It's On

The Tutor


A/N: Pay very close attention to the conversations and the little details.


The silence and the shrill cold were killing the out of me. But I didn't care at all and instead waited for him to arrive. The bench was freezing either, turning my buns into ice cubes. The whole park was isolated causing the temperature to drop from usual. Who would want to play in this time anyway? It was midnight.


I crossed my arms and heavily pressed them to my stomach struggling to get away from the freeze I was experiencing. My back was leaning on the bench spine and my neck curving upwards to see the dark blue color of the night sky. He was late as always.


The grey clouds passed by slowly, alluring me to trail behind it, making my eyes heavy due to its solemn movement. Everything was ironically in slow pace, planning for a payback was slow pace, the time was automatically in slow pace, and protecting her was also in slow pace. But there was nothing I can do than wait because things doesn't just go perfectly when you plan it without thinking ahead of it, a short-term-fast-pace-solution-on-the-go-in-one-swift kind of plan doesn't work for me. It has to be something with details and future development, something that has 0.1 margin of error.


"Hey..." a man stood before me, his teeth showing with a cocky grin. I groaned as he started kicking my heel, trying to get me to push myself up. I felt lazy so suddenly.


"Why do you have to take so long?" I hissed and rubbed my hands together, arching then jumping up to stand beside him. He laughed and signaled me to come with him so I followed.


He better had good news.


He stopped in front of a tent restaurant and dragged me inside. The place was steamed and smelled like smoked beef. The scent of liquor also intoxicated my senses. He pushed me towards an empty seat and pressed me down on it while he made his way towards the other side yelling at the lady on the grill.


"I'll have two bottles and sizzled squid!"


I rolled my eyes on him.


"I'm not here to just drink and talk about Jonghyun."


He made a puffing smirk, "Relax, calm you balls. You've thought of the plan well. What else could go wrong?"


The lady walked around us and placed two shot glass and bottles in our little table. I caught one and poured it on my glass. He also did the same, drinking it with one gulp then hissing as it went down in his throat.


"Everything could go wrong. I'm already regretting adding you in the act."


"Oh please, you could thank me afterward. Right now, everything's falling under your hands. Her dad was a complete loco for my heroic appearance."


"Of course, aren't you a young bachelor of a branded enterprise? My my what a surprise." I laughed sarcastically at him. He had another shot and closed his eyes, savoring the burning taste.


"You know sometimes I hate you." he snorted looking at me in a mocking gesture. I gave him the look and he took it, stretching his arms upwards.


"For making girls cry."


"Oh shut up. I did it because you told me so. It's part of your ing condition."


"And putting her to bed while you're at it, nice touch"


"Back off." I curled my fist and aimed to hit him. He yelped and made countless of apologies. I glared at him and stopped, air for a minute to calm his unexpected insulting compliment.


"But it's convincing you know, Eve literally made me into a sponge, my shirt was drenched in tears I had to change first before meeting you."


"You think that's good news? it." I gritted my teeth and shoot lasers at him again.


"Okay sorry. That went wrong. I was just trying to help you. You see, if you make her believe you have actually break the bonds between you two then it's going to be a lesser problem for her to marry me. I mean to-almost-marry me and you dealing with the woman."


I clenched my fist and thought of that part. I tried to avoid getting hurt as much as possible, but the arrangement alone was almost like a sacrifice for this one no-other-option plan.


"I guess you're right." I mumbled and gulped the shot. Jonghyun made a loud fake gasp.


"You actually agree like what the . Oh, tears...."


"Shut up or I'll put your straight in your ."


He chuckled and tossed me another shot. I took it and let it rolled down my throat, hurting my passage way like it was fire. The damn thing felt good.


"How was it in your father's side?"


There was a loud clash of thunder outside and the next thing we knew, it was already raining. I turned my attention back to Jonghyun, stared at him for a few seconds and let out a big sigh.


"As of now my father is still in deep and we're in the middle of tracking Jung Ah's present actions. The woman was aware of our activities and kept herself hidden behind Eve's dad."


"And she's not just destroying your father's reputation but also trying to make Eveony's life a lot complicated."


I gripped my glass so hard and tried to restrain myself from breaking it.


