
The Tutor


Warning: Babies. Lots of them




It was breezy but I still came to the conclusion of going. It was important. As much as I don’t want to neglect my son’s health, I wanted to at least visit the grave of the most important mentor I had in my life, the person who I seek all the time whenever I’m troubled and in need on someone who I can lean on.


“Lee Jinki”




“Hold him for a while.”


He nodded and grabbed our baby from my hold, he was sleeping soundly and his father perched him over his broad shoulder, softly patting the kid’s back to comfort him despite the cold. I smiled as I lovingly looked at them and turned over to the tombstone in front of me. It had been the same as before, although my dad took care of it and renovated a few things. The rest was still beautiful.


She visited me last night, in my dreams. Congratulating me for having the life I deserved to live. And I cried so hard after it, hugging her in my dreams as she kissed my head softly and smiled to me with all her might before she vanished in the light passing through the earthly sky above her or rather the heaven she now peacefully live in. I woke up crying and my husband cradled me into his arms, shushing me, and telling me it was a dream. I was so glad I had someone to wake up with, someone to be as good as the morning will get. Without him, I might be crying myself for a long time, missing my mother so much.


“Hey Mom” I greeted her, crouching on the ground and smiling to her picture frame that was carefully place below the tomb. Softly, the tears trickled my eyes but it was okay, since these tears were worth to shed.


“I’ve been getting the life, so far.” I started nodding my head in my amusement as how true it was.  Jinki chuckled lowly behind me and mumbled that it was because of him. I sighed, it was true though, if it wasn't for him I'd be nothing and may probably be in here at the cold stone in front of me, wishing myself dead as well. A hand brushed off my shoulder and I looked up amazed by how Jinki, aside getting a little older, was still handsome and what trickled my tears more was my son's bright orbs finally shown, staring straight at me.


I have a family now, mom. Things do change. And I am lucky to get this change in which it was good enough for me. Having a husband as caring and loving as Jinki was enough but what satisfied me the most was the child I have right now. A healthy baby boy, he looked just a little bit of me and a lot like Jinki and surprisingly looked like Taeyon as well, a very good face to go with. He was beautiful and his wonderful smile so pleasant it makes our day so complete. The warm and joy that portrays in his bright baby eyes was so much it brings happiness all over me.


I was so contented.


I turned my head up when he squirmed and wiggled out of his father’s grip.


“Umma…” he cutely whimpered and extended his arms reaching for me. I smiled and Jinki carefully passed him in my arms. He grabbed me so tight I couldn’t breathe, but this boy loved us so much. He was the fruit of our love and God gave us such an adorable fruit.


“Mom, this is Lee Taemin, my baby boy.” I took him down letting him stand on his own little feet but still my hands on his waist. Taemin looked at the picture in curiosity, and he wanted to come near it, flapping his arms on it. I giggled when Jinki crouched beside me and turned his head back and forth onto me and my mother’s picture, looking at the similarity we both bestowed.


“Your daughter is still as beautiful as you are Ma’am.” He mumbled beside me, sighing in contentment. I turned to him and saw the happiness in his eyes and the smile that never left his face. Just by looking at him made me believe that I wasn't the only one who loves this change.


Jinki lit the incense and placed it neatly on the jar. We stood up and prayed over in silence and hand in hand.


"Thank you for bringing such girl in my life. Thank you for letting her step on my remote path. If it wasn't for you who gave birth to this woman I now call my wife, I wouldn't be as happy as I am now." his solemn words warmed my heart,


I took his hand on my chest and pressed mine gently on his, soon after, Taemin brought himself close and touched both of our hands.


"I love your daughter so much." he declared and it was reflected with the way his lips kissed the top of my head. Taemin saw it and squiggled, wanting to be kissed as well. Jinki laughed and carried him, tickling Taemin with his kisses.


“I love umma and appa too.” Taemin said touching Jinki’s cheeks with his tiny fingers and smiling so widely at him. I can’t help but to embrace them both and give them light pecks before Jinki decided to let me have some peace talking with my mom.


"We'll go ahead." Jinki said excusing himself with Taemin quietly resting on his shoulder.


“Bye bye grandma.” Taemin said in a gibberish tone and held Jinki's neck to a cuddle.


I took that time to just calmly stare at my mother’s grave, talking to her in my head, and thanking her for everything she did for me. In my head she will always remain living and guiding me all the way.


