Desperate Attempt

The Tutor


Warning: A lot of cursing and disturbing sort of scenes. Please bear with it for a while ^^


What the was this....


I mean seriously what the .


Stack of photographs on my hand, all pictures of me and guys I don't know and most probably haven't met them even. I grew pale. It was not an ordinary picture, it was .


It was a photograph.


A scandal.


My face was incredibly attached to a girl's body. I could tell it was not me, my body was better.


But my face was exceptionally cropped well. I was so goddamn shocked.


I forgot to breathe.






Die you crazy stop taking all the guys!


You're seriously up slay toy!


Quotes attached to it.


What the hell was happening?


I stood there with my heart stopped, my hands gripping the pictures. I looked up and saw the students staring at me oddly, some of them obviously judging. They have probably seen this. It would take half a second before these photos spread to their mobile phones. I grew frantic. I might be the last person who saw this.


I am capable of taking strange glares when I was still the dark sided Eveony. But now that I've changed back into my normal self, I want to crawl on my knees and start weeping.


I couldn't handle it.


I'm breaking down.


I walked to the hall away from the repeating gazes over my back. It was cold and ironically felt like hell. I bit hard on my lip and walked straight out of the crowd looking down.


I bumped into someone and she pushed me back. I jerked up and saw Jessica smiling as if she was satisfied.


"Well what do you know…she really was a complete after all"


"She probably s Jonghyun and now herself over Onew or Minho."


"She's taking her prey one by one or maybe at the same time. She's such a !"


They laughed and insulted me. I should have yanked and tore their hair apart, kicked them on their faces, or scratched their fuzzy bodies. But I just stood there mute and daze.


My heart ached.


I can't hold it anymore.


Before my tear fell off my cheek, someone from behind covered my eyes. I flinched but I didn't move back. I heard gasping and mumbling at the scenery. Everyone seems to be surprise at the sudden appearance of a guy...


Named Lee Jinki.


"This is not true." he stated, a firm tone in his voice. He pushed me softly with his hand so that my head can lean on his chest. I grew hot. The intensity of his body was hot. Was he angry?


"How would you know? You should check in her background first. You may have missed the part where she takes out all the guys and puts them in her case." She laughed haughtily. I couldn't see anything but I would rather not know what was happening between the folds of his hand. I rather shut my eye and wait for Jinki to defend me...


Am I asking too much out of him?


I don't know...


"Jessica, why are you doing this?"


"Oh so now you're accusing me? Think again, I may be the girl who loved you for almost forever. But I'm not always the one who can come up with this..."


He paused and let go of my eyes. I saw Jessica once again and her face was completely different now. Full of worries and confusions...She was acting.


Jinki please don't fall for it.


"Oppa, can't you look at me again? I'm still Jessica, I can't do such things. Please believe me..."




He grabbed my wrist and dragged me away from them.


"Oppa!" she called out desperately. Jinki didn't look back.


I sighed.


I don't know why but I somehow felt sorry for her.




"Jinki, it hurts...let go. I'm okay now. I don't really care about them. You could stop worrying..." I struggled out of his grip. He pulled me all the way to my room and stopped there. He didn't release my wrist but he asked me to open the door.


I poorly fumbled for my key and opened it. He went in first and dragged me with force. I felt afraid. He might have protected me back there but deep in his mind, he was starting to judge me with those pictures.


I couldn't handle the thought of him leaving me.


It would scar my life forever.


"Jinki, believe in me. I'm not like that. You know that I don't like and I won't do such a thing...please don't leave me..." I whimpered, my tears falling off my cheek. I couldn't see his eyes hiding behind the strands of hair on his face. I want to hold him, to assure he will stay and never leave. But I don't have the strength to do so.


"Jinki...please do -"


I was cut off and got pushed to my bed. I yelped in surprise and he anxiously got on top of me. I'm so petrified and confused. I wanted to scream but he already covered my lips with his. I muffled beneath him trying to gasp my breath but he didn't let me. Instead, he kissed me feverishly with his hands gripped my wrist. I don't know how to react anymore. I don't know how to deal with this kind of Jinki I've never seen before, so rude, so harsh.


I never got to do anything but to kiss him back. I was bound by his spell and I never got the chance to come out of it. He withdrew his grip and I automatically looped my arms around his neck running my hands over his hair. His kiss went deeper and hotter, nibbling my lower lip softly. I moaned under him and roamed my hands on his back tugging his shirt. He gasped and pulled out of me. Our eyes met and I jolted back bewildered by the shade of liquid building in his eyes.


His hands went under my neck and pulled me closely to his chest. He fell off my side and hugged me right there. I was succumbed. I couldn't move out of him but I love how his arms hovered around me and his head on top of mine. I'm out of sorts and I felt numb.




