It Might have been You

The Tutor


A/N: And soooooooooooooooooo I’m freaking back! I’m sooo sorry for the freaking long update. *dies in a corner* I’m out of sense these past few days since it was Christmas. My brain is not functioning well…*drools*

And so this chapter is part of the turning point for more onkey actions. Wooot! I’m even excited to write the next chapter after this! xD

But, I tell you guys, be very brave. And don’t hate me for this chapter, all the good stuffs will come in after this. Hahaha *a sudden spoil* oooops!


On with the Fic!


“WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHH!!!” I screamed in horror, my blood drained from my body, I turned pale and felt nauseous. I don’t really like what was happening right now.


I wanna go down.


“Unnie, you’re holding the line!” Taeyon said hysterically laughing, enjoying my misery. I glared at her; she seems to have an evil side too. Everyone appears to be enjoying my fear. I screamed louder, holding onto Onew’s body at the moment.


“There’s no freaking line you! You! YAAAAAAAAAHH!!! JINKII! Please don’t let go of me!” I shrieked, gripping onto his jacket. He couldn’t move nor complain because I was holding onto him so tightly. Jonghyun, on the other hand, keeps on glaring at Onew. But I don’t really have the time to cling onto him now considering Onew was the nearest human being beside me.


I closed my eyes, and hugged Onew so tight, my arms wrapped around his waist. I don’t even want to do this. I was just forced out to do this. But since I cannot resist that quivering teary-eyed Taeyon begging me to jump off a cliff I have no options left but to jump.


Bungee Jump


My worst nightmare


That’s not all…


It’s supposed to be a “Couple Bungee Jump”


But since Jonghyun was late, the facilities just grabbed Onew and paired us. My whole body was shaken off to pieces; I really have forgotten why I even came here for.


But someone told me that it is part of my coming of age.


I’m 18 now.


And Yes, I have a stupid cousin for setting this up.


“PLEASE, I TELL YOU DON’T EVER LET ME GO. I SWEAR I’LL KILL YOU.” I threatened Onew, who was now taking short steps near the end of the cliff, dragging me along. My knees were about to fall off, but luckily his strong arms were able to grasp me up. My head rested in the pave of his collarbone, snuggling myself there. I don’t want to look down or else I’ll faint.


“Relax, we practiced this right? And I really want to jump now.” He said unconcerned of my phobia at all.


“If you wanna jump, then go hell jump! Let me go!”




“YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!! You freaking bastard! I was not pertaining to that!” I screamed at him, punching his back. He JOKINGLY pushed me to the cliff, and GOD that made my heart drop to my feet.


“Sorry! I thought you want to jump.” He chuckled caressing my back for comfort.


“I’ll kill you! Goddammit!” I started cursing, but still my head rested upon his collarbone. His scent somehow nursed my inner calamities.


“Just jump, now.” I heard Jonghyun’s voice, irritated. He’s probably jealous of Onew.


“That’s because you’re late, oppa.” Taeyon replied, Jonghyun just grunt turning his head somewhere else.


“Miss, all you need to do is trust your pair, and he’ll guide you to jump.” One of the hyungs told us most likely losing his patience because I was taking so long.


“How am I going to do that, I don’t trust this guy.”


“You should, your grades depend on me.”


“Why are you even here in the first place? No one invited you!”


“She did” he turned his head to where Taeyon stands, waiting for us. I whimpered and I forgot why were arguing. The air suddenly gives of the weird feeling. It’s cold and windy…


I sighed closing my eyes.


“Alright! Alright! I’m ready!”


“Okay, one…two…”


“WAAAAIIT! I’m not yet ready!” I whined again, stomping my feet. Jinki just laughed at me and I heard him whispered to the hyungs ‘I’ll handle this’.


“Listen, baby, if we keep on standing here, Jonghyun’s gonna hate you. His temper tells me I should back away now. But since I can’t because you were gripping me like a little chicken, he’s going to hate you.” He muffled into my ear. The realizations came in to me, Jonghyun might misunderstand my actions, he’ll think that I’m flirting with Onew and not that I am really terrified of what was happening. I should straightened things out.


“Okay. Let’s jump.” I said softly nuzzling closer to Onew’s body. I have no other options now. He took one last step and was now closer to the edge.


I thought I was about to faint when he tried leaning his body to the empty space waiting for us. The counting starts and we both prepped up for the drop.