“I love you, Mom.” I said praying over her and bowing a few times before walking away with this new light feeling in my chest.


Thank you for everything.




I walked back to the car and saw Taemin waving, still in his father's cradle.


But what made me smile was to see him waving at me as well with excitement all over his face.  That little crochet hat I made for him gave me giggles seeing as how suited it was on his small head. He finally decided to wake up.


I ran to them and carried him with adoration. His smile was the same as mine, only cuter. Taemin whined and dragged his dad closer to us, pointing that he wanted himself over for a cuddle, but since this little guy here was a little heavier than Taemin. I can't carry both of them.


"Kibum was a very good boy and he waited patiently for us to get back." Jinki said smiling at the boy over my grip. He reached his hand forward and patted Kibum’s head in adoration.


"Really? That's very good of you. Aw, come give your sister a hug." I told him and he nodded, wrapping his small arms around my neck and serenely snuggled.


Taemin wasn't the only baby we were taking care of. Kibum also came into our life, a little ahead of Taemin. He was the son of Jung Ah who unfortunately died after giving birth to him. Jung Ah suffered a lot after the incident and became mentally ill. My father, though hurt, still took care of her from the very end, making me understand how love truly was forgiving. But even though it ended like that she still was sensible enough to take care of the baby inside her and to actually ask for forgiveness before fate took her breath. I have forgiven her before she even asked for it and promised to look after Kibum and love him like my own child.


What made him so special was his face, a mirror image of my dad but a little gentle looking with some of his features, which probably came from his mom. It was sad that he can’t be with his real mother but I’m willing enough to fill in the gap in his life. Kibum was open enough for accepting us as well. He was a dear child to me.


"Noona, can we eat now? Taemin keeps telling me he's hungry. I'm hungry too."


"Yah!" Taemin hit him lightly in the arm and blushed, making Kibum giggle, "I told you it's a secret."


"It's alright Taemin, we'll leave now. Grandpa is also waiting for us in the airport.” Jinki said kissing Taemin’s cheek. The kid nodded and swung his arms over his dad’s shoulder. Jinki glanced at me and gestured to follow.


“Let’s go y, we don’t want to miss the party.” He winked and smirked so ily at me I can’t help but to blush and laugh at the same time. I don’t know why I found it funny. But oh well, he has ways to humor me.


Before I could step ahead, Kibum wiggled down and grabbed my hand. The little touch he made reached my chest, fluttering with glee.


“Let’s go noona.”


And I just beamed and nodded.






We decided to visit the school after four years of being married before we go out of the state. Jinki will be having a business trip in California and he wanted us to come along. Though worried, I choose to come since he assured me that we’re not just there for his business, but to also celebrate our upcoming anniversary. I couldn’t be happy enough to see how thoughtful Jinki was. And Yunho-oppa, being a considerate cousin, took the effort to gather all the friends and family to at least settle in for a get together in his wonderful school, the place where everything happened.


As soon as we got there, people gathered around, cooing over the kids I brought. The friends we knew came as well, bringing their kids over. Somehow, it became a kid’s haven, seeing them running around everywhere.


“Hey man!” a familiar voice yelled from our side and we turned our heads toward him. I almost shrieked and tripped over my dress when I saw Taeyon running over to us. I hugged her and surprised to see how much she bloomed into a magnificent woman. Oh! And got busy too.


“Aww! Is this Yoogeunnie? Oh gosh! He’s so adorable Taeyon! He looks exactly like Minho!” I squealed and bend down to the boy’s eye level. Yoogeun was Taeyon and Minho’s child, same age as Taemin and Kibum though a month older. The kid obviously possessed both his dad and mom’s feature. But some had mistaken Taemin as their kid as well. I wouldn’t mind though.


Yoogeun grinned at me and made some serious cute faces I would die for. He was cute in his own ways and a lot like his dad. I lightly pinched his cheek and requested for a kiss which he didn’t refuse to do. I heard Taeyon calling my two boys back asking them if they need some water or towel to prevent them from sweating too much. Oh Taeyon was so sweet.


“Hyung! Let’s play!” Taemin came tottering over my side, gasping. Kibum followed after, pulling Yoogeun with them and started running again, bumping a few of the adults in the area, their nannies following them in a gasp. Taeyon and I giggled as we watched the three kids squealing and playing along.


