His Heart

The Tutor


The many times I’ve shared with you

The happy moments I’ve spent without realizing

The road that I’ve walked so far

The road that I’ve walked in loneliness as I cried

You make it all different

I’ve come to know now

The reason why this road before me is beautiful…

-SHINee [The Reason]



“Thank you for your hard work in tutoring my cousin, as promised your tuition fee for this semester is already taken care of and your scholarship plan would be push over for the next school year.” The dean said with a smile, he was very happy that we came back safe and even offered me for a walk along the corridor. I nodded absentmindedly, my mind thinking of something else.


Where’s Eveony?


“Hello? Are you listening, Mr. Jinki?” the dean waved at my face causing me to stagger back.


“I’m sorry what?”


He seems amused by my sudden lack of focus, he doesn’t naturally see me this distracted before but he somehow knew why I was acting like this. I couldn’t deny it. I have the strangest feeling coming from my raging heart.


“You seem to be thinking of something else? Is someone bothering you?” he asked with a concern tone in his voice. I bowed my head, a little embarrassed as I speak, “I haven’t seen Eveony since this morning. I’m worried.”


He grinned like a playful kid and bumped my arm. I flustered seeing him like he’s not a dean, but that’s just his image. The wind changed direction forcing me to whip my hair off my face. The strange feeling never left my insides.


I stopped on my tracks and he did the same. He faced me and turned his expression into a frigid look. I paused, staring anywhere else aside from his eyes until I saw two girls who were taking a glimpse on us, watching us from a far.


“Well? What’s bothering you?” he asked starting to feel uneasy.


I didn’t respond quickly, thinking if it was proper to tell him what happened to her. But he’s her family and he should know if something was wrong with her. And since I’m her tutor, a part of me felt responsible into saying it


“Jonghyun broke up with Eveony last night.” I said with a mild tone not wanting him to be shock or anything. He didn’t react that much but his eyes which I caught blinking and a little anxious baffled me a bit.


“Jonghyun was goin–“


“OH MY GOD!” a girl screamed and we were both warned, causing our body to turn furiously towards the focus of the attention. Other students were already gathering up to the gate, keen to see what was causing the commotion.


We stepped in closer checking what it is. An image of a well-built man was approaching the main gate and what surprised us more was that he was carrying a lifeless body from his arms. The dean was gone before I even knew it. He sprinted to the scene and called the security to control the crowd. I stayed there unable to move.


“Bring her to the hospital! Call all emergency personnel!”




“MOVE OR I’LL SUSPEND ALL OF YOU!” he yelled so loud that the students were so afraid and did not even dare follow them.


That was the time I figured out that my heart stopped beating…that I ran out of breath…that my eyes were open wide unable to accept what was beyond it.


I saw her.


I saw her body full of blood.


I saw her half-close eyes and mouth gasping for air.


I saw her dying in front of me.


I gritted my teeth and run as fast as I can to be able to reach them. A stabbing pain passed through my whole body and I realized that half of me already died because of her.




The moment she entered the emergency room felt like I was going to surrender myself to sorrow and pain. I couldn’t hold myself in one sense, walking all over the place. Mr. Yunho was doing the same, rubbing his hands several times.


“Oh please oh please…don’t let her die oh god, why my precious cousin...” He groaned, so tense and full of worries, I tried hard not to make things worse and sat down folding my arms on top of my knees then bowed my head. He was hissing uncontrollably and I know how much agony he’s feeling right now. What about me? I don’t know whether I’m still breathing…


The feelings I contained inside, slowly starting to boiled in my veins. I never realized how much she affected me in everything until now. Until I saw how much pain embedded on her face, I don’t like it, not one single bit, to see her in that kind of pain.


And now her life was at risk. What am I supposed to do? I couldn’t do anything now…


“Onew-oppa! Ohhh…Onew-oppa!” A weeping voice interrupted my thoughts. I jerked my head up to see a crying Taeyon running over me, her cheeks flushed and her eyes red and teary. I threw myself up and waited for her body to crash against mine. She needed it. Her arms folded along my waist and she continued to cry ever so hopelessly.


“Oppa, I tried to stop her, but she didn’t listen. I’m so sorry it’s my entire fault…” she cried gripping my shirt. I was taken aback, something was not right.


“Why? Do you know what happened?” I said softly struggling hard to calm her down, but she bawled so much it hurts.


“S-She went to see Jonghyun. And…and…she saw something…I-I don’t know. She called me and she was crying really hard…I was so worried when she hung up so sudden. And I tried calling her back b-but her cell phone was off. I searched for her everywhere…ohhh..I’m so sorry. I felt so bad…” she said shaking so hard.


“There, there…everything’s going to be fine.” The dean approached us and patted Taeyon’s back. I don’t know what happened next because my mind went blank, then Jonghyun’s face came up and I felt aggravated, gripping my hands that it almost bleed.


I was about to leave when he showed up. His face burned my eyes.


“Eveony is sh—“ I didn’t let him finish his question when I threw one hard punch on his face. He fell backward and I approached him furiously gripping his shirt.




“I-I didn’t do anything! I swear!”


“Liar! You should be the one dying and not her!!!” I growled at him. I was so angry I can’t control myself.


“YOU ING DON’T KNOW ANYTHING! GET OFF OF ME!!!” he crowed and pulled off against me then hit my face with his fist. I was about to lunged at him again when someone from behind hugged me.


“Please stop!!!” Taeyon grabbed me with her small hands, I struggled away from her but she didn’t let me go. I want to beat the crap out of Jonghyun but I was stunned to see him also being stopped by another woman.