“Just scream what you want to scream.” He said, focusing more on the ground. I nodded and continue whimpering on his frame.




Without warning, our bodies both leaned in for the free fall. I remembered what Jinki told me and screamed.


“I LIKE YOU JONGHYUN!” I squealed turning halfway for the fall, he must have heard it since I screamed till my lungs tired-out.


But after I blurted those words, there was a sudden black-out.


And I didn’t know what happened next.






“What the hell happened back there?”


“I dunno, after she screamed, she closed her eyes and dozed off.”


“That’s very unrealistic.”


“I never thought it would be like that.”


“I hope she’s okay.”


“Oh! Oh! She’s opening her eyes now!”


After hearing this, my senses abruptly came back to life, I felt like I was sitting, leaning my body against someone. I also felt I was inside a vehicle, moving to our next destination.


I slowly opened my eyes, and blurred faces came for me to see.


“What happened?” I groaned, my head aching.


“You fainted while we were falling.” I husky soothing voice reached my ear, he sits beside me.


“I did?” I blinked a few times keeping the blur away from my eyes. But still I was a bit incoherent and my body feels like shaking.


“Unnie, I’m so sorry for forcing you to drop. I didn’t know you were this afraid.” The one I am leaning on spoke, it was Taeyon.


“It’s too late to be sorry, Taeyon. But I’m okay now, and I don’t remember anything.”


“You don’t even remember pissing your pants?”


I shoot up from where I was…the words ‘pissing my pants’ started occupying my head.


“Tell me I did not do anything to embarrass myself now.” I covered my face in horror. If I really did that then it’s the end of me, with Onew and Jonghyun being there to see it. It really is the end of me.


“Nope, just kidding.” The man sitting beside the driver told us. I puffed out air, I couldn’t breathe that second he told me I pissed my pants.


“YUNHO! I’m going to teach you a lesson for making me feel like this!” I yelled making my way to reach the front seat. All of them stopped me from strangling my cousin and laughing as they did. Although I missed the experience of bungee jumping, the laughs we had here will be one of my treasures for my birthday.


It’s the 23rd of September, my birthday. I finally am in legal age. I’m happy with it, I felt really free now. The exams were finished and we only have one week left before the first grading break starts. It’s Friday but luckily my Cousin took the day off! A special no classes day! It’s his gift for me and also for the students who work hard and finished the exams.


I am so happy with my connections.


And with that, we went to celebrate!


So our next destination was to the Amusement Park! I am so excited to go there! I’ve been wanting to since my childhood. After being deprived over my mother’s death I didn’t enjoy my childhood and teenager days. But since this is my new life now, I wanted to do things that I didn’t when I was on that state.


I finally am changing for the better. Yunho-oppa told me and he was happy with the change. I felt indeed happy too, being with my new self gives me new confidence. And I think everyone were also glad by it.


Even my father


He gave me money for my birthday. He also said he was sorry because he could not celebrate it with me. I don’t mind it actually since Yunho-oppa was here, I couldn’t ask for more.


Sunny called me and I told her everything, she was so pleased that I’ve changed and she was excited to see me. Sadly I couldn’t come home yet. But she said she’ll wait!


And with Taeyon, Onew, and Jonghyun around I really couldn’t ask for more!


Even so, Jonghyun was giving me the different vibe these past few days. He always smiles when he sees me; he gives me gifts every now and then. He’s practically beside me each and every day. In some ways I’ve felt that I’ve reach his likeness and that one day he would finally ask me…


To be his girlfriend…


I shuddered bringing that thought in my head.


“Okay Kids! We’re here already!” Yunho-oppa said trying to hype us up. I happily exclaimed and went to open the door.


“Easy now” Onew chuckled because I pushed him out of my way, I can’t help it! I was too excited.


“So, you guys enjoy yourself while I take care of things. I should be back by dawn. Are you okay with that?”


“Yes! Yes just go now…eeeeeeeeeeeeekkk!” I squirmed like a little girl. Yunho-oppa laughed and came to give me some snuggles. I hugged him back and kissed his cheek.


“Thank You so much!” I said, he smiled and went to sit back to the car.


“Oh, and by the way. Onew…Jonghyun.” He called out the two guys. Their heads shoot up to where the dean was, keen to what he’s going to say.


“Make sure to take really good care of these two young pretty ladies you have there, Okay? You’ll never know where the bad guys are lurking up to their pretty long legs.”


