
Never Gone.

Sweet melodious music was heard throughout the empty surrounding. With his fingers battered from pressing the keys of the piano, he grew frustrated. It didn't make sense. Hakyeon was a lonely man. Who was he playing for these past years?

He was tired of playing the piano. Even if the music he produced was the sweetest, soothing music, there wasn't anyone around. Hakyeon stared at his music sheets. Why did he compose 28 songs?

Unable to cry, Hakyeon stared up to the blank sky. Blank, yes. There was no shades of blue, white or even grey clouds. It was just pure white. His surroundings were pure white as well. It was as if he lived in a box. Sighing at the horrible thought, Hakyeon squints his eyes to examine the plain canvas of his sky. All he saw was the same window that wasn't opening. A window that he couldn't reach, that is.

Of course, Hakyeon was a curious man. He had always hoped to see what was the other side of the window. There could be people, or there could be demons. He will never know, but at the same time, he wouldn't mind dying again just to see the other side of the closed window. Even so, he was also curious if anyone had ever looked out of that window from the other side. 

Hakyeon didn't knew how long it had been ever since he last saw the plain sky with a window plastered onto it's canvas. He walked back into his house, savouring the warmth inside. He went up to a room that was filled with books, and Jaehwan himself. Jaehwan was someone who was taking care of Hakyeon's well-being. They had never talked to each other, mainly because Hakyeon couldn't speak. Jaehwan could, on the other hand. He was always reminding Hakyeon to do what a normal human should do. But sadly, Hakyeon wasn't normal.

Day after day after day, Jaehwan had always reminded Hakyeon to sleep and when to wake up, when to compose songs as if it costs his life. Jaehwan had always forced Hakyeon to compose songs. One day would never pass without Hakyeon playing the piano. He could never ask Jaehwan due to what purpose he had to compose a lot of songs. Jaehwan, being a stubborn little he was, told Hakyeon that it was for his own good and nothing else came out of his mouth.

Sometimes, Hakyeon got bored of composing songs. It has been many years- not that he counted. He learned his lesson though. Once, Hakyeon had felt pain when he stopped playing the piano. It was a horrible feeling. He felt pain, he felt terrible. A terrible ocean of guilt washed over him. Afterwards, Hakyeon composed a song that was directed towards his pain. Anger, hatred and the pain he had to go through because of the lack of freedom he had was all composed in one song. Jaehwan knew nothing about this song. Hakyeon had kept the music sheets hidden somewhere that Jaehwan would never bother to look.

Relieving through those memories, Hakyeon was laughing intensely in his head. He glanced at Jaehwan for a moment, before swaying his eyes back to the books that were stacked messily on the bookshelf. Books, books, books and more books. There were just so many books surrounding Hakyeon. All of a sudden, Jaehwan slammed the book that he was reading down on the table.


"Hurry up and compose another song, Hakyeon." Jaehwan looked at Hakyeon with shock present in his eyes.

Hakyeon tilted his head and stared confusingly at Jaehwan. Even when he was asking Hakyeon to compose songs before, he had never looked this tense. Jaehwan was starting to shiver all over. He settled himself down again and started to stare at his book. He glared at Hakyeon once again before returning to his normal self.

He was so weird, Hakyeon could barely stand him some of the times. He was wondering why God has placed him, out of all the other angels to watch over him.


Exhaling out a tired sigh, Hakyeon scanned his eyes through the bookshelf standing opposite him and sees a book entitled, fall. He needs some inspirations before composing songs. Everytime he touched the piano, it was always after he read certain books; even books that were meant for kids. He helped himself up, walked over that bookshelf and took the book out. He flipped through the pages to see writings. Even so, the writings didn't make any sense. It was full of scribbles with only one word on the bottom right hand corner at every page. Grunting, Hakyeon placed the book back and went down the stairs to his piano.

Great, that was helpful.

Hakyeon has succeeded in finding inspiration of making something as random as possible.

It was a grand class piano. It was his sole reason to live even though he was alone with Jaehwan. Sure, it was pretty annoying that he was forced to play the piano but Hakyeon couldn't help but admit that the piano made him feel at peace. Sometimes, the music he played was so peaceful Hakyeon cried more than once while playing. For years now, he still does. Brushing his fingers through the keys of the piano, Hakyeon wondered why he was here. There wasn't anything that he could think of. He settled down on a chair and started composing his 29th song, fall.

falling, falling, falling down, he crashed to the ground.

