Dear My Wife

                       The noisy lecture hall suddenly became quiet when Madam Rose came in. All of the eyes set focus on the lecturer’s face. Nayoon sat in the middle of the hall and she was still busy dialing Kai's phone number. Kai would reject the call every time his phone rang. And then it directed towards the voice mailbox.

                     Kai was sitting at the right corner of the hall, acted like nothing happened. Both of them are classmates and course mates, in fact they both are from the same faculty.

“Seo Nayoon?” called Madam Rose. She saw that Nayoon was not giving the attention towards her earlier.

“Yes, madam.” Answered Nayoon. Tried to cover her nervous feeling. She quickly hid her handphone inside the bag.

“Please pay your attention, can you?”

“Okay, I’m sorry…” Nayoon raised her hand. Madam Rose replied with a smile. Kai just gave a sidelong glance towards Nayoon.

“I’ve already given you the notes regarding Law and Morality yesterday, right? So, can you please take out all those notes because I just want to go through it very quickly. Simple topic and I guess you can just read it by yourself but never mind… I wanna touch this topic a bit,” Madam Rose started her lecture as usual.

                      But, Nayoon’s mind had already flown away elsewhere. Seeking for the best decision on what exactly does Kai wants. How dare he…


                Nayoon was caught perplexed when Jiyoung slapped her shoulder. She raised her eyebrows, did not understand.

“Madam is asking you…” said Jiyoung chuckling. Nayoon started to become anxious. That morning discussion had come to an end and yet she didn’t pay any attention throughout that session. I’m dead…

“Oh, erm… hurm… I think euthanasia is a type of law where people can choose how they want to end up their life. Usually this applies  in the western countries but for our country, it is only allowed if the patient is terminally ill.” What crap have I been talking about! Screw me!

“Good, Seo Nayoon!” praised Madam Rose. Wow! Crazy! This is just crazy! How come I can get it right in one shot?!

                Kai just smiled. Hmm… not bad for her.

“What else, there is also law for abortion right?” Madam Rose added again.

                Nayoon just wanted to type a SMS to Kai but that one word from Madam Rose’s mouth totally grabbed her attention. Abortion? She quickly touched her stomach. Feeling sad suddenly. So did Kai. He looked at Nayoon.

“In western countries, there is a law that allow women to dissociate their pregnancy but with certain things to be followed. Means that there are several law or rules to be consider first before they can really dissociate their pregnancy.”

“But even in our country, there are many people that abort the baby too,” Lay tried to create an issue.

“Hmm… but it’s not wrong if that person has her own reason.” Madam Rose gave her opinion. Nayoon started to feel like something heavy fell on her shoulder.

“The problem is if that person aborts without any concrete reason. I really don’t understand those type of people. Having without any protection but when it comes to that stage, they’d just throw that baby away. Or to be precise, it’s killing the baby actually…” replied Lay. Kai started to feel like everybody was talking about him.

“Alright class. I think we have to stop now. the topic is getting bigger and far from our lesson today. But I praise you for your opinion. All of you have improve and develop your argumentative skills. Dare to give opinion, response to what other people says… that’s a good thing anyway…” Madam Rose tried to keep the situation calm as possible.


“Nayoon! Yah, Seo Nayoon! Hold on! Please… wait for me…” Kai chased Nayoon who was running down the stairs.

“I don’t want to hear anything from you. Enough is enough! I can’t take it anymore. For this time being, stay away and being separate from each other is the best way…” Nayoon yelled, letting out her anger.

                Kai shook his head.

“Honey, I’m really sorry. I’ve changed my mind. Let’s raise that child together. Just you and I.”

                But he could only muster those words inside his heart. Kai could not cluster them together thus put it in a proper sentence. Guys… their alter ego is as high as the skyscraper in Dubai.

“I hate you, Kim Jongin! Marrying you is my biggest regret!” Nayoon once again shouted.

“Honey… please, don’t be like this…” pleaded Kai. Nayoon was still fast running down the stairs.

“Listen to what I wanna say first!” Finally he manage to catch up with Nayoon. Kai hugged Nayoon as tight as he could. And now he just realized, that it’s really been a long time since the last he hugged his wife.

“I don’t want! Don’t touch me!” Nayoon tried to run away from Kai’s embrace. All the files and books were scattering all over the floor.

“Please… please honey… I’m truly sorry…” Kai still did not give up. He gently kissed Nayoon’s hands. Nayoon tried to pull her hands but something unexpected was happening. One of her legs slipped into one of the stairs. Nayoon fell. She yelled and Kai tried to grab his wife’s hand. But it was too far for him to reach and both of them were rolling down till the end of the stairs together.

“OUCH! Kai-ah, it’s hurts…” said Nayoon while pushing the body that was landing on hers. Kai quickly got up, squatting beside his wife.

“Honey…are you okay? Gosh! Nayoon-ah… you’re bleeding!” Kai started to turn panic. Cold sweats immediately rolled down under his forehead.

                Nayoon quickly took a look at the at her long skirt. Spots of red blood were seen on that silk garment.

“Kai-ah, our baby. Help… please bring me to the hospital. Now! Faster! Faster! Kim Jongin, why are you wasting your time???” Nayoon shouted as loud as she can. Kai was like a dumb person at that time. He quickly carry Nayoon with both of his hands.

“Our child, Kai! This is our child… it’s hurts. Really. Kai, help me…” pleaded Nayoon while sobbing. Kai tried to calm Nayoon down.

“It’s okay honey. Everything is gonna be fine…”

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Andi_Kai #1
Chapter 3: Oh my god! So heart-breaking
HyoMin_Woonie #2
Chapter 3: Nayoon is dead, really, this is the ending right? omo why she dead?? anyway nice ending hehe i cant stand read Nayoon become mad person :3 :)
HyoMin_Woonie #3
Chapter 2: update soon~ :)
MahoganyVine #4
Chapter 2: he never expecting that thing too nayoon, but jongin please can you be more respectable