off feeling ridiculous.  She smiled suddenly.




“Very well then, I asked you your name back then but I was stopped so may I asked your name again?”


“My name is Lee Taeyon, how about you unnie? Are you a senior?” she asked me, I smiled seeing that she gained recovery from the terror; I walked her to the hallway. It’s safe to walk there by now with her eyes swelling and all because it was already passed six and the students were in their respective rooms.


“Yep,Kim Eveony, but you can call me Eve. How old are you?”


“Okay, Eve-unnie, uhmm…I’m turning 16 and I’m a junior student.”


“Oh…you’re very pretty by the way. So stop crying.” I insisted coz every now and then her tears kept falling down on her flushed cheeks. I felt really bad for her and I couldn’t just let her go.


She wiped down her tears and flashed a smile on her face. “Sorry, Unnie I was just terrified that’s all and thank you for the compliment.” She walked like a very well-mannered and gentle person, her soft blob hair moving through the wind and her hands intertwined flawlessly. I hold my breath for a while; she seems so perfect and gentle.


“Yeah, but to be honest, you regain strength so fast, you just cried then became this gentle again. Mostly some girls who would experience the same thing as you will go crazy and whimper all day and night, but you became calm so fast. Do you even plan on reporting that incident?”


She paused for a moment, stopping by the door, must be her dorm. She moved her hand to her neckline and grabs a key necklace. She then, unlocked the door and signaled me to come inside.


“Come.” She smiled. I nodded slowly and walked to the door following her.


“Woah” I was flabbergast by the view I’m seeing. Her room is sooo HUGE! She had one queen-sized bed and a closet which was I think have a hundreds of clothes. I couldn’t believe what I’m seeing.


“No way hell! You’re freaking rich!” I said it loud. She laughed timidly closing the door from behind.


“Yeah, but I know you’re rich too unnie, your cousin is the dean right?”


“I am, but not as rich as you are! You knew my cousin slash dean? News spread so fast, don’t you think?” she laughed at what I said but still composed.


“It’s been a month since I heard it.”


“Oh yeah.” I laughed.


I stayed there for a while talking to her and asking her some weird and random questions. She told me that she was used to getting harass by guys because they were fond of her and her intimidating beauty, although it still freaks her out. When she was still in America her father always have her stayed with bodyguards. She insisted on studying here with her father’s disapproval. But she threatened him she’ll not eat or something just to make her father let her study here. She just wants freedom that’s all.


“What a childish way to gain permission.” I told her munching down some cookies she gave me a while ago.


“Well, it worked anyway.” She replied.


“I don’t want to be here in the first place too. I was just persuaded by my father.” She looks shocked to what I said so I continued telling her my story.


“Unlike you I want to stay at my own place, with my best friend and the guy I liked.”




“But although I tried, it’s useless so I just came here anyway and survive.”


“Why are you here in the first place, unnie?”


“I have failing grades, so my father thought of a solution to help my grades improve.”


“And that solution was to bring you here with your cousin’s supervision?”


“Yes, and a ferocious tutor.” I made a tiger face and roared. She laughed shyly.


“You, why are here? From America to Here??? Is that way too far?” I asked her, she seems to be surprised and looked down fidgeting.


“Uhm…well, there’s this guy….” Her cheeks flashed to pink.


“hahaha! That’s so cute! You came all the way here for this one guy?!”


“At some point, yes, he helped me once when I was threatened by a bad guy in America, uhmm…he saved me and beat the guy. After that incident I have this urge to look for him and idolized him.”


“You were like the girl from Hana Kimi, do you know her?” I said randomly she laughed in response.


“My friend told me that I was like her also. And I practically agreed, and now I was looking for him, but I can’t find him anywhere inside the campus, I’m still hoping…” she said with her eyes drooping down on the floor.



I was silent.


Some girls are totally dedicated to the love of their life.


When am I going to experience the same thing?




“Oh gee… I better go, Taeyon, I’ll see tomorrow okay? It was nice meeting you once again.” I smiled at her. She stands up from her bed and holds my hand.


“Okay, unnie, I’ll see you tomorrow.” She then opened the door for me and waved goodbye.



For the second time, I was alone walking and I haven’t even brought something from the grocery store.