“Oppa!” I glared at his remark, he snorted and bid us goodbye. Onew and Jonghyun answered with a nod, flustered by the dean’s choice of words.


“I didn’t know he’s playful.” Jonghyun looked back at me sniggering.


“Yes, for a dean, he actually acts like a child. You’ll never really know once he got out from his handsome suit.” I retorted while eyeing the Ferris wheel.


“Neh, Onew-oppa, should we buy ice cream?” Taeyon pointed out, tugging Onew’s sleeves. I tried ignoring them but I felt this weird urge to just glance. They looked so sweet together and something tells me that Taeyon…


Seems to like Onew too…


I haven’t asked her what she feels for that guy…


I shook my head and turned to find Jonghyun.




“Huh?” I agitated looking for the source of that clicking sound.


“Smile Eveony” Jonghyun called out, holding his camera in front of his face. I tried to smile and put of my best face, he likes it and keeps on clicking his camera.


After that picture taking, he puts his cam back inside his bag. His face, well-lighted and full of joy, he glimmered through the strong light and my heart fluttered from that sight. He’s so handsome right then and there…


“Should we wait for that two to buy ice cream?” he said leaning closer.


I looked at the two who were laughing as they choose their ice cream. I turned around to face Jonghyun grinning at him. He anticipated…



“Wanna buy something too?” I eagerly requested, he laughed at me and nodded, then I grabbed his hand and we make way for a stand near my best friend and my tutor.


“Hahaha, Oppa, there’s no chicken flavor here!” Taeyon laughed tapping Onew’s arm, I couldn’t help but to raise an eyebrow. Seriously, why are this two so close now?


 I think my glare reached Taeyon’s nerve and she gradually looked in our way. I saw her confused face and I smiled at her. She smiled back too waving her hand and gesturing us to come with them. I told Jonghyun about it and we marched our way there.


“Unnie, look what I found!” she said grinning warmly at me. She handed me a map of the most epic rides found here. I felt really happy and keep on pointing at the rides specifically the wet ones.


“I bought clothes! I wanna ride that thing! Let’s go!” I blurted out, tugging Jonghyun along. I wanted to ride that river rafting. It’s seriously thrilling and fun! I prepared a lot and even brought clothes.


The two guys glanced at each other connecting messages on their eyes. I suspiciously looked back at them, Taeyon chuckled beside me.


“Yah! I told you to bring extra clothes right?”


“We did! We did!” Jonghyun laughed placing his bag in front of him.


“Okay then! Shall we?” I asked pulling them. It was the happiest day of my life, and them spending time with me was the best!


We went for the wet rides first, the river rafting was awesome! Even the log flume ride was great! We got really drenched after that, and I kept on laughing because Onew and Jonghyun were both soaked in their clothes. It was good that I told them to bring extras or else they’ll be walking with water puddles trailing their path.


 I honestly don’t like to ride the roller coaster and the drop tower but as revenge they kept on pulling me to ride it with them. And so, I end up dizzy.


After that, we all went in for the House of Horror, I was not expecting Jonghyun to cling on me so much, although he said that he was protecting me but seeing how his face crumbles when some ghost gave a surprise attack…it was the funniest of all! Onew and Taeyon remained calm discussing the level of scariness of each surprise attack. I rolled my eyes on them; it’s not the time to talk about of those things…


So we got tired and went for a much relaxing ride such as the Ferris wheel. Somehow when we entered and sat, we felt awkward seeing ourselves. Jonghyun and I sat across Onew and Taeyon, it felt like we were two couples enjoying the scenery. I giggled and looked at Taeyon, she got the hint and giggled too, after that we switched places; I pushed Jonghyun to make way for Taeyon. The two guys blinked at us and we laughed, teasing them like ‘You two would make a great couple.’ Both of them stared and appeared disgusted. And of course we hysterically laughed at that moment.


It was about time we go; we walked out tired as heck. Unexpectedly, two clowns came by and pulled us to the Tunnel of Love. It was surprising because Onew and Jonghyun didn’t resisted. Why would they anyway? They have two pretty girls with them.


I sat down after Jonghyun, holding my hand. The Swan-looking boat was a bit shaky that I clumsily fumbled over my seat. The handsome man beside me laughed, I just pouted crossing my arms.


The atmosphere swiftly change, the temperature drops down, the light’s were low and red, hearts floating or flying everywhere. Even the music plays the same theme.