“So, how are you unnie?” Taeyon started, grabbing both of my hands and slightly swaying them, eyes twinkling still in excitement cause by how we all didn’t see each other for a long time.


“Well, the usual, raising two kids. How about you? You look stunning as usual!” I stated honestly, eyeing her from top to bottom. Taeyon giggled shyly.


“Same, raising two kids as well.” She sighed happily. I was confused for a second but when she pointed out the adult over the other side making a fuss out of Jinki’s arrival. I understood and laughed wholeheartedly at her situation.


“Dude! How you’ve been? You’re still shorter than I am!” Minho screamed out embracing Jinki with his manly hug. Jinki rolled his eyes and threw a good punch in his arm, though Minho returned it after. He still gave my husband a squeezing hug. Minho will forever be the overexcited friend of course.


“I miss you man!”


“Yeah, yeah…you’re still the same. Ugh. Get off!” Jinki pushed him playfully but the smile was etched on his face. Taeyon and I just stood there watching them.


“Hey hey! Don’t forget about me!” Another familiar voice came and he ran over them, tackling the two guys and compressing them into his arms. I was amused to see the three of them together again, like long lost best friends. They may look a little mature now but the silly grins they had on their faces tell how much they missed each other.


“Jonghyun ma man! Nice to see you again bro!” Minho raised his hands up and Jonghyun slapped it hard with his, and they kept on grinning and talking, Jinki getting squished in between them. He was always the indifferent one.


“Jonghyun!” I waved and they stopped. Jonghyun came over and hugged me as well, giving me a warm smile. I was happy to see him, happier that he brought his girlfriend over.


“Hey, Yoona.” Jinki’s voice reached my ear and I tilted my head to the side, -since Jonghyun’s huge body was blocking my view- seeing the woman walking with grace in our way. Yoona smiled and waved her hand majestically and she stopped the clock just like that, every one turning their heads on the woman who top the commercial on TV this weekend.


“That’s my girl.” Jonghyun interrupted and met up with Yoona up front and gave her a sweet kiss on the hand. Who would knew that these two would end up together and as far as I was concerned, Jinki and I were both okay with it. It has been years forgod sake.


Soon enough, Sunny and Sungmin came after holding a total of three fascinating children with them. Though the oldest was already grown up, her mother tasked him to take care of his two other siblings. Jessica and Taecyon followed subsequently. It was like a fair reunion for all of us and we gathered around a huge table and started tossing stories of our experiences. Jonghyun and Yoona being the hot topic as they both decided to get married next year. Minho also explained his forthcoming retirement on the field and planned to be teaching the sport instead. He was also bragging about his earned house where he and Taeyon were living in. The house was huge but compared to Taeyon’s richness it was easy to get and yet Taeyon was happy enough with her life with Minho and doesn’t complain about anything Minho has given her. They are really meant for each other. Jessica and Taecyon were leaving for the state as well and we got hype up when we realized that we were on the same scheduled flight of leave and the place we were going to stay at was close. We kept discussing after that. I guess we already forgotten the past we had and developed it into a strong friendship. Knowing Jessica more was in fact exciting since we really have similarities we concealed in ourselves due in the past we saw each other as rivals. Yoona, though awkward at first, joined our big circle of friends. The past was really behind after all, considering that Jinki had three girlfriends in the group, he was nonchalant of it and happy that he could stay friends with the two, of course me being his top. Yoona seems to share a lot about the facts of life and mostly given us girls the advice when it comes to dealing with the man in our lives. She knows a lot about stuffs and once in a while we girls gather around for a night out, same with the boys. Cheating was our big issue though I don’t really have a problem with Jinki and so does Taeyon. But for the other girls it’s for a look out.


While our batch was the circle of the talk, our parents were not left behind, my father was here, Taeyon and Minho’s parents were here, Jonghyun’s parents were also here, and Jinki’s parents were here. The Business tycoons were here. All in all it was a grand reunion and since we are all friends in the group, our parents seem to hang out with each other as well. I caught them on the other table, laughing and talking, may probably of business matters or not but I don’t care at all, seeing my dad laugh was making me happy.


I caught sight of Jinki’s mom smiling widely at me and I can’t help but to stand up and hug her. I missed her so.


The party was a blast! Though I don’t know some of the people in here and the real reason why we were all gathered here. But this was really exclusive and grandeur since there was security outside the stadium, there was media at the corner, the school was out of students, and the food was goddamn delicious I forgot about my diet.