But then again, it was nice meeting Taeyon in a different way. And I’m proud of myself for rescuing her.  I reached my dorm and went inside. There’s nothing to do so, I jumped into bed and let myself fall back to sleep.



One week after that incident, Taeyon has been appearing outside our classroom every now and then before lunch break; she would stand at the corridor looking down and swaying her pink skirt in a gentle way. All the senior guys would put their heads on the classroom hall window and stare at her. We became really close friends that we always eat lunch together and do stuffs together more than my other friend gals. She’s totally different from my personality and that seems to attract me most. As the saying goes, opposites attract right? Even in choosing your friends I’d say.


“We’ll see you later, Eve, your little sister’s waiting for you.” One of my friend gals said as we make our way out of the door. Taeyon, sensing my approach would look up and smiles.


“Annyeong, unnie, let’s eat lunch together!” she would do aegyos in front of me which all the guys waiting to see.


“Alright! Let’s go!” I retorted, ignoring the staring people.


I just realized this now when Taeyon suddenly came into my life. I have felt that I’m always at the center of attraction because of the people who I am involved with. The Dean, Onew, Jonghyun, and now Taeyon, everyone around me sure is popular, they all have this redeeming glow that surrounds them. It’s really weird that I was put into this kind of situation and I was bugged by it after I became conscious. I felt that I was like a shadow around them.


It’s not that I’m aiming for popularity. But I was thinking…


When will I cast my own glow?


Class ended afterwards and I have four hours to spare before my tutoring starts. I went to the ladies room to fix myself as I was planning to go to the dean’s office and talk to my cousin.


I entered the ladies room with an uncanny feeling. As I walked inside I saw Jessica and her friends glaring at me. It didn’t surprise me since my first day of school; they have always been like that.


I walked over the sink and washed my hand. They were all giving me this weird feeling so I kept silent.


‘These stupid girls are so bothersome’ I told myself while rinsing my hand.


Suddenly without warning, I was pushed over the wall. It was a big impact and I ended up screaming with pain, my right arm crushing and in contact with the wall. Jessica slapped me hard across the face and squeezes her long finger nails through my neck. I was choking as she pinned me with her friends behind.


“LISTEN, YOU DIRTY ! I’VE BEEN RESISTING THE URGE TO HURT YOU. BUT NOW I HAD ENOUGH! FIRST OFF ONEW, AND NOW JONGHYUN?! HOW DARE YOU! YOU’RE SUCH A !” she yelled at me. I had enough also and with all my might I kicked her out of my face.


“WHAT’S WRONG WITH YOU? I’VE DONE NOTHING AGAINST YOU! AND WHO’S Y NOW? IT’S YOU RIGHT?” I hissed through gritted teeth. She was about to lunge at me when one of her friends withdrew her back.


“Jessica, no! Don’t hurt her! She’s in contact with the dean! Don’t you remember?”


“Shut up, Sulli! I don’t care whether she’s the dean’s ty cousin! All I care about is her TAKING AWAY MY ONEW!”


“and my Jonghyun!” another one added from her friends. I growled fiercely at them while contemplating what her friend Sulli, stated.


“Are you really that absurd? You’re that willing to make a fight? Do you know the consequences? The DEAN was my COUSIN, are you not aware with that? If you draw another finger on me I’ll swear you’re gonna get it. YOU DON’T KNOW A SINGLE THING ABOUT ME, JESSICA. I COULD MAKE YOUR LIFE MISERABLE more than what you are feeling right now, Brat.” I said anger engraving my voice. Her friends back away with fright, but she stand there still getting something from her bag. She took out two pictures and threw it to me.


“Take that photos with you and see how much of a you are!” she then went outside along with her gals. I saw the pictures; it was me with Onew and Jonghyun at the front of my dorm. That was the time when I had my second session with Onew. I just shrugged and grabbed the photos and put it to my bag.


 I did not dare throw it away coz Jonghyun was in it.


This was just a corn fight to me. I used to have bigger brawls back then; I was almost kicked out of the school two times. And to think I am a girl for god sake.