My heart beats too fast, who knows what will happen inside this tunnel. And remembering that behind us sat Onew and Taeyon in the dark, who knows what, might happen…


“It’s cold here?” I said shivering. Taeyon and I changed into a sweet sleeveless fluttery dress matching our faces. And not knowing that this tunnel could be this cold, I grumbled.


Jonghyun purposely moved to my side wrapping his arms around me, the same thing he did in the party. I nuzzled to his side, wanting the closeness. I giggled wondering what it feels like to be in his arms as his girlfriend.


“Ohh, look at the two love birds over there, kissing.” He muttered, my head suddenly spin from what he said, checking over them. But all I did see was them talking occasionally. It even surprised me that they could still talk like that in a themed ride like this.


“You, pabo! There’s nothing going on with them.” I punched his cheek softly; he just laughed and snatched a kiss in my cheek taking me by surprise.


 “Yah!” I muffled blushing hard, the heat turned up my body. His smile threatened my heart at that moment.


“The first time I met you, I’ve always thought you were one unique girl. And I’ve always followed you with my eyes, until you’ve change to who you are right now. For me, you were one special girl in my heart…” he traces off, I felt like falling off of my knees right now. I stared at his face, waiting for answers. He sweetly smiled at me and got something from his back, it was a small box and he gave it to me willingly.


“What’s this?” I trembled, my hands shivering while holding the small pink box.


“You’ll never know once you open it” He said grinning; I knowingly looked at him and slowly opened the box.


And gosh, what a surprise it is.


A necklace with a silver ring as its pendant


“What’s this for Jonghyun?” I asked blankly although in my head I already know what this is for.


He reached for it and unclasped the end of the necklace, he gestured me to lift my hair and I complied, then he gently clasp it back together in my neck. The ring pendant dangled in my chest and I thought it was the prettiest.


“Will you be my girlfriend, Eveony Kim?” he asked me…


He asked me the question I’ve been longing from time to time…


“Yes! Jonghyun I’d love too!” the answer came automatically without hesitation. I hugged him and he hugged me back.


Jonghyun cupped my cheeks and went in for a kiss in my precious lips; I didn’t draw back and waited for our lips to unite.


And it was a sparkling moment.


It was gentle and warm.


We parted and looked at each other; I couldn’t help but to giggle, leaning my head on him. Another memorable day I’ll treasure.


The cuddling didn’t last long and the tunnel ended, we got out from the swan boat holding hands, my left hand playing along with the necklace’s ring. I just smiled sweetly to myself.


Then after that Onew and Taeyon got out as well, I looked at them, happiness appearing in my eyes.


But I was stunned when I saw Onew’s face…


I tried blinking because I might be seeing his face wrong.


But no…


That face I just saw appeared sad and frustrated.


I gasped and looked away…


The minute I set my eyes on his face like that made me somehow…


Regret the decision that I made…



A/N: Nooooooooooooooooo!!! Eveony wae you said yes to Jonghyun? Aaanndwaaee…LOL. Onew, he saw everything! I just knew it! Hahaha xD

And yeah, I got the last scene from a movie ‘Crazy Little Thing Called Love’ although my scene was somewhat different from the movie. Lol.

Btw, do you guys like the wallpaper? :D It’s a picture of Onew from his Barcelona trip. Lol, I edited some of it and made it into a wallpaper. xDD

I’ll be updating the next chapter as fast as I can. I’m so excited with it too. Lol. Please stay tuned! ^^

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More Het coming in In Between Love and Desires! -Honnietokki


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962 streak #1
Chapter 35: I knew they left their clothes downstairs. Hahaha!
962 streak #2
Chapter 23: Eve deserves all the praises and gifts for her hard work. And also Onew's patience and good teaching skills. Would she be pursuing college?
962 streak #3
Chapter 5: I just started rrading this.
It is very interesting.
Chapter 46: Uwu. I finished another great series from you <3
It was really beautiful :)
Chapter 44: The is too cute. <3
Chapter 43: Ugh finally. Drama is over! I hope for a fluff and some y time now. XD
Chapter 28: I really didn’t see that coming. I was expecting Luna >< nice twist.
Chapter 24: I love Minkey relationship here even though it’s completely platonic.

And I’m so curious who Is jinki’s ex girlfriend and what happen to them.
Chapter 20: Oh I’m right that it was Minho who save Eve but I’m wrong with Jjong. TT sorry baby Dino i doubted you TT
Chapter 13: I’m waiting excitedly for the side story now kekeke