The kids were put into the nursery area and were taken care of with their nannies. They were tired from running around and found their selves sleeping on their big den. While we were in the middle of the food fest we have on the table, the man who put up all this came to the stage. My god! I almost choke when I saw him as dashing as ever! He made the whole area anticipate to his flabbergasting entrance.


“I hope you folks enjoy the food because you’re not getting any them again.” He started and we all laughed. He reminded me of the food again, it was really delicious.


“So anyway, first of all I would like to thank you for coming into this dream party I’ve been well…dreaming off.” We laughed again. “And wow, look at the entire guest I have, the tycoons were here and woo…that sort of made me nervous.” He laughed nervously we followed him yet again.


“Hi mom and dad.” He waved at the audience with a goofy grin. We all chuckled once more. He can’t stop himself from being so childish.


“As I was saying, thank you for helping me make this happen because it has been the most wonderful evening I have. And I’ve never felt so happy to have these people around. You guys complete me. But I have to honestly say that I would never ever be complete if I haven’t met the love of my life.”


“Oh my god is he going to propose?!” I blurted out of the blue and they all turned to me, shocked as well. Finally my bachelor cousin was able to find his lucky brid—


“Oh my ing god is it Jaejoong?!” I gasped so hard and they shushed me.


“Well Jaejoong is right over there with his girlfriend.” Jinki said and I furiously turned to where he pointed at and saw Jaejoong already clapping with his best friend’s achievement, his girlfriend clinging to his side.


Well then who…


“My first and last, Lee Hyoyeon!”


At that moment, Hyoyeon came out of the side and kissed him. Everyone was clapping in all sides and cheering them. And wow, I almost collapsed at my seat. I was so happy for him and well, for her! I never thought they would cross path since Hyoyeon was so busy with her photography and Yunho with the school. Wow. Just wow. It has been long since I saw these kinds of happy ending relationships. I’m also glad that I ended with the same.


“Do you know about this?” I squished beside Jinki and stared up at him while everyone else was busy with congratulating my cousin and Hyoyeon. He nodded and pursed his lips. “Hyoyeon was keeping it a secret from you and wanted to surprise you. It seems that you are.” He chuckled.


“I am of course! But I’m so happy for them, you know. Hyoyeon is really lucky if you know what I mean. She caught a big fish. Hahaha! And our family bond is like one inch apart now.” I giggled and slid my hand right on his arm, looking up at him. Jinki smiled at me and winked.


“Let’s make it without any inch apart.” He grinned and stared at me with those well-known eyes. I giggled and pulled him along skipping through everyone’s diverted attention and left the building with him as quickly as possible.


“Whatever you say, uncle.”




After that secret happening we did, we headed towards our personal place. The one place where we stay whenever we feel like we wanted to have peace of mind or just cuddle in the arms of the other, it was the fountain, still as beautiful as ever.


It was like it was destined to happen. As we sat on the fountain’s edge and looked at ourselves in the clear water, the music played in the building, slow and romantic. The droplets forming calmly down below and we smiled at it, seeing our reflections glowing from the moon light above us.


“Did you remember this fountain?” I softly said to him, looking at him from the reflection. I remembered the night after the beauty pageant when we found ourselves in here, alone. He nodded and smiled.


“Yeah, this was the first time I felt something from you.” He replied turning his head towards me. I was taken aback when he stood up and pulled me as well, gracefully positioning me for a dance. I giggled and wrapped my arms around his nape while he led the step. I put my head on his chest and sighed comfortably, the smell of his perfume was calming me again. And it never failed to bring me into a sweet relaxation.


“Way back when we were just pretty little kids.” He added and I turned my head up staring at him straight in his solemn eyes.


“What do you mean?”


Jinki pulled me closer and hugged me, my head resting on his shoulder and so does he. We quietly stayed there for a second without moving, just the beating of our hearts booming loudly in our chest.


“This fountain started it all Eve, if you can’t remember, this was where I took you when we were young. This place wasn’t a school yet and was only a mansion fostered by Yunho’s parents. I was that boy you remembered that brought you here. We had already established the connection way back in the past.”


“But you told me you couldn’t remember it for a long time? I also suffered from trauma in which my mind shut itself from the memory when we first met. How did you know we had the connection?”