“Jonghyun, don’t do this! Explain to him! Don’t fight please!” She whined tugging Jonghyun’s arms.




“MY PARENTS DIED!!!” He screamed, his knees folding and it hit the ground seconds after he screamed again, tears falling from his eyes.




“MY PARENTS DIED! HEAR IT OUT!” he growled again, the woman from his behind started crying with him. I couldn’t believe it and stood still, panting.


“Jinki, listen to me! Our parents died from a car accident three weeks ago. I didn’t tell Eveony and flew all the way to New York just to see them. YOU SEE I’M ALREADY THORN OFF TO PIECES…YOU THINK I’M OKAY WITH THIS? ! I ING WANT TO DIE TOO!”


The dean interrupted us, calming the situation. He pulled Taeyon away from me and I positioned myself facing Jonghyun, waiting for him to further explain.


 “…I came back with my sister to organize my leave from this school and I’m going back to states to take over our business, because I have no choice. I BROKE UP WITH HER BECAUSE OF THIS REASON. IF YOU’RE THINKING I CHEATED ON HER, YOU’RE ING WRONG!!!”


He was kneeling down on the ground, I never saw Jonghyun so wounded. He was crying his lungs out, and I couldn’t bear stand it. I looked away and waited for him to speak again.


“I didn’t want this to happen, I regret everything. I regret that I never contacted her when she was with you, because I knew you’ll be taking care of her while I mend my parents’ death. I was selfish…I regret everything, Jinki, I swear and I’m so sorry…”


“He’s telling the truth, I’m his sister. Eveony saw us hugging in his room because I was crying… She must have misunderstood it. I am so sorry for this…” she whimpered.


All I could do now was to breathe heavily. I’m still in the midst of taking all the information slowly. The dean placed his hand on my shoulder and smiled sadly.


I don’t know much about Jonghyun but I consider him as a friend and this kind of thing caught me off guard. But I was wrong to accuse him so easily even though he had that kind of image. He was in grief and now that Eveony’s in danger, his sufferings doubled.


“Get up.” I sighed. He wiped off his tears and stood up, her sister hugging him.




Six hours passed and I’m still waiting for any impending news. The dean took care of Taeyon who collapsed due to exhaustion and emotional distress. Jonghyun went back to his room with his sister, still bewildered by the accident. He keeps on apologizing to me and I was getting annoyed by it, but I knew he was sincere. He even told me he may not see Eveony anymore because tomorrow is his scheduled flight back to America.


I sighed, shocked by everything.


“Drink this.”


I looked up and saw a hand holding a bottle of water. I smiled limply and took it.


“Thanks, Minho. It’s good you’re back.” I opened the lid and pressed the edge to my lips drinking the cold water hasty. He sat beside me and muttered something I didn’t recognize.


“Yeah, I forgot my luggage at the street when I saw her. Adrenaline rush I guess, it’s a good thing no one took it. How is she?”


Just before I answered him, a doctor opened the door from the emergency room and we both stood up. A mixed of worry and excitement reflected on the doctor’s face.


“She’s safe now.” The doctor said composed. Minho lifted his fist high up in the air mouthing a ‘yes’, he must have feel so happy to rescue someone, while I took a deep breath and blew it out so freely.


“We’ll be taking her to her ward an hour or so, just please wait patiently.” The doctor said with a smile and bowed taking his leave. We sat again, all heavy burdens gone from our chest. I’m sure the dean would be glad with the news.


“That was close…”


“Yeah, I thought she was going to die when I saw her. I almost killed the guy. But it’s a good thing the police caught him.”


“Thanks, Minho.” I said idly. I was just so glad she’s fine.


“You thanked me too many times. You should stop by now.” He laughed.


“Ah, thanks.”


 Minho chuckled and jabbed my arm. I was startled and when I looked at him he was grinning like a silly clown.


“What’s her name?”




“Ah…you like Eveony don’t you?” his lightheaded question took me off guard but somehow I manage to clear my mind and smile.


“Yeah, I guess so.” 


A/N: I updated early ^w^ Hahaha How’s the twist? You guys were venting over Jonghyun so much. LOL When I read some OnKey fanfics, I always encounter Jonghyun as the bad so I tried to lighten up his image here a bit. Not really the bad guy kekeke…I planned everything before actually writing this and I can’t believe I’m in this chapter right now! It’s because of you guys! Thank You for the support you guys have been giving me, I LOVE YOU ALL! xD

And HOORAAH! Minho finally showed up after all the wait! :]] I will reveal more about him in the next chapter and of course, Taeyon’s going to see him! Yay 2min finally! Hahaha.

And last, Onew! I though you would never admit! Hahaha >:D

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More Het coming in In Between Love and Desires! -Honnietokki


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962 streak #1
Chapter 35: I knew they left their clothes downstairs. Hahaha!
962 streak #2
Chapter 23: Eve deserves all the praises and gifts for her hard work. And also Onew's patience and good teaching skills. Would she be pursuing college?
962 streak #3
Chapter 5: I just started rrading this.
It is very interesting.
Chapter 46: Uwu. I finished another great series from you <3
It was really beautiful :)
Chapter 44: The is too cute. <3
Chapter 43: Ugh finally. Drama is over! I hope for a fluff and some y time now. XD
Chapter 28: I really didn’t see that coming. I was expecting Luna >< nice twist.
Chapter 24: I love Minkey relationship here even though it’s completely platonic.

And I’m so curious who Is jinki’s ex girlfriend and what happen to them.
Chapter 20: Oh I’m right that it was Minho who save Eve but I’m wrong with Jjong. TT sorry baby Dino i doubted you TT
Chapter 13: I’m waiting excitedly for the side story now kekeke