The start of the adventure

; The mansion that embraces the darkness ;


You stood in front of the huge iron, metal gate, gazing up at the enormous mansion behind the metal bars. Glancing at your watch, you learnt that it was 11:45 pm, still some time left until midnight. You were glad you decided to come here a little bit earlier, since you didn't want to face the 'consequences' for being late. You didn't need the risk right now.

The atmosphere around the huge mansion seemed to leave you breathless. You sighed, then looked up at the night sky. The dark clouds were moving slowly, and soon covered up the moon which was your only light source at the moment. No street lamps were on, and the street was dead-silence, as if nothing was alive except you.

Suddenly, you felt a little afraid but you shook your head. You were a brave, young girl and was going to keep your face. You sighed, moving your weight from one foot to another, leaning against the dirty walls which were built around the mansion. You looked down the empty street, wondering when the others will arrive.

You were really thrilled at the thought of other people having super powers like you did. Although you thought it wasn't the exact same super power, you were excited and glad. All along, you had thought you were the only person in the whole world who had super powers and were different from others. How awful is that?

As your gaze was glued onto the floor, you heard some footsteps approaching you. Automatically, your head shot up, to look for the owner of the footsteps. Down the dark street, you managed to make out a figure of a person walking this way, slowly but steadily. You squinted your eyes, trying to see the person's face but you couldn't.

As the figure came nearer, you realized it was a she. Good, maybe a friend? You smiled, as she reached up to you. When she got close enough, you were able to make out her face. She had a cute, bunny-like face, and had eyes as big as a scared rabbit's.

"Hi?" You spoke, as she came up to you, half walking and half jogging.

"H-h-hello..." The girl stammered quietly.

Even in the semi-darkness, you noticed she was blushing slightly right now. You smiled, finding that awfully cute. If she did that in front of a guy, you thought it'd drive him insane. You chuckled, before sticking your hand out for a handshake which somehow became a habit of yours that you did when you met someone new.

The girl stared at you, then soon smiled a little. She was tiny and cute, and didn't seem like someone who owned super powers. She soon stuck out her hand, and shook your hand softly. Everything she did was cute, small, and soft. You grinned at her, just to assure her you were a harmless person.

"The name's Bae Suzy." You said, breaking the awkward silence.

"Lee Jieun." She replied, nodding. 

"So... uhm.." You said, scratching the back of your neck awkwardly. "What super power do you have?"

You have never, in the past eighteen years of your life, asked someone what kind of super power they had. Since this was the first time you were sharing this kind of conversation with someone, you found it very awkward, silly, funny, and uncomfortable. Jieun seemed to think like that too, as she faked a cough before her lips.

"Well.. I can predict the future, a little." Jieun replied, shurgging. "What about yours?"

"I can.. go invisible. I can make other things go invisible, too."

"That's cool."

"Yeah, I guess so."

The short conversation ended there. Jieun and you were just standing there, not knowing what to do anymore when footsteps were heard. This time, the footsteps were jogging, and you could hear the heavy pant of a young man nearby. You groaned a little, as you wished there was no guys here.

Soon, the guy reached you and Jieun. Jieun looked away quickly, as if she was uncomfortable around guys. Which was understandable, because you were once like that, too. Many, many years ago when you were uncomfortable and afraid of literally everyone. It big-time, really. You were a coward.

"Hey!" The guy opened his mouth first, grinning from ear-to-ear.

"Hi, there." You replied back flatly, rolling your eyes.

Jieun chose to remain silent, as the awkward silence flowed around the three people. You coughed, before checking out the guy more carefully. He was pretty tall- around 185 cm. And he was fit, and.. his face? It was awfully cute, but he wasn't your style. Wait, what? You blinked, and quickly coughed again. Now, this was getting embarrassing.

"I'm Niel, by the way. Ahn Niel. It's short for Daniel, but you can just call me Niel instead. I like the name better, anyways."

You laughed a little- soon learning that Niel, if that was really his name, was a very talkative guy. Jieun couldn't even look at him properly in the eyes, and seemed to be having a hard time talking to him, or just having him nearby.

"Bae Suzy, and this is Lee Jieun, my friend." You said, with a smile as you patted Jieun's shoulders.

"Oh, hello there! I'm Nie-, oh, I already said that. Hahaha." Niel laughed, scratching the back of his neck.

"Ahn Niel, short for Daniel." You said, nodding with a smile.

"Right." He chuckled.

As the awkward silence took over the three people, you heard the sound of someone's footsteps for the third time today. Tilting your head towards the sound, you saw a figure of a person running towards you, Jieun and Niel. You squinted your eyes, and found out the figure was a he, and groaned in disappointment.

"Hey, bro!" Niel greeted the guy first, waving with a grin on his face.

The guy didn't even glance at Niel, and decided to ignore him completely. He panted hard, just like someone who had ran a marathon. He eyed the three people in front of him, obviously including yourself. For a moment, you felt like an animal in the zoo but well, whatever. If he choses to look at you like that, it probably means you're pretty.

"What are you staring at?" You said, sighing.

"Nothing. Well, hi." He said, quickly looking away.

"Hi, bro." Niel tried again, smiling at the guy.


You literally wanted to rip off your hair as the awkward silence took over the four people. Frowning, you glanced at your watch to see it was 2 minutes away from midnight now. You were actually surprised at how fast the time flew by, meeting new people. People with super powers, just like yourself.

"Guys?" Niel coughed, clapping to draw attention to himself. "It's nearly midnight now."

"We know that already, thanks." You said coldly, as if it was an obvious thing.

"Oh..." He chuckled awkwardly, the smile never leaving his face. "Well, sorry."

"It's fine."

"Did you guys recieve the letter, too?" The guy asked, waving the letter in his hands.

"Of course we did." Niel answered, nodding.

"Do you guys know who sent it?"

At your question, everyone fell silence. They all shook their heads, including Jieun who wasn't spoken a word since Niel and Chunji arrived. You sighed, and shaked your head too, telling them you didn't know who sent the letter either.

"Anyways, I'm Niel! Short for Ahn Daniel, but everyone calls me Niel. And this is Bae Suzy, and Lee Jieun."

"I'm Lee Chunji." The guy replied, nodding this head.

It was getting darker by minute. The dark clouds blocked the moon completely, and the whole street went pitch-black. You could barely see Niel, and you knew he was standing right in front of you. Soon, the dark clouds moved out of the way, and the moonlight lit the dark street again.

"It's strange." Chunji muttered.

At that moment, the metal bars made a crying sound, as it slowly opened. It seemed automatic, and Jieun jumped in shock. You chuckled, putting your hands on her shoulders to assure her everything's fine. Every one of you stared, as the huge gate opened slowly, creaking and crying at the same time.

The huge mansion behind the metal bars are revealed at last. You gasped in astonishment, as you realized the mansion was way bigger than you saw. But the garden of the mansion (if you could call this a garden) was in an absolute mess. The plants were dead, and there was some sort of a smell stinging your nose.

Chunji was the one who gathered the courage and stepped into the iron gate first. Then, it was you, followed by Niel. Jieun was still hesitating outside the gate, looking really scared. You smiled, going back out and practically dragging her inside. Now, all four of you were inside the metal gates. Behind you, the metal bars were closing again, crecking and crying this time, too. When the gate fully closed, it hit you; you were trapped.


But that was only the start of the adventure.




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