The First Session

The Tutor


Updated 4/7/12: I tried revising this chapter...proof-reading and stuffs. Enjoy! ^^

On with the Fic!


The second subject was Physical education and we were all at the gym at the basketball court area. This is one of my favorite subjects especially if there is kick ball. Hell yeah I would love to kick someone’s right now. We were in random formations, some of the students sat on the floor while the others stood watching the professor lectures some of the basic exercises and stuffs.


 I can’t really concentrate because I sense someone was watching me, my eyes wandered around the area and then I caught a glimpse over a girl with a bunch of her friends looking in my way, glaring.


“Why are those girls glaring at me?” I said to myself, annoyed.


“Ask that guy beside you.” Jonghyun said pointing at Onew. I sighed frustrated. I kept on clinging at the thought that this guy right here was my tutor. Sometimes I really don’t understand how fate works.


“Why him?” I asked Jonghyun.


“He’s pretty popular with the girls especially seniors. Everybody wants to date him but no one can. I’m popular too though I always came second because of him.” His tone suddenly changed at the end, I chuckled.


“Don’t worry you’re popular to me, I hate that guy” I admitted looking at him. He seems to be surprise and turned his head to me. I smiled in return.


“Oh! Thanks” he grinned at me and turned away. I didn’t bother disturbing him anymore.


I momentarily glanced at Onew and he was standing still, arms crossed. His eyes were focus in front, staring blankly. At first I thought he was listening too but when I observed him more. I found out he was wearing his earphone all along. I rolled my eyes, seriously…THIS GUY IS GOING TO BE MY TUTOR?


I think I’m going crazy.


I didn’t realize that I kept on looking at him for the past minute until he unexpectedly turned aware of my repeating gaze. He then fixed his eyes with mine exploring my face while I did the same.


He smirked and leaned forward towards my face. I moved back a little.


“Your eyes are y…” he said. I blinked a few times and when I realized what he was trying to tell me I felt furious and stepped on his foot one more time.


“Ow! Quit doing that! Aissshhh--!” he yelled at me bending down to reach his stepped foot. Everyone looked his way and I was completely satisfied for his embarrassment.


“Mr. Lee would you mind showing us an example of a somersault?” the professor said calling his attention. He glared back at me and hissed.


“Thanks a lot clumsy girl.”


“Don’t mention it” I said sarcastically.


He went in front of the class and looked at everyone. I saw the girl who was glaring at me a while ago cheering for him. I watched him closely and his eyes turned serious.


“Back flip” he said while lying on the mat with his back flat against it. In a split second, his whole body flipped up to the floor and then stood flawlessly. He bowed after that and everybody clapped except me.


He went back beside me and crossed his arm. I did not dare look at him anymore or else I’ll end up doing the same thing.


The class ended afterwards. Everybody was gone with one snap of the professor’s finger. I walked all the way from the academics building to the students building. It was a long walk. If I ever graduate here I would totally lose some pounds.


I tried to restudy every building I saw. The academics building where all the classrooms for high school students are found, the college building where all the college students study, the students building where the dorms and the Teacher’s lounge were found, the hospital, the gym, and the library. I couldn’t help but to awe in favor of these views. No wonder my cousin was one of the richest men in our family and he’s not even that old yet. God, I wish I would turn like him when I get old too.


When I reached the hallway to my dorm, I saw students gossiping and looking at me in a weird way. As I said before I was used to it. I’m one of those few people who can be a gossip star in one day, heck, I couldn’t care less.


I opened the door to my room and locked it afterwards. It was one thirty already and I still got my spare time before my tutoring session starts. I reached for my cell phone and dialed Sunny’s number.


Ring ring….




“Annyeong, Sunny chingu! I miss you sooooo much!” I felt like cuddling her through the phone.


“Ohh! I miss you too Eveee!!!” She squealed. I laughed at her and felt really excited.


“So how are you there? Are you already going out with him?” I asked her curious.


“Not yet, he seems to have this little interest in me. Hehehe… we hang-out sometimes”


“Well, I guess he missed me!”


“Pabo! Haha anyway, so what about you, any hot guys there?”


“Well, there’s one, he’s really hot…ohh and uhmm..another one who’s hot coz he really irritates me a lot.” I explained to her remembering the two guys I just met.


“so is he hot hot or hot not?”