"I'm so sorry..." he whispered softly. His words burned my mouth. I don't know what has gotten into him.




"This is my fault, Eveony..."


"No..." I mumbled digging my head on his chest. My fingers trembling between us


"I'm fine..."


He hissed and embraced me more. I didn't pull back. I just wanted to stay there with him and forget all what I've seen before this. Jinki was my best pain reliever, his smell always sweet and comforting and his breathing calm, his everything that can relax the hell out of me.


I won't be anywhere else aside from you.


Lee Jinki.


He leant down and kissed my forehead. I tilted my head up to meet his, my heart beat racing simultaneously. Jinki's face was still like an angel's telling me of how fortunate I am to have him in my life. I love how his eyes were solemn and pure capturing my heart in seconds. I just love all about him even if I don't understand why he was accusing himself with this matter.




He smiled and kissed me again.






"I'll protect you."




Walked pass all the bulls in the hallway. Everyone was so absorbed by the pictures, laughing and rebuking it. I gritted my teeth and despise them. I hate this.


I tore off the prints stamped on the wall not really caring if they saw me harshly crumpling it and throwing it to the trash. I growled and kept doing the same until all the bullness was gone out my sight.


I made Eveony stay in Taeyon's room for a while. She was safe there with the comforting hands of her friend. I couldn't assure she'll be fine with herself. She was still a crazy girl.


It was five in the afternoon. We missed our tutor session, but it doesn't matter now, her reputation was at risk and even the timing was awfully bad. The dean was out for a meeting and most of the professors were not even close to the word help at all.


Them and their primary one-sided judgments


I ended up knocking at Jessica's room. I was hoping maybe I could talk to her about it and make everyone stop fussing over the photo. But if not, I could just find evidence of her mischief. I know it was her. It was definitely her.


The door creaked open and her blonde hair peeked from behind. She gasped and opened the door wide obviously not suspecting why I came. I remained calm and put a fake smile on my face.




"Can I come in?"


"Yes!" she squealed and pulled me in locking the door from behind. I roamed my eyes and found her computer on.




"Oppa, did you change your mind? Are you coming back for me?" she leaned and hugged my waist. I tried to remove her but she kept still.


"I'm actually here to beg you." I grabbed her shoulders and stared at her eyes.


"Beg me for what?" she smiled seductively, she might be thinking of something else.


"Beg for you to stop this nonsense. Tell those people that the photo was photoshopped and it wasn't really Eveony."


She frowned and yanked her shoulders away from me. She put her hands on her waist and hissed.


"So, that's why you're here huh?"




She bit her lip trying her best to fight back the emerging tears. I stood there waiting for her reply.


"How could you!" she run back to me and started slamming her fist in my chest. I accepted her blows if it's the only way she could release all the pain I've given her.


"Jessica, stop. It would be best for you to move on."


"How could I move on if you left me hoping?! How could you endure all of this? You promised me! You did! Have you got no guilt at all? You're supposed to love me!" she cried out putting her head on my chest but she was still punching me weakly. I took hold of her as she verged in tears.


"That's why I'm here, to tell you to stop. I'm tired, Jessica, and I know I am at fault here. But at least give chance to yourself and live your life. Love someone other than me...I'm not worthy of your love because I can't love you back. It's really over. I'm so sorry." I couldn't believe I just said all these things. If I am in her position I'll be in pain, but I'm telling the truth and hearing the truth was nothing but pain.


She whimpered and gripped my shirt firmly. I stayed there hoping she would calm herself down.


"Why her?"




"After she left, I was already happy and I thought you'll be coming back for me…until Eveony came and stole you away from me. Am I not good enough?" she looked up at me and leaned closer. I didn't answer.


"Tell me..." she moved back. Before I could even stop her she already tore her top and plunged herself towards me.


"Jessica..." I said trying to get her away from me. I don't want this.


She locked her arms around my nape and tugged me down for a kiss. She was desperate.


" I not good enough?"


She kept on kissing me as I tried to move her back. Her lips stung mine and I can't endure the thought of Eveony seeing all this.


"Jinki...come back."


"No...Stop...Stop. STOP!" I yelled and pushed her. I wiped off my lips and returned to the door. I turned the knob wanting get out but she gripped me from my waist and cried again.


"Don't go! Please! I'm begging you! I love you so much I can't afford to lose you again!" Jessica cradled me from behind soaking my back with her tears. I sighed, my chest getting heavier.


"I can't afford to lose Eveony either."