"I don't understand it Jonghyun. Of all the man she has to be with, of all the man in the world that's available for her personal usage, why my girlfriend's father?" I groaned and slammed my palm on my forehead, pressing it firmly with a hiss. Jonghyun dragged his seat on my side and started rubbing my back in a comforting manner.


"Life is not a balance platform, buddy. No matter how much you want to be on the stable ground, sooner or later problems have to step on the other side and pull you down with it."




"All you need to do is to carry yourself back up and do what you know is right. Don't on me man you're not a brain idiot! So stop getting all that emo-ish feelings and start working with the plan!"


"I am working with the plan!"


Jonghyun snorted, "Then stop being so overdramatic. My god, you're dealing with a woman here, can't you be any manlier?"


"I am dealing with a woman but we need to get rid of her man first."


Jonghyun tilted his head to the side and raised his brow "Eve's father?"


"Who else?" I leant back on the chair and smirked, "He is a piece of work, stubborn and totally in love with that evil creature."


"I can't blame him. Jung Ah's hot."


I gave him a disgusting look and shrugged off his disturbing comment.


"What?! You have the same genes going through your nerves, no wonder she's hot." Jonghyun exclaimed, now chewing on his squid. "But evil of course." he added.


I sighed and started chewing as well. I still couldn't believe how world seems to put every drastic relationships back when they don't need to meet.


"Why can't you just tell the old geezer what his chick up to?"


"I'm not nuts Jonghyun. He can shoot me with his gun and bury me into the ground without leaving evidence."




"But I have to put a stop to this. It can't go any further than the damage it already made."


"That's your purpose man. You should be the hero. Eveony's knight in shining armor."


I smirked and patted his shoulder.


"And you're the horse."


He pushed me off, "I'm the willing accomplice you son of a ."


"Thanks man." I laughed and threw him one good punch. He grinned and punched me back. "By the way did you give her the tape recorder?"


"Oh you mean the earrings? Yeah, I gave it to her and told her never to detach it from her ears."


"Good, that's of big help. I know Jung Ah's going to be blurting out evidences without her noticing we're recording every word she'll say."


"And Eveony in the plan without her knowing it is genius. Plus you get to hear everything she'll do, even when she takes a bath."


I would have a good laugh at it if I wanted but a part of me still can't because I know, miles away from where I sat. Eveony's there weeping in loneliness and I'm the one causing it.




The sun was not up yet but I have to get off the bed as quickly as possible, shower, clothes, teeth, quick routine, enough to avoid the longing memories I have of her and yet it haunts me every millisecond I clear my mind, her face shows up with a smile. It was frustrating how it ended up like this. Why can't we just have that normal day when we'll end up in each other's arm? What's with the raw conclusion of putting one problematic woman in the way?


"Hey Kid." my father approached me from where I sat, waiting for him. I stood up and followed him downstairs, got my way inside his car, and breathed in as he drove the car in reverse, shifted and swiftly got out of the lot. I was living with him for a while. It can't be help for now.


"I'm sorry for everything kid." he broke the silence, turning the wheel to the left as the car obeyed him. "I'm sorry for not taking care of this matter the moment it started way back."


"It's not your fault. Destiny knows how to play, and when your it you need to make a move." I sighed and crossed my arms keeping me inside my thoughts.


Past. Present. Future. All interconnected to a certain problematic person that leads into this. The past, Kim Jung Ah, rather, Lee Jung Ah, my half-sister who had deep grudge against my father for not showing up on her bed-ridden mother, we were the first family and my mother decided to adopt her after her legal parent died. But despite of helping her out she chose the wrong path and intended to kill me and my mother instead. My father threw her out of our lives that instant. The present, she found a way to redeem herself by hooking up with Eve's dad and used him until she regained all what she needs to have, money, brains, protection. Her grudge never melted down and continued, wanting to destroy my father in the company and now that she knew I'm dating Eveony, you could tell it became worse.


The future...I don't know it yet. But I hope she’s not in it.


He stopped in front of a familiar lot and looked at me while nodding his head in permission. I got out and stared from the house in front of me. She caught my attention from the window. She was just standing and watching something, and then she vanished out of my vision. I was lucky enough to see her, not all the time that window from her room was open.


Eve, I'm sorry. Please hang on. I'll be back to get you...