“Uhmm...well I guess he’s hot hot too” I confessed to her


“EEEEEEPP!! Really? Omomo”


“He’s very arrogant and smart. I have no match to his extent evilness.”


“Don’t worry too much. I have a prediction tha –”


“No don’t say it!” I cut her off. Usually her predictions come true so better not ruin what the future unfolds.




We talked for the whole hour on the phone discussing about boys and some other matters. She had to hang up because of her baby sister again. I slouched to my bed looking at the ceiling and wondering what it’s like when I learned about him more.


“She’s not supposed to be like this if it weren’t for your betrayal! If you hadn’t looked for someone to replace such a sweet and loving woman nothing will turn out this way! It’s because of your fault! It’s YOU!” I screamed at his face bursting all my emotions. All the hate and anger…the feeling of loosing someone who was dear to you…






I cried till my heart collapsed, I want to end my life too.


“I’m so sorry…I really am but I can’t change the fact that I’ve fallen out of love for your mom.” He explained unbroken.


“I can’t believe you! You were married to her, for god sake, SHE’S YOUR WIFE! How can you say something so unreasonable and even replaced her with a like this WOMAN?!” I pointed to the woman clinging to him, hiding under his suit.  I was so sick seeing her! I walked straight to her and gripped her hair pulling every strand away. She yelled in pain as I tightened my grip, my dad tried to stop us but he can’t pull me out from my strong grip. She was already crying in pain.



She should…feel the pain.



What she did was something unforgiving.






My father had enough. He pushed me as hard as he can away from her and I bumped to the wall loosing half of my conscious mind.


“LEAVE NOOOW!!!!!” Anger showed in his face. I thought I just died right there.


A tear fell down my cheek.


After that day, I promised myself to be strong.


For her…


I woke up breathing heavily another dream. My past still haunts me to sleep. I can’t help but to hug myself closer crying furiously. I tend to cry whenever I reminisce the past with my mom.


I took a bottle of water out of the fridge and gulped it down my throat.


Then I saw the clock.


And spit the water out of my mouth.




I hurriedly grabbed my bag and went outside. I’m late! I’m freaking late! I’m imagining all the things he would say when I get there! Darn, can I just fly all the way to that stupid teacher’s lounge?


“No running down the hall!”




Finally, I’ve experienced a weight fitness program for how many years! The building was so huge I had to go around in circles just to make it to the teacher’s lounge and when I got there I was gasping for air. I marched to the reception area and asked where the Tutor room is. The receptionist was surprised by my sudden appearance and quickly guided me to the room.


I went inside while calming myself, the room was very clean and neat, a massive bookshelf by the corner and a rectangular table with six stools.


“You’re twenty minutes late! Seriously, do you have to make me wait all the time? Are you that special?” a husky voice came into my ear. I knew he was behind so I quickly turned around and to my surprise, his eyes were wide.


“You have some issues foolish girl, are you emotionally unstable or something? Your face is a total mess!” he said, I frowned at him.


“Again with the insults!” I retorted.


“You should go to the bathroom and see it for yourself.” he muttered, his hand pointing to the bathroom.


Then I remembered.


“SHOOT!” I shrieked and run as fast as I can to get away from him. I totally forgot that I cried and let my make-up destroyed my face! I looked into the mirror and saw how ridiculous I am, the mascara and the eyeliner mixed-up and I was like crying in black tears! My red pouty lips score a big bonus since the red lipstick was smudge everywhere, the tone of my blush-on are different and smeared all over, and my hair although tied in a bun looked like a storm had hit me.


I was stomping in the bathroom looking at my hideous face! It was really embarrassing especially when someone had to see it so close! I looked into my bag and search for my make-up kit.


Oh snap.


I also forgot the make-up kit in my room. I sighed in frustration and defeat. I have no choice but to walk right out there without make-up and the bad thing about it was that Lee Jinki was one of the luckiest people to see me without make-up. Great, just freaking great


I reached for the doorknob and groaned. I have to be good to him for now or else something bad might happen. Actually something bad already happened and I just knew his the one causing this bad luck.


I walked quietly inside the four edge room. He was seated at the right stool corner of the table and so I concluded to seat at the left stool corner facing him. But before I could even touch the chair, he rapidly kicked it out with his leg below the table.


 I looked at him annoyed. He smirked back tapping the next chair beside him. He was indicating me to sit right there. I plopped my face down and walked to the chair beside my tutor then set aside my useless bag. I sat straight and turned my head to face him.