Hakyeon closes his eyes, allowing himself to play the piano randomly. He mixed up all the songs that he had composed before in order to make this piece. He didn't bother taking out a pen and paper to write down each notes of the music that he was currently composing because he knows, somewhere deep down in his empty heart, that he could remember this song as if it was the last thing that he was composing.

It felt really weird. He had this sense of pure laziness, to just use up all the songs that he made before.

Hakyeon stopped playing.

His fingers stopped playing on it's own.

Hakyeon blinked.

Something terrible was happening.


"Taekwoon ah? Taekwoon?"

Someone was holding onto my hang really tightly. What was happening? Why are they screaming out my name? Why do they look so worried?

I blink, trying to open my eyes and look at them. I was really sleepy. I want sleep. I want sleep more than anything else.

At the same time, I am really curious. Why is everyone still staring at me with tears trickling down their cheeks?

God, what is going on?

Daddy, are you there?

Like as if he could hear my thoughts, he grabbed my hand.

"It's okay, Daddy's going to save you. Daddy's gonna be there for you. Come on, Taekwoon."



Breaking out of his shock-state, Hakyeon's head snapped back. He thought he might had been dreaming. It was no lie that he heard another source of sound, other than his piano. Hakyeon rushed out of his house, and the first thing he saw was music sheets floating around, as if they fell from above. He looks up, to find the window opened.

The window opened.

Unable to comprehend how music sheets made a loud thud, Hakyeon scanned through the area to search for a hard object that could have possibly made the noise. Just then, he looked down on his toes. Something just touched him. It was a boy. It was a human boy. There was another human that was here with him. What was happening? Hakyeon stared down at him, not leaving his gaze. He was so confused.

"Excuse me?"

Feeling a strong rush of sudden emotions flooding through him, Hakyeon stared down at a boy, a petite looking boy with long sideburns on the sides of his head. Hakyeon bends down to his height, able to see the intense fear in the child's eyes. He wasn't able to comfort him through words so Hakyeon petted him on his head. He petted, and he . There must be a reason as to why he fell from the window. Yet, Hakyeon was alarmed as to how the child did not hurt himself from the fall. He was certain that he should receive a few cuts, but then again, he remembered that they were at an entirely different place.

Hakyeon also envied that the child was given the gift to speak.

Ignoring that, Hakyeon was abe to see the boy was shocked to his core. He was trembling so hard. It was impressive on the other hand, as he gathered his courage to talk to Hakyeon, which was respectable. Hakyeon only managed to smile at him, hoping that it would soothen his terrified soul. Which of course, it did. The child had stopped trembling but a little tinge of fear was present in him. Hakyeon blinked and hugged him all of a sudden. He had no control over what he was doing. All he wanted to do was to make sure he had stopped feeling terrified over the angel that was standing before the child.

He pulled away, giving the child a small smile before petting his head once again.

"Where am I?" He asked in a small voice.

Hakyeon opened his mouth, only to remember that he couldn't speak. He had his vocal cords, but he just couldn't speak. The child was awaiting an answer. Hakyeon shook his head and just continued smiling at the child. The child looked up at the blank canvas and pointed at the window.

"I want to go back."

Hakyeon felt like he needed to cry. He was breaking in front of the child. His face showed no sign of emotions. The child was completely freaked out. He knew the child is going to start crying once again.

"It's impossible, isn't it?"

Electricity jolted through Hakyeon's body.


Nothing is ever impossible here. Anything is possible. Hakyeon stared wide-eyed at the child, looking for any signs of tears. Instead of crying, he heaved out a loud sigh and chuckles softly while staring at the ground.

"What is happening right now? I don't understand anything. Will you help me?"

How does one help a child, when he himself knows nothing of what is going on? Deep inside, Hakyeon knew he still had to help this child, regardless of whether he knows what to do, or not. Hakyeon stood up, offering the child his hand. It was an offer of trust between each other. Hakyeon has never touched anyone else in this realm, this child was his first. He didn't touch Jaehwan before because he couldn't. God forbid him to touch Jaehwan. It was as if Jaehwan was someone whom everyone should keep clear of. He shuddered at the thought; Jaehwan was nothing but an annoying peasant. He wouldn't say that out loud to anyone, though. Besides, he can't even speak. That's the beauty of Hakyeon's life sometimes.

Back to the child, he willingly grabbed Hakyeon's hand as if it was by instinct. There was no hesitation, no nothing. All the child did was smile, and happily grabbed his hand.

Did God give Hakyeon someone to be happy about? If so, why did he have to fall down from the window? And if so, why was it a child?

He just couldn't understand the situation right now.