“Aiishh, that drag, it hurts.” I was holding on to my right arm, it hurts a lot. I did not even bother going to my cousin’s office. Instead I went to my room and locked myself there. I called the Teacher’s Lounge’s receptionist and request that I’m not going to attend my tutoring session with Onew. She said okay and will deliver the message as soon as Onew arrive. After that I called Sunny and told her everything.


“WHAT? She did that to you!? That DRAG! UGH!” she said roaring on the other line, I just burst into laughter.


“I also said that too.”


“So, what are you up to now? Now that someone’s watching over with your every move.”


“I don’t really care about them actually, I like Jonghyun and there’s nothing to change.” I twirled around my bed giggling when I said his name.


“But that girl obsesses with Onew, why is she angry at you? Does she like Jonghyun too?”


“I dunno, but her friend does, she might get the wrong idea about me being with Onew since we were always together because of tutoring.”


“Don’t you like Onew too?” she asked with a mocking tone.


“Hell NO! No way am I going to like that evil guy and I think he doesn’t like me e-either.” I mumbled unintelligibly. She laughed on the phone.


“Your voice seems to mislead your statement.”


“Shut up, Sunny!”





We stayed talking for the whole hour, I missed Sunny so much. I wished to have my vacation so that I could visit my hometown. Well its two months away before our semestral break, I could wait a little longer.


Two days passed, I spent my time with Taeyon inside her dorm. I was exploring everything in there and she doesn’t mind me at all. She was happy that I was there because she feels so lonely. She doesn’t have any roommate that’s why. After that I wholeheartedly scanned my books and reviewed some of the topics discussed, after all, I did not attend Onew’s tutoring last Friday.



Early Monday morning, the sky was in perfect shape and the air breeze was so refreshing. I was on a good mood today reflecting that nothing could go wrong.


I entered my classroom and saw Jonghyun waving at me. I smiled as I walked up to him and took a sit beside him. He seems so refreshing to my eyes.


“You should smile often, Eveony.” His soft velvet voice dissolves every bits of my heart.


“Yeah, I smile when I’m happy.” Just after I finished what I stated, Onew walked inside wearing his usual don’t-bother-me attitude.  “Unlike others.” I whispered to Jonghyun while I eyed Onew making his way beside me. Jonghyun chuckled in response.


Onew sat at his chair beside me, not even looking at me. His eyes fixed in front. I raised him an eyebrow because he sits there without moving an inch.


“He’s still sleepy so don’t dare talked to him, or else.” Jonghyun warned me and my head turned to face him.


“What a freak.” I told Jonghyun and we both laughed silently.


“OHH HI ONEW! GOOD MORNING!!!” a shrieking voice came into my ear; it was Jessica fluttering her arms in the air. My mood suddenly changed once I saw her, remembering what she just did three days ago.


Onew ignored her and continued to look like a stone. I burst into a muffled laughter. Good for her. Jessica saw me and frowned.


Minutes later the Professor arrived with a bunch of stack papers in his hand. Then she placed it neatly to the table in front and looked at us examining who’s not there.


“Looks like everyone’s here so, Announcements!”  She started; we all had our ears to her.


“Three weeks from now we are going to hold the biggest event ever in this campus. And everyone sure is invited to join this wonderful occasion. Are you guys excited about this?!” she asked with an eager tone. Everyone in the class shouted like they all know what the event was. I was left hanging in thoughts.


“The Junior and Senior Beauty Pageant will be held at the 23rd of August 2011, where the lovely ladies of the juniors and the outstanding beauties of the seniors will be combining in the said Pageant. One 3rd yr and one 4th yr lady will be paired up as a team and will work their way to the Crown and the title of Miss Junior and Miss Senior class of 2011. Isn’t that fun!?” she said clapping as she introduced the event. Everybody cheered for it.


“And I’m here to know whether your section already had a representative. Miss Jessica Jung is the former beauty queen last year, Miss Jessica, please stand up so everyone can see you.” I was not surprised if Jessica won the pageant, she rise looking at everyone with a smile and went to the front standing there beautifully. All eyes on her


“So…representative? Volunteer? Anyone? I think all the girls here are beautiful.”


“Except for that girl.” One of Jessica’s friends said out loud. I frowned at her in return.


“Don’t listen to them, Eveony, you’re beautiful.” Jonghyun said leaning against my ear. I beamed at him because his taking my side.