“So…what do you want me to do?” I asked.


“Hmm, lemme see…” he looked at me straight in the eyes, his right arm resting above the table while supporting his head. It made me nervous to see his face up close and personal. I gulped in nuisance.


He suddenly handed me two sheets of paper, one blank and the other with questions.


“What’s this?”




“No stupid, I mean this” I repeated grinning as I eyed him, my fingers pointing at the questions.


“I want to test your stock knowledge from your past years of learning, if you have any.” he spluttered. My throat felt swollen. I had to clear it twice before I answered.


“You mean, I’m going to answer this…all by myself?”


“Why do you need someone to assist you? Of course you have to answer it by yourself, no matter how many mistakes you make, I’ll teach you the right answers afterwards”




“Because you’re too dense” he said, I glared at him for making too many irrelevant opinions.


“Fine.” I replied angrily. I took out my ball pen and started reading the instructions. There were three subjects implied, Math, Science and English. I started off with English since it was less complicated for me.


Everything seems to be very easy. I quickly answered the questions and was very happy to be answering them. In a matter of time I finished it off, no sweat. Next was Science, at first I thought it was effortless too but when I started reading every question I can’t help but to skip some. Gradually, it’s getting a bit difficult and I keep on looking all over the place to find answers.


“You can’t find answers in the walls or ceiling, nothing is written there.” He said staring at me. I glared back at him and he was still in his position when I first sat down.


Every now and then I can’t help but to glanced back at the next person beside me. He was not moving an inch. His expressive eyes studying my every move and it’s getting on my nerves. I couldn’t concentrate because of him. I can feel the cold sweat flowing down on my temples. It was an awkward moment for me.


“Focus, don’t let my stare drown you to confusion and disturbance. This is one of the steps you need to learn when you study.” Onew said encouraging me, I felt calmed and relaxed after what he said and continue my work.


Hey I know this guy, he’s Charles Darwin…


I think the answer to this question is exoskeleton…


The Latin name of mercury is hydrargyrum…


I started recalling some of the old discussions I understand and listened too. My head didn’t turn anywhere else aside from the paper itself. At last I was done in Science and I have to answer the final test, MATH, my most hated subject.


“What kind of question is this? What is the formula of this blah blah blah! How the hell would I know? I’m not a scientist!” I groaned at the first question. I heard him smirked and I couldn’t help but to rotate my head and complain, but the first thing I saw when I turned was the formation of his lips.


“Mathematician perhaps”


“Why are you making my life so miserable? I can’t answer this! Can I just skip Math for the mean time?” I pleaded him.


“I told you I’ll get my revenge soon enough and no you can’t skip math” he replied. I grumbled in frustration. This mean tutor, if I could just kill him right now in our first meeting.


One hour passed, I’m almost done with my complicated math and I could not answer some of the problems. I’ll just make him answer it. Onew already bowed his head and sleep while I was stuck with my head, my eyes, and my nose bleeding. The last problem was pretty simple and I completed the test. FINALLY!


He was still sleeping so I tried tapping him in his shoulders. He woke up eventually and yawned.


“Are you done?”




“Good, you may go sit over there at the couch while I check your paper” he seems to be nicer, maybe because he just woke up from a nice slumber. I walked to the couch and placed myself in a comfortable position while I watched him check my work.


I’m examining his face and his action. He was still in dream land and moved so slow. I silently chuckled because I thought he was cute. Wait, eww…I just thought he was cute. I saw him took something from his bag and I thought It was the answer sheet, but hell no, it was his music player. He inserted the two earphones on his ear and started checking my work.



How could he possibly do that? Is he really that smart to just switch on the music and study at the same time? I winced when I saw his lips curved. Why is he smirking? I felt butterflies on my stomach just by watching him verify my test paper.

I assumed he finished checking when his eyes averted towards me. I sat up with my back straight waiting for him to gesture. He raised his eyebrow and waved his index finger telling me to come to him. I stood up and rolled to his side.


“You really have some issues, miss sissy.”


“Why? What now?”


“You were able to answer half of the questions right, especially the part where I intentionally made it hard. But some of the easiest questions I put here were answered wrong. Honestly, what is the problem with you? Are you crazy or something?” he gazed at me with one upright brow. I was too absorb by the idea that I was able to get half of it right that I didn’t noticed he was already mocking me.