Hakyeon led the child inside his house, only to discover that the child was more than delighted to see a piano in the middle of his house. He didn't want a tour of his house, neither was he curious about anything else. He went to the piano and settle himself down on the chair, without asking for permission. Hakyeon wanted to get him off the chair, but seeing as to how happy the child was, he couldn't help but admire the cheery atmosphere the child was emitting. For once, he felt pure warmness of someone else. Hakyeon wonders if Jaehwan would be this warm, if he was nice enough.

The child happily played the keys of the piano, playing the tune of 'Twinkle, twinkle, little stars'. Hakyeon wondered if he was the type of child who loved music. Crossing his arms and leaning against the wall, Hakyeon observed the child play. Right there and then, Hakyeon noticed a sprout of a certain plant that was placed right behind the piano.

Was it there years ago? Has it been there forever?

Hakyeon hasn't noticed any sign of life before the child came. Was this child making a difference to the current surrounding?

The child was still smiling widely as he kept playing the same tune over, and over again. Then, Hakyeon grabbed his pen and paper, that was always used for his music sheets and wrote down:

What is your name, child?

He walked over to the child and placed it gently down onto the piano. The child notices the paper and looks up to him. He hesistated for a moment, as if he couldn't say he couldn't remember his name.

Could he not?

Hakyeon waits patiently for the little chestnut to answer his question. As moments passes by, he grew worried as to how silent the child was. He wanted to pet his head once again, before he uttered a word.


Hakyeon tilted his head, confused. The child had an English name for someone who looked Korean?

"My name is Leo. Jung Leo."



The child, he meant Leo, has not spoken ever since Hakyeon has asked what his name was. Despite being an angel, he couldn't had possibly guessed that Hakyeon knows everything. On the contrary, Hakyeon wonders if Leo knows what being in this realm meant. Hakyeon didn't bother to think much about it. While Leo was busy playing with literally nothing outside the house, Hakyeon inspected the sprout that was growing behind the piano. He went on his knees and pokes the sprout continuously with his finger. 

Hakyeon then settled himself down on a chair. Since he was feeling happy, he decided to play a song that Leo would both listen and enjoy. He has decided that the child's happiness was his priority for as long as he would stay. He realized that Jaehwan has yet to meet this little petite ball of energy, and he made a mental note to himself to introduce Leo to Jaehwan, the devil in disguise of an angel. Hakyeon shook his head at the hilarious thought and began pressing his fingers on the keys of his piano.

He played a song called 'dream'. It wasn't entirely a hyped-up composition, but neither was it a gloomy composition. It was a calming song that anyone would enjoy. Feeling the presence of someone, Hakyeon slightly glanced over to his right and found Leo admiring Hakyeon at a corner. His eyes were glowing as his hands clasped together. Hakyeon could only smile, loving the fact that he could make someone feel happy with his music. As Hakyeon continues to focus on his fingers, Leo sneakily sits next to Hakyeon. He rested his head on his palms, eyeing Hakyeon's every move with his magical fingers. To Leo, Hakyeon could easily pull off as an angel.

Which in fact, he was, but Hakyeon had no intention of telling a little child that he was in another unexpected realm.

As he finishes off his last melodies, Hakyeon looked at Leo, wanting to pet his head yet again for being such a lovable child. He then noticed that Leo was no longer looking at Hakyeon. His eyes were focused on something. The sprout. Leo was looking at the sprout as it grows. He then jumped off the chair and walked towards the sprout. Bending down to it's height, Leo came up with a weird theory that may be possible.

"It grows."

No comment on that one.

"It grows when you play the piano."

If so, why didn't it grow the previous years when Hakyeon had always played the piano? No, it can't be right.

"If you don't believe me, why don't you play a simple piece and observe this growing green thing at the same time?"

And so he did.

Hakyeon played the same melody of 'dream' and watched the sprout. Amazingly, it did grow. Hakyeon stopped playing and the sprout stopped growing. He then glanced at Leo. His face was then full of hope, desired by nothing more than to return to where he belonged.

"Once this tree grows tall, I might just reach back up to the window!" Leo stood up and jumped up and down, excitedly.

He wanted to return desperately, huh?

"I'll bring you along!" Leo smiled, "You can play for me anytime when we're back, then!"

Hakyeon's soul was already shattered and Leo was shattering his life.



Author's notes;

Decided to make a new fanfic.. I was really inspired by Deemo..
Anyways, thank you for reading, and I will try my best to update this story as soon as possible since it's going to be a short story.

- 03022014


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