How To Win A Girl In Ten Days


Byun Baekhyun has a huge crush on Yoon Minhee and asks help from her bestfriend, Lee Taejin. 


I'm sure you know how this story will go and who ends up with who, but it. Asianfanfics is the place to be for cliche romance.


(This is not a forward, I know.)


Well look at that, dubudrama is still alive after two years of inactivity. For some reason, I always find myself writing about tsundere OC characters and yes, you will find that in this story (and my other stories). I would very much like to see if my writing skills today have improved than it was two years ago with that "100 Days with Mr. Arrogant" fanfic. 


Anyhoo, I'd like to list out some things that you readers will expect and will not expect from this story:

  • > Be aware. This may or may not have a happy ending. No really. I honestly don't know yet. I am imagining the entire plot right now as we speak.
  • > A lot of you readers enjoy cliche story lines so you could probably expect those in this story, along with some original plot twists that I could throw in.
  • > The words: ", , , and douche" and the like will be used from time to time. Unless you prefer I use more kid-friendly alternatives like "poop, meany, darn, and crumpets".
  • > This whole story is SFW. 
  • > Updates are immediately posted when they are done. Updates are done when they are done. I can't promise daily or weekly updates because I may be busy with things. 
  • > This story is gonna be a short one. I can feel it.


I also won't be doing the usual "author notes" at the end of every update like I always did as I feel it ruins the mood of things. 











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