A date at Lotte World

"Kris! Kris! Walk faster! We're gonna be late!" I said in a rather loud voice, walking faster than usual to make it to Lotte world in time before the crowds came in. But Kris on the other hand, was just taking his time walking. "Chaekyung, there's like an hour more to the opening, you don’t have to rush," yawning right after he said so, trying to get me to change my mind. I shook my head and went over to him, grabbing his hand and pulling him along insisting we’d be early.


"I can't believe I actually woke up just to follow you here," Kris said. I felt a little sad that he said that, but I hadn’t let it bother me because I knew that he's just moody in the morning. Continuously pulling him along until we reached the main entrance where the queue had already started. I pointed to the queue and said, "This is the reason we have to come here so early." He just rolled his eyes and looked away.


For a while now I noticed a group of girls pointing over at Kris, they were giggling and laughing some even blushing. Maybe it was jealousy and I was just being over protective but I hadn’t liked the way they were shooting glances over. I didn't want it to affect my mood for Lotte world so I let it pass for the time being. I knew that Kris attracted a lot of attention, mostly due to his height and also his face. He was really handsome, his dark eyes always so strong yet so distant, the shade of his hair complimented his eyes well, a dirty blonde mixed with a little tinge of orange here and there, his jawline was strong and sharp. Well, his personality is just as his face says. Distant, shy, cool; the type of boyfriend any girl would die for.


When I looked up at him, his eyes were closed and he was swaying from side to side. I started giggling a little and thought ‘Is he that exhausted?’ His eyes immediately snapped opened. Looking at me like I was a girl gone mad. Then I said,"Hehe Kris you look funny." He raised his eyebrow, bent down a little and almost immediately giving me a peck on my lips. Stunned was the word; I hadn’t expected that he would do something like that, especially not in public. "You look funny,” he said with a satisfied smirk plastered on his face. My whole face was red after the small peck. I pouted and started hitting him then shouted, "You idiot! You did that on purpose! You’re so mean," pouting at the end. Then he pulled my cheeks and retorted, "You started it first."


Looking around to see if anyone was staring at us because of the loudness, there was a certain familiar figure in the distance. I looked up at Kris and saw that his eyes were shut closed again, so I made my way over to the lady not wanting to wake Kris up. When I saw who it was I immediately walked up to her and greeted her.


"Hello! You’re Taehee right? Kris's cousin," I asked when she was in talking range. "Yes, I am. And you are-- ahhh Chaekyung right? Kris's girlfriend," she asked with a gentle smile on her face, nodding my head and smiling back as a response. She was really pretty too, her eyes were almond shaped and her Charcoal black hair complimented her fair skin.


"Noona, who's that?"


There was a young boy hiding behind Taehee. His eyes were widened with curiosity. Taehee gave him a little nudge and he came out from his "hiding" place. "This is Luhan. He's also one of Kris's cousin, but my family had adopted him from China," I nodded my head and bent down to look at the curious kid.


"Luhan it's nice to meet you! I'm Chaekyung. And I'm Kris's girlfriend."


His mouth turned to an 'o' shape. He looked at his Taehee and looked back at you. "How old are you Chaekyung noona?" He asked his face reddening a little. I chuckled at his cute reaction and replied,"I'm 19 this y--- OWWWW!"


There was sudden tug on my hair. I turned back to see Kris gripping onto my hair. When he let go, he picked up Luhan and said something in Chinese both me and Taehee did not understand. Luhan looked like he was going to cry any time soon. So I “stole” him away from Kris, carefully placing him down and said,"Luhan, I'm 19 this year, how about you?" I could see his face brighten a little and said,"10." Then an idea hit me. Why not go to Lotte world together? Wouldn't it be fun with Luhan, Taehee and Kris?


"Hey guys! We should go together as one group! The more the merrier right?" I announced. Kris narrowed his eyes at me and said, "No. You forced me to come here and now you wanna go with this brat?" I ignored his comment and turned to the younger boy and asked, "Luhan would you like to come with us?" A smile spread across his face and nodded his head. He was so cute. Taehee also smiled, Kris wanted to say something but Taehee glared at him and he didn't say another word.


"Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, people of all ages, Lotte world is now open for the day! Please take care and keep young children in sight! Don't forget safety always comes first!" With that announcement made. We had entered Lotte world.






"NOONNAAAAA! LET'S GO TO THE GIANT LOOP AGAIN!!" Luhan shouted getting all hyped up from the fun. He was running everywhere wanting to sit all the rides. Taehee was glad that I was there because she wasn't really brave enough to take all those rides with Luhan. Kris on the other hand was sulking away but still following Luhan and I on the rides.


"Luhan! Look at the photo! Hahahaha! Look at Kris gege!" I said laughing rather hard after looking at the picture. Luhan and I were sitting in the front row of the ride with Kris at the second row. While some people looked scared, some others had fun but there was just one poker face in the photo. Taehee also laughed. "YAH! It's not funny," I looked at him and raised an eyebrow. Then I whispered to Luhan,"Someone's grumpy." He giggled covering his mouth just like it was a little secret between us. Kris, who was still sulking scoffed.


Taehee saw Kris's eyes widened when Luhan had held onto my hand,"That little brat actually made a move on my girl." Taehee hit him on the arm, hard and said,"Yah! Watch your words he's not a brat, he's your cousin and be nice to him, he just wants a friend to play with," Kris rolled his eyes as he watched me and Luhan making our way to "The Conquistador". Kris was getting sick after riding all the rides especially after the giant loop. It just went rounds and rounds and rounds.