She gasped and fell back losing her arms on my waist. All hope must have turned her down because of what I've said, but I want to end her suffering at the midst of all this. I half-turned and was able to catch a glimpse of her moist cheeks. She paused and looked down.






I worked my way to visit Jaejoong's room. Hands on my pockets, I kicked his door three times as replacement for my pocket-hands. He turned the knob and signaled me to come in. I closed the door from behind.


"Quick thinking big guy. You are obviously smart enough to contact me."


"Yeah, hyung, do your business."


He snorted and started typing on his sleeping computer. It illuminated with a sound coming from the speaker. I sat back on his couch near his working station and carefully analyzed his fingers tip tapping.


"So, you've check her computer...hmm...It's open right?"




"Kay, should be easy. I just need to send her an email of a program of some sort. Let's see...needs a fake name…errr..hmm..ah…and...done. Sent!" he tapped the key and turned to me smirking.


"You are worth the hacking." he said, giving me a wink. I smiled. I definitely forgot what just happened earlier because of his remark and gesture. It gave me shivers down my spine.


Jaejoong was a genius hacker, though his profession was completely different from his underground work. I could tell how well he balanced the two at the same time. Few people knew this including me and I never thought one day it would come in handy.


"She's probably checking her email right now." he pointed to the screen and put his finger on his chin waiting for the respond. I stood up and went behind him, itching to see what kind of work he has been doing.


"Hmm...It’s a good thing you're not busy today. If the dean was here I'm naturally protesting there right now." I told him leaning close.


"Hah! I'm a second choice!"


"No, you're the first option. The dean was an exemption and I told you its natural right?" I patted his shoulder making him hum lightly.


"Point taken. Anyway, you should be with Eveony right now. Who knows...she might be doing something reckless."


"I've thought of that. I called Taeyon a while ago and she told me that girl had fallen asleep on her bed with dry tears. She's safe there." I sighed renewing my previous relief.


"Taeyon? The girl who won the pageant?"




"Oh, that girl is pretty!"


A beep interrupted our conversation and we both stared at his computer. His mouse pointer hovered over a random file and a weird introduction entered the screen.


"She doesn't have a clue that I'm watching her desktop right now."


"That's the file you sent her?"


"Yep. And now watch the window, that's her desktop with your picture as her wallpaper." he chuckled and I glared at his hair and looked back to the screen.


"Oh! oh! She's opening a document!"




"What the hell! I can't believe she got stuffs like this! She's opening Photoshop now. I better turn on the desktop cam and record her movements." he clicked something from the side of the screen and a random box appeared from the right viewing the same thing on the desktop. He zoomed in and focus more on the window where Jessica's desktop lies.


We watched and somehow admired her skills in manipulating. She was good but she was using it in a bad way.


"Yeah, you're right. She's definitely the culprit."


"How could she have those kinds of pictures of Eveony? Where did she get them?"


"She must have hired a stalker photographer. I saw her talking and paying a man with a high tech camera last Monday. That must be it..."




"And you might wanna check your dorms. She could have installed hidden cameras." he joked. I gulped, gotta check.


"Okay, I'll send her a fake hang up window of her desktop so that I can import all her files without her knowing it" he chuckled and started clicking again. I patiently waited and leant my arm on his chair.


"Done! Problem solved! All you gotta do now is to show these evidences to the dean and Eveony will be back to her normal life again!" he lifted his hands up. I took my luggage and went for the door.


"Thanks, hyung."


A/N: Part 2 will come next…I’m sorry if it’s not good or something, I’m also in a crazy mood lol…oh dear…but I’ll try my best to make the next chapter worthwhile ^^


And be careful with emails, not all of them are really trustworthy :O 

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More Het coming in In Between Love and Desires! -Honnietokki


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962 streak #1
Chapter 35: I knew they left their clothes downstairs. Hahaha!
962 streak #2
Chapter 23: Eve deserves all the praises and gifts for her hard work. And also Onew's patience and good teaching skills. Would she be pursuing college?
962 streak #3
Chapter 5: I just started rrading this.
It is very interesting.
Chapter 46: Uwu. I finished another great series from you <3
It was really beautiful :)
Chapter 44: The is too cute. <3
Chapter 43: Ugh finally. Drama is over! I hope for a fluff and some y time now. XD
Chapter 28: I really didn’t see that coming. I was expecting Luna >< nice twist.
Chapter 24: I love Minkey relationship here even though it’s completely platonic.

And I’m so curious who Is jinki’s ex girlfriend and what happen to them.
Chapter 20: Oh I’m right that it was Minho who save Eve but I’m wrong with Jjong. TT sorry baby Dino i doubted you TT
Chapter 13: I’m waiting excitedly for the side story now kekeke