

They adopted three times, and each and every time was its own different roller-coaster ride; but roller-coaster rides are fun as long as you have someone to hold on to.


hoho. the return of the domestic!au. 

may i just say that i was really inspired at first but then my muse just slipped away and i had to finish it really lamely but this is still one of the fluffiest things i've ever written

this is based on the first domestic!au drabble i wrote for daejae, morning people. please check it out if you want to see how things worked out, because this is like the proluge (does that even make sense if i wrote this after the original drabble???????????????) of morning people


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Chapter 1: awww~! this fluff! I like it! >w< but lololol it like Jae is the one whose going to get pregnant haha but i still understand that taking care of babies are still difficult.I enjoyed it ^w^
Chapter 1: I'm squealing! (≧ω≦) Although Jaejae's parents' part saddened me, this was too adorable ♡
larrenlove #3
Chapter 1: Aw that was adorable :)
Chapter 1: ahhh this family DaeJae =] with Yongguk and Himchan and the twins Junhong and Jongup... ahhh sooo sweet =]
Chapter 1: (TTATT) this is so cute! Thank you......
DinoCarrot #6
Chapter 1: This was all so heartwarming :')
So cute! They babies were unexpected. Yongguk falling Himchan Himbunny! So cute!
Chapter 1: omg how sweet and cute, I loved this so much <333