“Really? I couldn’t say so myself. The questions I answered correctly were the few things I understood and remembered.” I said. He stared at me blankly which made me semi-conscious.


“Maybe you just lack focus and attention”


“Maybe I am.” I agreed with him.


“Anyway, it’s getting late so I’ll just be introducing you to the first lessons on the three subjects so that you can catch up easily” he said while taking out some books in his bag.


“Okay.” I nodded in reply.


“Do you know something about Physics?”


“err…uhmm something about.” I blurted out “gravity and stuffs?”


“Oh no, you have got to be kidding me?!”


“What?!” I snapped


“I have to tutor someone so brainless” A nerved pop-out from my head when I heard him.


“How dare you say that? You’re totally rude.”


“I couldn’t care less. Anyway forget about this stupid argument.”


“Well, whatever smart boy or pretending to be smart.”


“Excuse me?” he said his voice suddenly changed.




“You are a very annoying little girl.”


“And you’re a very evil tutor.”


We somehow ended the unavoidable insults and were able to work with the tutoring. He was very serious at teaching the new knowledge and it was actually making a new sense to me. Onew explained every detail clearly and creatively. I was also up to his explanations and listened attentively while taking down notes as well.


Suddenly my cell phone vibrated so I quickly took it out of my pocket and held it to my ear. It was Sunny, my best friend.




“Annyeong, Sun –“I was abruptly cut off because he took the cell phone fast and held it to his ear.


“Excuse me but we have something to discuss about so I have to hang up. Bye.” He said clicking the hang-up button and putting my cell phone in his bag.


“HEY!” I told him, trying to get across his body to get what he took.


“No cell phones allowed during my tutoring session. You may claim this after my work is done.” He said pushing me back to my seat. I puffed air out of my lips. I was so annoyed.


Anyway, we continued with our session. It was Trigonometry and everything looked so difficult to remember. The formulas that need to be memorize and calculate. He explained the details one by one and repeated it gradually to make me understand.  After a while I was able to get some of it in my head and did some of the problems myself.


In the end, my head felt heavy because of the new ideas taught to me by my tutor. It was also time for us to go and leave the teacher’s lounge. The session was done.


“Do you remember what I taught you a while ago?”


“I think so.”


“Good, that would be enough for now.”


“I want to ask you something”




“I’m gonna ask it either way eh, am I going to see you in the class tomorrow?”


“Nope, why would you miss me?” He smirked and eyed me sheepishly.


“What?! Hell NO!” I screamed. “Why?”


“I have other classes to attend to. I already finished that subject ahead of time”


“Really, are you taking up college courses?”


“You’re smart enough to ask me that”


“Shut up, are you?”


“Yes, I’m already promoted in some courses in college.”


“Is that possible?”


“I made it possible.”


“How arrogant”




We were already walking in the hallway. It was past six and some of the students were gone by now. We keep on talking and insulting one another. But even though it was like that I’m glad his there to accompany me.


We reached my room and I grabbed my key. He was standing behind me waiting.


“What the heck are you waiting for? You can go now, thank you.” I told to him sarcastically.


“Nothing in particular, anyway I’ll see you tomorrow. We will start with Mathematics first coz you totally at it” he said, I just rolled my eyes and opened the door.


“Eveony!” someone called me out. Onew and I turned our heads to where the voice came from. My heart suddenly skipped a beat when I saw his face.



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More Het coming in In Between Love and Desires! -Honnietokki


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962 streak #1
Chapter 35: I knew they left their clothes downstairs. Hahaha!
962 streak #2
Chapter 23: Eve deserves all the praises and gifts for her hard work. And also Onew's patience and good teaching skills. Would she be pursuing college?
962 streak #3
Chapter 5: I just started rrading this.
It is very interesting.
Chapter 46: Uwu. I finished another great series from you <3
It was really beautiful :)
Chapter 44: The is too cute. <3
Chapter 43: Ugh finally. Drama is over! I hope for a fluff and some y time now. XD
Chapter 28: I really didn’t see that coming. I was expecting Luna >< nice twist.
Chapter 24: I love Minkey relationship here even though it’s completely platonic.

And I’m so curious who Is jinki’s ex girlfriend and what happen to them.
Chapter 20: Oh I’m right that it was Minho who save Eve but I’m wrong with Jjong. TT sorry baby Dino i doubted you TT
Chapter 13: I’m waiting excitedly for the side story now kekeke