I crotched down the car seat and wiped off the extra tear in my eyes. My dad tapped me and heaved out a deep breath, "We'll get over this, son, I promise." his voice comforted me and he knew how hard it was for me to handle this.


"Just drive..."




I can't just stand here and do nothing. I have to make a move. I'm not sure of it. But I need to find out something.  There was relevance into Jinki and Jung Ah's relationship that suffocates me and I'm going to find it out. Even if Jinki won't tell me I'm going to figure it out myself.


I jumped off from my bed and started fixing my hair. No one was in the house so I decided to sneak inside Jung Ah's bedroom starting first with the side drawers and alternatively checking everything inside. There was nothing but magazines. I looked down under the bed and found dust bunnies instead making me crinkle my nose in irritation. I also checked into her closet and it annoyed me more to see most of her glamorous clothes neatly place in there.


"Nothing..." I groaned when I finished checking the boxes and drawers from under and over, just a bunch of stock shoes and jewelries were there.


I almost gave up and was about to leave but something shined on the closet and I traced my eyes on it. It showed a reflective shining dress glittering from the pile. I took it and without knowing what I've done, ripped it apart.


"." I squeaked when something fell from the dress and I realized it was an old newspaper. I gasped and decided to tear the whole dress apart. The surprise was inside, an enveloped hooked on it.


Wow girl instincts helps.


I grabbed the enveloped and the newspaper, sat on the bed and started opening the contents inside the envelope. There were too many items inside but the newspapers sitting on my side caught me first.



Headline: Grand Business Ball turned into a disastrous night


"Hey I think I remember this..." I mumbled to myself and read more from the newspaper sub head.


A woman tried to kill her family. Little brother suffered brutal damage for protecting his mother. What could be the cause of this act? See page 9.


My hands started to tremble and my whole body shook. My breathing suddenly disappeared from me and I choked myself. It was involuntary but when I examined the picture, it depicted the past I have long forgotten because of trauma, shutting it down from my brain a long time ago.


But once I saw his image in the newspaper. A flash of light shocked my brain and I returned from that past I locked to myself.


A past where the connection happened


It was a party I don't really care about and got nothing to do with me. Everyone was an adult in formal dresses, talking about the things I don't understand myself. I just sat on the balcony with my flower petal dress my mother wanted me to wear. It was lonely since I was the only kid around. I brought my coloring book and crayons with me. I'm smart enough to think that I'm going to get bored in this kind of party.


As I indulged myself with coloring, something brushed the bushes beside me. I flinched and almost shrieked but then I stopped when I saw someone emerged from the darkness.


"Sssh, don't be scared." he said and slowly stepped out on the light. He was a boy, the same age as me smiling so happily.


"You scared me..." I mumbled, too shy to even talk to him. I ignored him and looked down on what I was doing before he came. He chuckled and moved behind me.


"Hey you're drawing a rabbit." his little voice crept over my shoulder. I looked up and smiled at him. He sat beside me and watched.


"Yeah, this is a bunny. My mother always calls me bunny." I chirped and glanced sideways. His chubby cheeks and smiling eyes was the first that caught me.


"You're name is bunny?" he grinned at me.


"Mmm! Yeah!" I giggled and showed him the picture. "This is me."


He took it and looked at me then back at the book. I tilted my head to the side wondering what he was doing.


"But this is an animal you're a pretty princess."


I grabbed the book back and covered half of my face. My cheeks heated and I don't know why. He looked at me with a smile stretched all over his face.


"Hi pretty princess, I'm going to be your prince for the night." he said as his eyes suggested.


"Eh?" I blinked. He laughed and took my hand.


"Come with me I know a beautiful place."


I was pulled away immediately and just followed him even if I don't know where he was taking me. He dragged me into the garden and made me gasp to see that beautiful shining fountain.


"Wow!" I clapped my hands and danced. I was overwhelmed. It was so pretty.


"You like it?" the boy beside me said and I nodded eagerly.


"Thank you for bringing me here and for accompanying me." I smiled at him. He smiled back and took my hand and surprisingly kissed it.


"Anything for my princess bunny."


I laughed and pushed him away then ran around the fountain and he started running after me, playing, laughing and squealing until we both got tired and just sat on the edge of the fountain. His presence made me feel better and every time he smiled I could feel a light feeling in my heart.


"How old are you?" he asked me while we both sat there while swinging our legs.