“Thanks, Jonghyun.” I turned my head in front and saw Jessica glaring at me, even her friends. Ignoring, I continued talking to Jonghyun.


“Ma’am, may I choose the next representative in class?” Jessica spoke startling everyone. The professor gave her a nod of approval; she smiled devilishly and looked in my way while the others anticipate her chosen representative. Onew, on the other hand, appears to have his mind off to somewhere


“I want Eveony Kim to be our representative!”


“WHAT?! ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME?!” I stood up with anger showing in my face, everyone twist their heads in my direction.


“Why? Are you not brave enough to stand as the representative? Or are you that UGLY to not accept the offer?” she said intensifying the situation. I felt silent for a while mulling over on what she said.


An awkward silent came from the room.


“Well? Ma’am, I think I need to choose another –“


“ I’ll do it!” I said with a sharp tone. All of them gasped at my revelation.


I’ll do it


 And I’m going to prove to them that the name Eveony is worth something.



AN/:  hoorah! I’m finally done with the chapter! :D TAEKEY moments! Ahahah they’re both girls btw (--,)


What’s wrong with Eveony? XD She’s been thinking a lot lately don’t you guys think? Maybe it’s because Onew ditched her.  Well, she ditched Onew too. Hahaha. And she knows how to kick nuts I mean butts. Hahaha. Don’tcha worry, Eve, all the questions you randomly asked will be answered through the next chapters to come ^^


Anyway I hope you guys like it, all though this chapter is a bit shallow in terms of thoughts and feelings.  xD I’m a bit at lost right now.


Please wait for the next chapter! Let’s see what’s gonna happen next with Eveony entering the beauty pageant! Ohh… I’m very excited xD


Btw, Have you guys seen ONE Onew condition? Lol I hope you guys did! ^^


And sorry Jessica T^T hehehe


And this is a little something I just thought I might add a little random scenario hehehe…


Honnie: Kibummie! Taeminnie! Please use this for the next chapter *hands underwear*


Kibum wearing wig: Yah…do I really have to use this? *expands the brassiere”


Taemin: *blush furiously* aigoo…


Honnie: Of course you do! You’re a girl remember?! Now now, you just have to wear that and put some foam or cotton inside and boom! Total transformation! Taemin, you too, don’t stare at the bra it won’t kill you.


Taemin wearing wig also: *gulps*


Kibum: *sighs and rolls eyes* fine I’ll wear this. *mumbles* just because Onew-hyung thought I was a pretty girl…


Honnie: I heard that! Anyway I’ll leave you guys for a while. I’m gonna find Onew and Jonghyun to discuss some things about the next chapter.


Minutes later, Kibum was finished in less than 60 seconds.


Taemin: aigoo! Key-umma! I still can’t hook the bra on the back! *struggling half- Taemin*


Kibum *starts nagging*: I told you to do it in front first then rotate it afterwards! *nagging while doing Taemin’s bra arrangement*


Minho: *suddenly opens the door* Kibum Taemin, Honnie already told me what’s the next….*saw Kibum and Taemin wearing bra*


Minho: *FAINTS*


---------------------- End :D I’m so sorry for crapping this weird idea out of my head xD I just thought it was funny. Hehehe




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More Het coming in In Between Love and Desires! -Honnietokki


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962 streak #1
Chapter 35: I knew they left their clothes downstairs. Hahaha!
962 streak #2
Chapter 23: Eve deserves all the praises and gifts for her hard work. And also Onew's patience and good teaching skills. Would she be pursuing college?
962 streak #3
Chapter 5: I just started rrading this.
It is very interesting.
Chapter 46: Uwu. I finished another great series from you <3
It was really beautiful :)
Chapter 44: The is too cute. <3
Chapter 43: Ugh finally. Drama is over! I hope for a fluff and some y time now. XD
Chapter 28: I really didn’t see that coming. I was expecting Luna >< nice twist.
Chapter 24: I love Minkey relationship here even though it’s completely platonic.

And I’m so curious who Is jinki’s ex girlfriend and what happen to them.
Chapter 20: Oh I’m right that it was Minho who save Eve but I’m wrong with Jjong. TT sorry baby Dino i doubted you TT
Chapter 13: I’m waiting excitedly for the side story now kekeke