There definitely was not enough time to finish all the rides. The last one Luhan wanted to go was the Camelot Carrousel. I thought it would be fun riding it, so I went along and as usual Kris would tag along behind. He was really getting a lot of attention here. All the girls were looking at him and some even went up to ask if he wanted to sit with them. But he shook his head and told them no saying that he was waiting for someone special.


It was that point in time that I felt guilty leaving him alone for the whole day when it was me who asked him to come. So I went over to him and asked,"Honey~ Did you have fun today," he gave me the 'what-the-hell-face' and just rolled his eyes. Then I started doing my aegyo and said, "Honey don't be angry." There was a small smirk tugging on the side of his lips, but he refused to let it turn into a smile. I continued only to earn a painful pinching of cheeks from him, "IM SHOWWWY, I PRMOMISH SHAT I SHWONT CIEVE YOU ALONSHE AGSHAIN." (Translation: I'm sorry, I promise I won't leave you again.)


He smiled and let go, which in return made me smile in return because I had finally seen him cheer up. When Luhan looked over and looked up to ask,"Noona? Do you like Kris gege a lot?" I started blushing really hard and my face got super red, but I nodded knowing that it would be mean of me to not answer. Then Luhan said,"Kris gege do you like Noona a lot?" Then he bent down and said something in Chinese to him,"Wo zhen de hen ai ta, suo yi ni bu ke yi na ta zou." (Trans: I really like her so you can't take her away from me.) Luhan nodded and turned in front and continued waiting for our turn. I looked up at Kris and asked what he had said. He just gave you a small smirk and told me that it meant that I was a big fat idiot and there was no reason to like me. I pouted and said,"You're so mean."


Finally our turn came and I chose a pink horse with laces streaming down the sides. It looked really realistic the hair on it was also really fluffy, I decided to braid the hair when I felt someone from behind getting up the seat. I turned around and saw that it was Kris then he smiling at me, he pecked my cheek. I made a face then turned and looked in front probably looking as red as a tomato. I turned to look Luhan who was sitting on the small horse decorated with blue streamers next to yours. His eyes wider than usual, a sense of curiosity and shock was emitting from the boy. But then he gave me his eye smile and looked back in front waiting for the ride to start.


When the ride started and I felt Kris's hand sneaking up my waist as he held on to me. I leaned back and rested the back of my head on his broad shoulder, turning my head a little I could smell his cologne mixed with a little bit of sweat, but it smelled like him, smelled familiar, almost like it was like the smell of home. He then laughed and said,"Do I really smell that bad,” I immediately got up and turned around, saying,"N-no. I was j-just," he pulled you back down to lean on his shoulder again


“It's fine."


Enjoying the moment while it lasted then I looked around and saw that, there were quite a few couples on the ride too, and children were staring at them. I tilted my head over to check on Luhan and he looked as if he was already ready to sleep, his was constantly nodding off; it was cute.


Kris nuzzled his nose at the nape of my neck. He whispered into your ears,"Wo ai ni." I wanted to turn and asked him what it meant but I decided to let it pass so that both of us would enjoy the moment as of now. I closed my eyes and turned my head to the side to fill my nose with his scent. 


Then he felt heavier.


I opened my eyes and saw that he dozed off already. I wanted to wake him up because the ride looked like it was going to end soon, but he looked so cute and relaxed. I shook your shoulder a bit and he groaned. I chuckled at his reaction. Then I tried it again and this time he said,"Yah, stop it."


“Kris the ride is ending soon."


Once we got off the ride, Kris who carried Luhan on his back, met up with Taehee, who was with another guy. She introduced us to him, apparently his name was Chanyeol and he was Taehee Unnie's boyfriend. Kris held out Luhan and Chanyeol took him and held him patting his head gently as the exhausted young boy fell asleep on him. Taehee unnie had offered to send us to the station because it was a long walk but Kris rejected her offer and said that he would bring me home before he went home. Taehee nodded and patted him on his back. We saw the couple walking off in the distance and waved goodbye.


"So, did you enjoy today?" I asked Kris. He nodded and said,"It was fun watching you and Luhan get closer." Clinging onto his hand as we walked. We kept talking about the rides and how fun it was. Though I was with him the entire day, I felt as if it had been a long time since we last talked. It took us one hour to get to the stop where my house was but it was fine since we kept each other company talking about everything and anything that came to mind. Like how the guy sitting on the seat was dozing off and drool was coming out of his mouth, or the Aunty who was watching Dramas and tearing up on the train.  We talked a lot and laughed a lot. People were staring and some were complaining but we didn't care. It was definitely a moment to treasure.


But that time couldn't last for ever. When we had reached my house, I remembered what he said on the Carrousel. He said,"It means your a stupid moron in Chinese." I rolled your eyes.


"Seriously tell me."


He looked at me in the eye, his face getting closer and I felt his breath on my face as he said,"It means I. Love. You." Emphasizing on each syllabus. His lips touched mine and started kissing you gently. I missed those kind of kisses from him. Long, sweet and meaningful. He pulled away panting a little. Then he said,"Wo ai ni, Jung Chaekyung.”I giggled and hugged him. "Wo ai ni, Kris gege!"  We laughed ending off the night with another last kiss.

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Chapter 1: Nice!
I love it!
Short, simple and you have the pint there. Great, one shot! Congrats!
InspiritHamster #2
Chapter 1: Love it ^~^
pearwaffle #3
nice . make more fanfics ♡
deermao #4
Chapter 1: interesting....