"I'm seven. You?"




"Oh, should I call you Oppa?"


He chuckled.


"Mm, I think that's fine."


There was a childish silence.


"Why are you here?" he continued interrogating.


"My mother wanted me to come. She told me she wants to brag me with her friends."


"That's because you're cute."


I smiled and tilted my head down, curling my hands on my lap.


"What about you?"


"My father and mother brought me here with my bad sister."


"Bad sister?"


"Yeah, she's bad. She's right there with my mom." he pointed towards the two people on the table. His mother was sitting alone, while his sister coming from behind. It would have been normal but there was something wrong from I what I saw right there.


My eyes strained wide when I saw the woman holding a knife.


"She's holding a knife!!!" I yelled at him and he quickly dashed all the way there and covered her mother's back.


It happened so fast, he was the one who got stabbed, blood coming out from his shoulder.


I shrieked and cried and tore my lungs out for the loudest scream I can ever muster.




"Oh my god." I cradled myself and spilled tears on my eyes, unable to control them. Unable to stop the memories invading my mind, that boy was Jinki and the woman was Jung Ah.


The trauma came back ten times and it kept me shivering, clutching myself so hard. I saw everything that day. I saw how she stabbed that knife on his shoulder. I was so scared. So scared to find out I've been living with a killer. And she can do it with everyone if she insists. Even me.


But I gripped myself so hard and gritted my teeth. No. I would not back down from this. I would not let her invade everything else. It infuriated me and I recovered from that trauma so fast because of how much I hated her. How much she ruined my life and ruined Jinki's life.


I've checked on the other documents and found out that these were all named after Lee Junho, Jinki's father. And I remembered what Jinki told us, that his father was accused.


Everything was slowly drawing into conclusion.


. It was all her.


That was why Jinki knew her that day. That was why he suddenly ditched me and he was probably up to something. That was why she wanted me to marry another man to get rid of me because I was related to him.


And she's using my father to get this all done.


"That . That evil ." I growled and grabbed the evidence that I have and put it somewhere inside my room where she can never find it. I need to tell Jonghyun about this. My father was too hardheaded to actually listen to me.


I grabbed my cellphone quickly and dialed Jonghyun's number. He picked up straight away after that.


"Hey? What's wrong?"


"We need to talk, come here as fast as you can I have to tell you something important." I roared on the phone.


"Ok got it, be there at eight sharp." He hung up immediately. I clutched the phone to my chest and breathed.


That daughter of a , rotating the universe like she owned it


ing no way, as long as I’m breathing


If she wants a then a it is.



A/N: Ohohohohoho… and it’s Eve’s turn. :p

I guess this chapter revealed enough information of who Jung Ah really is, expect more from the next chapters ahead.

And that little cute flashback of their related past! They actually have a past! And I actually revealed it like 31 chapters before!!! LOL. See Chapter 9 xD when Eve was contemplating in the fountain. Too bad it ended in a traumatic experience for her, causing Eve to actually forget that Jinki was that little boy she was with.


Ain’t this fun? Haha.


Thank you for all the previous comment, it was fun reading it! Everyone was plotting in their minds, some got it correctly! ^^ bravo! I love you guys! Thank you for the support!


Oh yeah, Jonghyun’s a good guy ^^

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More Het coming in In Between Love and Desires! -Honnietokki


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962 streak #1
Chapter 35: I knew they left their clothes downstairs. Hahaha!
962 streak #2
Chapter 23: Eve deserves all the praises and gifts for her hard work. And also Onew's patience and good teaching skills. Would she be pursuing college?
962 streak #3
Chapter 5: I just started rrading this.
It is very interesting.
Chapter 46: Uwu. I finished another great series from you <3
It was really beautiful :)
Chapter 44: The is too cute. <3
Chapter 43: Ugh finally. Drama is over! I hope for a fluff and some y time now. XD
Chapter 28: I really didn’t see that coming. I was expecting Luna >< nice twist.
Chapter 24: I love Minkey relationship here even though it’s completely platonic.

And I’m so curious who Is jinki’s ex girlfriend and what happen to them.
Chapter 20: Oh I’m right that it was Minho who save Eve but I’m wrong with Jjong. TT sorry baby Dino i doubted you TT
Chapter 13: I’m waiting excitedly for the side story now kekeke