Jinki parted our leaning bodies and narrowed his eyes towards me, and his lips reached mine making me close my eyes. He pulled back and gazed at me.


“I didn’t know, I felt.” He smiled and kissed my forehead.


“O-Oh…” my lips quivered. There I was again, falling all over him.


And then I heard him chuckled, “It was pretty childish but I remembered myself wishing, when I woke up from the hospital, that I’ll be seeing you again. That I’ll be taking you here again and we’ll get married and have kids. I remembered myself promising that whatever happens I’ll find you and love you and so on and so forth. I fell in love with you at those childish days of mine, Bunny.”


And there I was again really falling in for him.


“Well your wish did all this trick. I’m glad” was what I could only say before I started tearing up and crying again. He laughed at me and wiped my tears, kissing my eyelids, and hugging me endlessly again.


“You’re such a crybaby.”


“I know.”


“But I love you.”


“Yeah, I love you too.”


And we just stayed there, making the moment last.








These were two different words with two different principles. But these two words were the most important thing that brought happiness in my life. The word change happened in me that brought countless of experience and modifications in my life that I can honestly say I did not regret. These changes built the character I possessed right now, the real me.


If it wasn’t for the word perfect, none of this change would have happened.


And that perfection was him, my life, my world, Lee Jinki.


The word perfect doesn't always count as a no such thing. He will always stay perfect for me, for I love him with no boundaries, regardless of the flaws I have seen him do. In my eyes he will remain the same, loving him for his perfection.


He, who has never known it, brought this change in me. He was the reason for my change. And the basis of this all was his perfection.


The perfection of his love towards me


And it was the word that can combine change and perfection.


It was love.


My love for him and his love for me, making love…


As the perfect change


So Lee Jinki, my husband, there are things I want to say to you,


That I never imagine someone like you would come along


All the pain that I buried inside my heart, all the tears I shed, the hate, the love.


You helped me ease it all away.


You taught me everything that I need to know, all the things I need to understand.


You change my views and how I deal with things that I, myself, cannot handle.


You were there when I need someone to hold on. I could not keep the pace if it weren’t for you.


Who showed me how to love and be loved by you.


I couldn’t ask for more.


Thank you,


My Tutor




A/N: Thank you for supporting this One year and Nine months story of mine. Thank you for the loyal readers who followed this story from start to finish. Also to those silent loyal readers who followed in as well. Without you guys I wouldn’t have finish this. I wouldn’t be nowhere where I am now. It was the support you guys gave me that pursue this story. I can’t thank you enough. This was the first and ever story that I’ve just thought of doing, thought of writing, and thought of finishing and finally, all those thoughts became actions and the actions became words that were put into this story. Thank you very much.


I hope you like the ending. Even with the little couple twist here and there. Keke And the kids too. Haha, You guys would know why Eveony called Jinki ‘Uncle’ kekeke ^^


Also sorry for bringing this a little late, I just can’t bring myself into finishing it. haha was being overdramatic. ;-;


I’ll be back as soon as possible with another story to anticipate.


If you like this story please upvote (although I don’t know what it’s for lol), subscribe to me as author,

And lastly comment. Please comment. Comment as long as possible, throw all your feels to the story or to me, if I really have subscribers I just want to know. Please comment. ^^; Thank you.


Bye Guys~ See you soon.


Happy Birthday Jonghyun! Hahaha. What a coincidence :p

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More Het coming in In Between Love and Desires! -Honnietokki


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963 streak #1
Chapter 35: I knew they left their clothes downstairs. Hahaha!
963 streak #2
Chapter 23: Eve deserves all the praises and gifts for her hard work. And also Onew's patience and good teaching skills. Would she be pursuing college?
963 streak #3
Chapter 5: I just started rrading this.
It is very interesting.
Chapter 46: Uwu. I finished another great series from you <3
It was really beautiful :)
Chapter 44: The is too cute. <3
Chapter 43: Ugh finally. Drama is over! I hope for a fluff and some y time now. XD
Chapter 28: I really didn’t see that coming. I was expecting Luna >< nice twist.
Chapter 24: I love Minkey relationship here even though it’s completely platonic.

And I’m so curious who Is jinki’s ex girlfriend and what happen to them.
Chapter 20: Oh I’m right that it was Minho who save Eve but I’m wrong with Jjong. TT sorry baby Dino i doubted you TT
Chapter 13: I’m waiting excitedly for the side story now kekeke